[2021/4/2 22:32:02.481] Started new log on 2021/4/2 22:32:02.481 [2021/4/2 22:32:02.481] ==================================================================================================== [2021/4/2 22:32:02.476] Log path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log [2021/4/2 22:32:02.481] Log verbosity: Trivial [2021/4/2 22:32:02.483] Initializing input system [2021/4/2 22:32:02.484] Initializing game console [2021/4/2 22:32:02.489] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115) [2021/4/2 22:32:02.527] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount". [2021/4/2 22:32:02.527] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount [2021/4/2 22:32:02.528] Read value: [2021/4/2 22:32:02.529] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey". [2021/4/2 22:32:02.529] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey [2021/4/2 22:32:02.529] Read value: [2021/4/2 22:32:02.529] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold". [2021/4/2 22:32:02.529] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Read value: 60000 [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value. [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput". [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Read value: [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad". [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Read value: [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings". [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Read value: [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Console initialized [2021/4/2 22:32:02.531] Initializing forms manager [2021/4/2 22:32:02.532] Cleaning temp folder [2021/4/2 22:32:02.533] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v1.86.1288.16169 for Grand Theft Auto V [2021/4/2 22:32:02.538] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================ [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.542] Detected Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) (10.0.19041.0)! [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.543] Checking game support [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.630] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.630] Product version: 1.0.2245.0 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.630] Is steam version: True [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.631] Initializing DirectX [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.632] Initializing Direct3D [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.632] Getting game swap chain [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] Swap Chain created: 0x7FF7CD0B9028 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] Swap Chain VTable: 0x1EA191E2AD0 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] 0x748948000FBCC5E9;0x8D48564157552024;0x170EC814890246C [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] D3D11Present: 0x7FFBB1064F80 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFBB10806F0 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFBB10CB0D0 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFBB10824B0 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] Direct3D initialized [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] Initialized DirectX [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.654] Direct3D watcher thread spawned [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.684] Getting device [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.684] Retrieved device [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.684] Creating wrapper [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.728] Wrapper created [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.732] Effect created [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.732] Creating buffer [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.732] Created buffer [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.732] Creating blend state [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.732] Created blend state [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.732] Done with creation [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.763] Initializing texture system. [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.763] Initializing texture system; phase 1 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.763] Initializing texture system; phase 2 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.767] Initializing texture system; phase 3 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.768] Initializing texture system; phase 4 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.775] Initializing texture system; phase 5 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.776] Initializing texture system; phase 6 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.777] Initializing texture system; phase 7 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.778] Initializing texture system; phase 8 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.779] Initializing texture system; phase 9 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.780] Initializing texture system; phase 10 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.782] Initializing texture system; phase 11 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.782] Initializing texture system; phase 12 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.783] Initializing texture system; phase 13 [4/2/2021 10:32:02 PM.783] Initializing texture system; phase 14 [4/2/2021 10:32:07 PM.656] Direct3D watcher thread ended [4/2/2021 10:32:33 PM.877] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support [4/2/2021 10:32:34 PM.128] Initializing game support [4/2/2021 10:32:39 PM.614] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed [4/2/2021 10:32:39 PM.920] Compatibility level: 0 [4/2/2021 10:32:39 PM.920] Supported version detected [4/2/2021 10:32:39 PM.920] ================================================== [4/2/2021 10:32:39 PM.920] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code [4/2/2021 10:32:40 PM.172] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization [4/2/2021 10:32:40 PM.422] Waiting for game initialization [4/2/2021 10:32:40 PM.523] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core [4/2/2021 10:32:40 PM.773] Initializing hook [4/2/2021 10:32:45 PM.795] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.046] Completing interoperability [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.046] Initialization code 1. [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.046] Initialization code 2. [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.046] Initialization code 3. [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.053] 1 Address: 0x00007FF7CAF74098 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.053] Calling func 1 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.067] 2 Address: 0x00007FF7CBB0E3C2 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.067] 3 Address: 0x00007FF7CA545D5E [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Address: 0x00007FF7CBB0E36C [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Unknown var: 0x00007FF7CCB47FD0 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Initialization code 4. [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Initialization code 5. [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 1 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 2 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 3 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 4 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 5 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 6 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] Completing interoperability, phase 7 [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.093] LoadingScreenMsg: [4/2/2021 10:32:46 PM.344] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode [4/2/2021 10:33:48 PM.850] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World [4/2/2021 10:33:49 PM.101] LoadingScreenMsg: [4/2/2021 10:34:04 PM.311] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled". [4/2/2021 10:34:04 PM.311] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled [4/2/2021 10:34:04 PM.311] Read value: [4/2/2021 10:34:04 PM.311] Initializing console variable "TimeScale". [4/2/2021 10:34:04 PM.311] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale [4/2/2021 10:34:04 PM.312] Read value: [4/2/2021 10:34:05 PM.991] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:34:05 PM.992] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:34:05 PM.993] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:34:07 PM.689] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:34:07 PM.690] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:34:07 PM.691] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:34:09 PM.383] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:34:09 PM.384] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:34:09 PM.385] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:34:11 PM.080] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:34:11 PM.081] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:34:11 PM.082] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:34:12 PM.786] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:34:12 PM.787] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:34:12 PM.788] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.548] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.549] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.550] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.587] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Loading AutomaticSirenCutout.ini settings [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.590] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: ASC is enabled. [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.590] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: TrafficLightControl is disabled. [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.590] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: FriendlyHonk is disabled. [4/2/2021 10:34:14 PM.590] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Yielding is disabled. [4/2/2021 10:34:15 PM.281] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started loading LSPDFR [4/2/2021 10:34:15 PM.281] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Running LSPD First Response 0.4.8 (0.4.7688.2267) [4/2/2021 10:34:15 PM.282] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Compiled on 18 Jan 2021 00:15:34 UTC [4/2/2021 10:34:15 PM.282] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Copyright © 2015-2020, G17 Media, www.lspdfr.com [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CopManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.382] Police Tape: [ParksTools] Common Assembly: ParksTools, Version=4.2.7507.7, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.382] Police Tape: [PoliceTape] Mod Assembly: PoliceTape, Version=2.1.7364.41452, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.387] Police Tape: 已Police Tape 作者PNWParksFan ~r~由Chiyo汉化 [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.387] Police Tape: Police Tape 版本 2.1.7364.41452 [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.387] Police Tape: 这个是公开发布的 [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.389] Police Tape: 验证依赖项: RagePluginHook [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.389] Police Tape: 文件 "ragepluginhook.exe" 存在: True [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.394] Police Tape: Version is at least [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.394] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency RagePluginHook (ragepluginhook.exe) [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.394] Police Tape: 验证依赖项: ParksTools [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.394] Police Tape: 文件 "ParksTools.dll" 存在: True [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: Version is at least [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency ParksTools (ParksTools.dll) [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: 验证依赖项: RageNativeUI [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: 文件 "RageNativeUI.dll" 存在: True [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: Version is at least [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency RageNativeUI (RageNativeUI.dll) [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: 验证依赖项: Lenny's Mod Loader (LML) [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.395] Police Tape: 文件 "ModManager.Core.dll" 存在: True [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.396] Police Tape: Version is at least [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.396] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency Lenny's Mod Loader (LML) (ModManager.Core.dll) [4/2/2021 10:34:18 PM.679] Police Tape: [ParksTools] using cached token without checking for new token [4/2/2021 10:34:19 PM.019] Police Tape: 找不到警用警戒线LML包。请检查你是否已安装并启用LML软件 [4/2/2021 10:34:19 PM.019] Police Tape: 由于LML包丢失,警用警戒线现在将退出 [4/2/2021 10:34:34 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Game has stopped loading [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.162] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.169] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/outfits.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 23 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 31 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 64 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 72 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 80 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 111 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 138 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 174 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 207 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 220 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 259 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 273 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 309 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 323 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 363 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 391 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 425 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 453 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 484 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 502 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 529 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 547 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 581 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 615 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 650 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 677 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 711 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 741 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sam.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.270] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Prop ID 0 specified multiple times for Visor Up - m_base [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.282] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.282] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.282] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets_outfits.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 11, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 25 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 25, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 32 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 32, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 39, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 47 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 47, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 56 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 56, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 71, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 85 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 85, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 92 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 92, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 100 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 100, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 115, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 129 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 129, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 136 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 136, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 143 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 143, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 151 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 151, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 160 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 160, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 175, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 189 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 189, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 196 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 196, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 204 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 204, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 219, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 233 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 233, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 240 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 240, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 247 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 247, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 255 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 255, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 264 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 264, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 279, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 293 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 293, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 300 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 300, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 308 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 308, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 403, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 418, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Commander at line 426, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 440, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 461, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 481, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 494 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 494, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 507, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 520 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 520, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 533, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 546 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 546, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 559, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 572 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 572, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 585, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 598 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 598, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 611, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 624 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 624, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 732 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 764 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 796 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 828 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 951 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 976 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1002 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1028 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1054 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1133 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1160 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1187 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1214 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1241 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1268 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1297 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1330 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1363 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1396 [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loaded 138 freemode outfits and 55 preset outfits [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_dept_3 for m_senior [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.688] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Ben J. as character [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.770] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michelle Meto as character [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.771] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.771] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.828] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Cesar Villanueva as character [4/2/2021 10:34:37 PM.985] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding James Willhouse as character [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Kayla Ross as character [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.058] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michael DeSanta as character [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/regions.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.088] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.088] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.088] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/backup.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.100] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.100] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.102] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/agency.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.128] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_bcso.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_dppd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_ems_eup.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.131] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_eup_air.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.131] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_gov.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.132] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_gspd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.133] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lmpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lsap.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lspd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lssd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.136] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_noose.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_pbpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_rhpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.138] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_sahp.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.139] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_sapr.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.139] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_saspa.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.140] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_sspd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.141] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_swat_eup.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.141] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_vppd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.142] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_vwpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.144] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.144] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.144] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/inventory.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.151] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to parse as chance [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.154] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player was in vehicle: False [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.154] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Last selected character was Michael DeSanta, should spawn as last character True [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.154] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loading last selected character Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.156] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Changing current player character to Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.207] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Player Persona voice was empty, generated new as: [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.208] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CharacterSelected: 32 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.208] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Character changed, creating new stats object [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.224] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PedHistoryManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.224] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerCharacterStatsManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.225] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GamePlayer #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.256] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialized telemtry service [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.293] LSPD First Response: We have 3 appartments registered [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.295] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 1893 Grapeseed Ave at: X:264.853 Y:-1000.169 Z:-99.058 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.300] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 1893 Grapeseed Ave, Interior is 149761 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.300] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 0605 Spanish Ave at: X:347.1727 Y:-1001.406 Z:-99.1962 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.301] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 0605 Spanish Ave, Interior is 148225 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.302] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 2874 Hillcrest at: X:-859.5645 Y:688.7182 Z:152.8571 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.302] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 2874 Hillcrest, Interior is 207361 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.302] LSPD First Response: ApartmentManager initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.304] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.304] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #2 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.305] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #3 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.354] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread DiscordRichPresence #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CheckpointManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ApartmentManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.482] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.485] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SpanishAve0605 #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.486] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #2 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.486] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Hillcrest2874 #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.486] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #3 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.486] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread MenuManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.540] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GrapeseedAve1893 #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.631] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #4 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.636] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #5 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.641] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 交互菜单 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.641] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #6 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.643] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 警用电台 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.650] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #7 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.652] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 载具选项 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.658] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #8 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.659] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 库存 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.660] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #9 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.662] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 设置 [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.665] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Requested Audio [4/2/2021 10:34:38 PM.719] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CharacterCreation #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.189] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connecting to LSPDFR Sync [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.248] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.248] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.248] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/stations.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 好麦坞警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 好麦坞警局 (LSPD) at X:638.5 Y:1.75 Z:82.8 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 梅萨警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 梅萨警局 (LSPD) at X:826.8 Y:-1290 Z:28.24 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 罗克福德山警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 罗克福德山警局 (LSPD) at X:-561.65 Y:-131.65 Z:38.21 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 威斯普奇警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 威斯普奇警局 (LSPD) at X:-1108.18 Y:-845.18 Z:19.32 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 市中心警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 市中心警局 (LSPD) at X:450.0654 Y:-993.0596 Z:30 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 戴维斯警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 戴维斯警局 (LSSD) at X:360.97 Y:-1584.7 Z:29.29 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 沙滩海岸警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 沙滩海岸警局 (LSSD) at X:1848.73 Y:3689.98 Z:34.27 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 佩立托警局 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 佩立托警局 (LSSD) at X:-448.22 Y:6008.23 Z:31.72 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 海狸布什护林站 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 海狸布什护林站 (SAPR) at X:379.31 Y:792.06 Z:190.41 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 洛圣都机场办事处 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 洛圣都机场办事处 (NOOSE) at X:-864.61 Y:-2408.92 Z:14.03 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 博林布鲁克监狱 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 博林布鲁克监狱 (SASPA) at X:1846.49 Y:2585.95 Z:45.67 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.269] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component Debug #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.269] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBlips #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.269] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientChases #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.269] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCombatControl #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.269] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameStats #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.270] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientOffDuty #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.270] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientPhotoCamera #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.270] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameScripts #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.271] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawn #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.271] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameStatsManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component EvidenceMarkerManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.273] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameEventManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:39 PM.274] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.132] LSPD First Response: [INFO] No cached credentials, no user login attempt will be made to LSPDFR Sync. [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.132] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Terminal server version: 0.2 [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.133] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connected to LSPDFR Sync via session 8ff8d5b8-9733-4165-bce3-d1d6e5524eed. Enhanced features available. [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.149] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature BaselineTelemetry [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.150] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature LSPDFRSyncOnboarding [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.150] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature PatreonPauseMenuItem [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.637] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.637] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.637] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.641] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.641] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.641] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.663] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player to lspd from last agency [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.663] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player skin from last skin [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.670] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Player Persona voice was empty, generated new as: [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.699] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBlips #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.705] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientChases #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabling ambient game police chases [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.712] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabled ambient game police chases [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameStats #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientOffDuty #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.718] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientPhotoCamera #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:40 PM.718] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameScripts #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameStatsManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.036] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PauseMenu #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SamTesting #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimeEventManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Crime Manager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseMe #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread TrafficStopManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.041] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerChaseManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.044] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ScenarioManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyController #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyBehaviorController #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.046] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.048] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationInterior #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.051] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #4 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.051] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Debug #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.054] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCombatControl #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.055] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawn #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.058] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread EvidenceMarkerManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.062] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameEventManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.066] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AgencySelector #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.121] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player went on duty. [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.128] LSPD First Response: Folder is E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\plugins\lspdfr [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.146] LSPD First Response: 3041175571, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.154] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.159] LSPD First Response: ChiyoCallouts2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.165] LSPD First Response: Chiyo汉化, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.176] LSPD First Response: CodeRedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.176] LSPD First Response: CompuLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.178] LSPD First Response: CountyCalls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.179] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.179] LSPD First Response: EMS Callouts By ConnorFTW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.179] LSPD First Response: Callout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.179] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.180] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.180] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.180] LSPD First Response: StopThePed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.185] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.191] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.191] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.194] LSPD First Response: UnitedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.195] LSPD First Response: WoutersCalloutsV, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.198] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.199] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: _3041175571.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.199] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CalloutManager.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.226] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Chiyocallouts2.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.226] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ChiyoCallouts2.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.233] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Chiyo.main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.267] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: APIExample.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.267] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CompuLite.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.358] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CountyCalls.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.358] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‭‎‍‫‌‏‍‎​‌‏‪‫‍‏‬‌‌‌‌‍‭‏‏‮‎‮ [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.392] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: PROJECT_NAME.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.393] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.393] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‏‬‫​‎‭‍‫‬‌‏‏‪‌‭‏‪‎‎‮‭‪‮ [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.421] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: LSPDFRCN.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.421] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: BqOQSNebwlPbxttJPl.N1oK0it4I5QJevUS4D [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common verifying update entry for Police SmartRadio [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.453] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‎‬‬‎‫‏‍‬‬‌‍‫‍‮‪‮‬‍‭‏‫‪‫‌‬‭‭‮ [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.492] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Traffic_Policer.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.492] LSPD First Response: Creating Traffic Policer.Main. [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.493] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common verifying update entry for Traffic Policer [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.493] LSPD First Response: Done with Traffic Policer.Main. [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.493] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UK_Callouts.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.493] LSPD First Response: LOADED PLUGIN [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.493] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‭‬‭‮‮‌‫‬‮​‮‎‏​‍‌​‫‫‬‮‌‏‭‎‮‮ [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.534] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UnitedCallouts.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.560] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: WoutersCalloutsV.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.560] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: YobbinCallouts.Main [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.561] LSPD First Response: Callout Manager by PieRGud successfully loaded. [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.566] LSPD First Response: Error while initializing plugin: Chiyocallouts2.Main: Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'. at System.MulticastDelegate.ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance() [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.566] at System.MulticastDelegate.CtorClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr) [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.566] at Chiyocallouts2.Main.Initialize() in C:\Users\chiyo\source\repos\Chiyocallouts2\ChiyoCallouts2\ChiyoCallouts2\Main.cs:line 83 [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.566] at LWTfPtbaZEaYqKuhoHXfbsDDlMpTB.vmLXawqwvoDQaJrWNMVjIzMJQhaW() [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.567] LSPD First Response: Chiyo Callouts2测试版1.0.0.2 已加载 [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.567] LSPD First Response: 去上班加载 Chiyo Callouts2测试版 Plugin. [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.567] LSPD First Response: Chiyo汉化加载成功 [4/2/2021 10:34:42 PM.567] LSPD First Response: 斯科特的Callouts插件加载!汉化;高风亮节的人 [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.699] LSPD First Response: Plugin CompuLite v1.5.2.0 has been initialized. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.699] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load CompuLite [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.700] LSPD First Response: County Callouts alpha - Plugin loaded! [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.700] LSPD First Response: Modification by: Adam DeLuca [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.700] LSPD First Response: County Callouts 已加载 LSPDFR 0.4.8. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.703] LSPD First Response: Loading Deadly Weapons config. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.709] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons: Config loaded. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.709] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons by SuperPyroManiac has been initialised. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.709] LSPD First Response: Go on duty with LSPDFR to start the plugin. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.710] LSPD First Response: ========================================EMS Callouts by ConnorFTW Loaded======================================== [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.710] LSPD First Response: ========================================EMS Callouts by ConnorFTW LML Loaded===================================== [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.710] LSPD First Response: ========================================EMS Callouts by ConnorFTW All Callouts loaded==================================== [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.711] LSPD First Response: ================JaRm Callouts===================== [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.711] LSPD First Response: JaRm Callouts中文网www.lspdfrcn.com [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.711] LSPD First Response: ================================================== [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.712] PoliceSmartRadio, developed by Albo1125, loaded successfully! [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.712] Special thanks to FinKone for the inspiration and OfficerSquare for the default UI. [4/2/2021 10:34:43 PM.712] Please go on duty to start Police SmartRadio. [4/2/2021 10:34:44 PM.774] LSPD First Response: Plugin StopThePed v4.9.4.1 has been initialized. [4/2/2021 10:34:44 PM.774] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load StopThePed [4/2/2021 10:34:44 PM.774] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer, developed by Albo1125, has been initialised. [4/2/2021 10:34:44 PM.774] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to start Traffic Policer - Traffic Policer.Initialise done. [4/2/2021 10:34:44 PM.774] LSPD First Response: 英国标注 2.2.7, 由Bledyn Welch开发,已经加载成功. [4/2/2021 10:34:44 PM.774] LSPD First Response: ~b~汉化高风亮节的人. [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.859] LSPD First Response: Plugin UltimateBackup v1.8.5.0 has been initialized. [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.859] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load UltimateBackup [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.861] LSPD First Response: Loading Config file from UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.931] LSPD First Response: WoutersCalloutsV Plugin loaded! [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.931] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts 1.1.0 by YobB1n has been loaded. [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.974] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Ambient #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.986] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ArrestManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:45 PM.989] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.148] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Update Available for Yobbin Callouts. Installed Version 1.1.0New Version 1.3.1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.148] LSPD First Response: We have 2 callouts registered [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.149] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.150] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] WorldEventManager: Allowing up to 1 events [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.156] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.158] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.164] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Model preloading enabled [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICET [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF2 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEB [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FBI2 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEOLD1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEOLD2 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading BUZZARD [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLMAV [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FROGGER2 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading AMBULANCE [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FIRETRUK [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 1B06D571 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 1D073A89 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 60EC506 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 678B81B1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 3656C8C1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.167] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 83BF0278 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.173] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersonaSearch #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component StudyStatistics #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCharacterManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientEvidenceManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.179] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Aaron Colt [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.179] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Marcus Duke [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.180] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Danny Greek [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.180] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Lauren DaVello [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.190] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeOutside Start: 07:30:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 08:00:00 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.190] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingToWork Start: 08:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 09:00:00 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.190] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingHome Start: 13:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 14:00:00 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.190] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeInside Start: 14:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 07:30:00 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersistentCharacterManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PlayerInvestigationManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.196] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component WorldPropManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.199] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientTrafficStop #1 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.200] LSPD First Response: In traffic policer duty event handler: True [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.202] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Starting update checks. [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.202] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Not checking for updates until 4/3/2021 8:43:53 PM [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.205] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common.dll starting standard dependency check for Traffic Policer [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.207] LSPD First Response: SCID:/XxxxV_/ [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.209] LSPD First Response: GAME VERSION: 1.0.2245.0 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.209] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer compatibility warning: The current game version is newer than 1.0.1604.1 and may or may not be incompatible due to RPH changes. Use at own risk. [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.210] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer compatibility warning: Different LSPD First Response.dll version detected, use at your own risk! This mod was made for LSPDFR 0.4.2 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.212] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common detected RAGEPluginHook version: 1.86 [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.212] LSPD First Response: Dependency check for Traffic Policer successful: True [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.231] LSPD First Response: Found 11 callout plugin(s) with a combined total of 99 callout(s). [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.240] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.241] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Gino Mendez [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.261] LSPD First Response: Registering callout bwHUD9YKduRuDnA9Ux.U1OAK4P6wHjnvB4b1B [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.261] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.shizong [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.261] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.cuifo [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.261] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.fulankelin [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.261] LSPD First Response: Registering callout KExNBolvP1hhXMPhmh.lxJiMqgJikFyPnOB2G [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.261] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.Taipingyang [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.StolenTanker [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.StolenMoneyTruck [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.IndecentExposure [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.ViciousDog [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.RefusalToPay [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.355] LSPD First Response: System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'Numpad1' was not found. [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.355] at System.Enum.TryParseEnum(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase, EnumResult& parseResult) [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.355] at System.Windows.Forms.KeysConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value) [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.355] at CountyCallouts.CountyCalloutsHandler.LoadInitialisationFileValues() [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.355] LSPD First Response: Error loading CountyCalls INI. Please replace file! Default values set. [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.ChaseCallout [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.AnimalHit [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.DeputyCheck [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Offroading [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.MethLab [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Unstable [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientTrafficStop #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersonaSearch #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.499] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldEventManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.507] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread BoundlessInformant #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.508] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.516] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread StudyStatistics #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.517] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCharacterManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.518] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientEvidenceManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.520] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersistentCharacterManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.521] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerInvestigationManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.522] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldPropManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.523] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer is not in beta. [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.527] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer.Mainloop started [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.527] LSPD First Response: Loading Traffic Policer settings... [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.OwnerWanted [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.OwnerWanted [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.OwnerWanted [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DrugsRunners [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DrugsRunners [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DriverUnderTheInfluence [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DriverUnderTheInfluence [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.545] LSPD First Response: 已成功加载Albo1125的交通警察! [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.566] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimesMenu #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:34:50 PM.582] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer Speed Checker started. [4/2/2021 10:34:53 PM.590] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Citations.xml has been successfully loaded [4/2/2021 10:34:53 PM.602] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Charges.xml has been successfully loaded [4/2/2021 10:34:54 PM.027] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.ChaseCallout [4/2/2021 10:34:54 PM.027] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.AnimalHit [4/2/2021 10:34:54 PM.027] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.DeputyCheck [4/2/2021 10:34:54 PM.027] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Offroading [4/2/2021 10:34:54 PM.027] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.MethLab [4/2/2021 10:34:54 PM.027] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Unstable [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unconscious [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Car [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cool [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.tornado [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.person [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unknown [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.sinking [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unconscious [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Car [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cool [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Crash [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.538] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.tornado [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.person [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unknown [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.sinking [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.possible [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cooler [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Choking [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Man [4/2/2021 10:34:57 PM.539] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.broken [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Callout: Kidnapping loaded [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Kidnapping [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Callout: Barfight loaded [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Bar [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Callout: Freeway loaded [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Freeway [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Homeless [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.NoiseComplaint [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.714] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Starting update checks. [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.715] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Not checking for updates until 4/3/2021 8:43:53 PM [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.715] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common.dll starting standard dependency check for Police SmartRadio [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.716] LSPD First Response: GAME VERSION: 1.0.2245.0 [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.717] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio compatibility warning: The current game version is newer than 1.0.1604.1 and may or may not be incompatible due to RPH changes. Use at own risk. [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.717] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio compatibility warning: Different LSPD First Response.dll version detected, use at your own risk! This mod was made for LSPDFR [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.718] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/ButtonScroll.wav [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.718] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/ButtonSelect.wav [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.718] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/PlateCheck/TargetPlate1.wav [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.718] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/PanicButton.wav [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.718] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/GeneralConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.719] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/ControllerConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.719] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/KeyboardConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.719] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/DisplayConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.719] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/PanicButton.ini [4/2/2021 10:34:58 PM.720] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common detected RAGEPluginHook version: 1.86 [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.002] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.002] LSPD First Response: Dependency check for Police SmartRadio successful: False [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.Assault [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.AssaultOnOfficer [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.AbandonedVehicle [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DrugBust [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.StolenVehicle [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.KnifeCrime [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DangerousDriving [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.LargeFight [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.SearchAndArrest [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.036] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DeadBody [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.075] LSPD First Response: UB: DEFAULT REGIONS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.077] LSPD First Response: UB: CUSTOM REGIONS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.082] LSPD First Response: UB: SPECIAL UNITS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registered SkinnyDipping [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.SkinnyDipping [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registered SuspiciousParkedVehicle [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.SuspiciousParkedVehicle.SuspiciousParkedVehicle [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registered HEMSAssistance [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.HEMSAssistance [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registered Trespassing [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.Trespassing [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registered IllegalProtest [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.IllegalProtest [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Registered FleeingSuspect [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.FleeingSuspect [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered SuicideAttemptJumper [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.SuicideAttempt.SuicideAttemptJumper [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered RobberyAlarm [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.RobberyAlarm.RobberyAlarm [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered SnowballFight [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.Winter.SnowballFight [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered VehicleIntercept [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.VehicleIntercept.VehicleIntercept [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered LSTAssistance [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.LSTAssistance [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered TaxiFareEvader [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.TaxiFareEvader.TaxiFareEvader [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registered RefusedPassenger [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.RefusedPassenger [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.103] LSPD First Response: ==========YOBBINCALLOUTS INFORMATION========== [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.103] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts by YobB1n [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.103] LSPD First Response: Version 1.1.0 [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.103] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts Config Installed by User. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: StopThePed is Installed by User. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: Please Join My Discord Server to Report Bugs/Improvements: https://discord.gg/Jv6D3Wa. Enjoy! [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: ==========YOBBINCALLOUTS INFORMATION========== [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.BrokenDownVehicle [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Broken Down Vehicle Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.AssaultOnBus [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Assault on Bus Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.TrafficBreak [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Traffic Break Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.ResidentDispute [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Unwanted Photography Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.104] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SwitchToCharacter: Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.107] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.107] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:34:59 PM.107] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets.xml [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.418] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, developed by Bleddyn Welch, has been loaded successfully! [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] =============================================== UnitedCallouts Information ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.DrugDeal [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: DrugDeal loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.StolenTruck [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: StolenTruck loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.StolenBus [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: StolenBus loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.KillerClownWasSeen [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: KillerClownWasSeen loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‌​‫‌‌‮‭‏‏​‪​‭‭​‬‏‬‏‎‌‮‌‍‫‮ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: GangAttack loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ​‌‮‬‍‭‬‍​‮‏‬‎‮‏‏‮‬‬‎‫‮‌‫‮‮‮ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: MoneyTruckIsRobbed loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‬‍‫​​‮‎​‌‭‎‏‫‪‍‫‌​‭‎‏‮ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Fighting loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.DrugDealer [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: DrugDealer loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‫‭‫‪‏‬‫‫‪​‏‫‏‮‪‪‌‎‎​‪‬‮‎​‫‮ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: StolenEmergencyVehicle loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.PersonWithKnife [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: PersonWithKnife loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‎‬‏‏‏‏‫‬‮‎‪‮‭‮‬‬​‌‬‫‍‪‮‫‮ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: StolenEmergencyVehicle2 loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ArrestWarrant [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: ArrestWarrant loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.troublemaker [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: troublemaker loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ArmoredPerson [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: ArmoredPerson loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ShotsFired [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: ShotsFired loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.Bicycle [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Bicycle loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.WelfareCheck [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: WelfareCheck loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.K9Backup [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: K9Backup loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.store [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: store loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.TrafficBackup [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: TrafficBackup loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ​‮‬‮‮‫‫‮‌‬‭‏‍‏‎‪‮‮‬‌‮‮​‎‫‍‏‍‮ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] LSPD First Response: Hostages loaded [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] =============================================== UnitedCallouts Information ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.437] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] =============================================== UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [LOG]: Callouts and settings loaded succesfully. [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [LOG]: The config file loaded succesfully. [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [VERSION]: Detected Version: [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [LOG]: Checking for newest version. [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] =============================================== UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.438] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.465] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.846] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.api: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/LSPDFRCNVersion?name=Y4t2KkIewpmHCpgtIKU0T8eBxvwa61uYL4sdNLY5K4x2nsGH6t228mz9AzHvlv1bExWb4O1sWSheR2CMwtC7%2bnktfd0aiB2ims1ALPm0WWttE5a1qZmgwb6s6PN3bqlF12fwHyQyqYnKxMD5Je5DyddggyJ%2fIpZrFrlGoJycB9dPuVUMPOTLDtnECUAlhpXRdb%2btzpVwTi%2ftsUlf7SOyu9Dc6Jnzlp1A0Y6wPMgxLTROI4nmtI0QCIFggTWK%2f1hsCnZOJydpXHnPGSz5metzda8q%2flYKhgTsb913V01Lw5k5VInpAYHnkij8Pq0WBQ8dEYV6wVSxclMFG%2bn1SIyfTQ%3d%3d] [NrGakNaK9FH+WKKcA5Hy79Q6KLkxl4pAixYZG9AUyWNKZ5EZLi0lDju/OajaPlLgg2RjRi80q1C9eQG8F7doeMVIRg5SljV84+Xm/CKYJUULNHH6h31+9M4V9p1LcVyH8Wwt7TmuhnQksckvArhAPdmwM/cq12BubUuune+sPT6dHOQ3UjdVo76zd1ggDGTFQBwoiTFt3LmrqEmwIUlIEOdxrfoik4blV9RWR6ht/ffkbaLKeIQZonnNkeK2jfXCi9rPEFCt/+4RyWJJCYmX68Jetsvfv0K6tk3lKgzuGzltkE9eTvvFLbWT46bLDn3ij0DEYx0MPYuHg4UbrKExvw==] [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:35:00 PM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.178] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.180] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:-851.6671 Y:56.01229 Z:51.22959 [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.208] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.214] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.274] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kirk Morrison (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.371] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.380] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVersion?ver=oZDXJnI%2bsrSVgEoaBjgOsnVOEhNqwqw4uV2VRVy4n9r2tHaCTLJCgP5xJaIDjwzZm7s3OG3M%2fK%2bL2V2Z1x5B7p5uJNWIrmqPp79mbHDpVYT1X739uqHUrb8cFKlf4jYfbrAkPvOtBamcedTwJWpeCgoBEwRiH%2bWpGUwz2PFvdLJMhr2vEmkXBdUVcgeS33Eddpr63dtCtlDJoCXFV%2borXtqmeJoN72U7KBk9J%2fFzgM7J8Al0sSGZRWj6yREPoE4pwpE9Oo3%2fZmQqTzrBxn5miZnTCARBCOVEGxNZiN5RBea0hGPnD1MZUoXl4l%2bevld%2fbwGHuzZCFeJfdGEpa7A3NA%3d%3d] [E/3q3rAJt13yWBGlQHnVrM8plzcsbHf7AGAL0P4VJ1xu6dbw3/6qwsEUd5EiPgkEh7eMXtNBipVeTeBemO6FhrGJYnGC4u/QD1F/KPIdub79jYUZQ9Y+r24uCohR7ylwUTlDkyGLAufCwYMekBHrSJ+PFRFFnX05Pod24tKISU3W31t+hn4nTDY4iN6RjddG4O9NFSm+NVYHalVtKRHPWPVSsXpWWA2fkUPZKwoeC3MIT3E+coujx8Oq2EM14ik90FButfGDkUr5Gnu6TTYLD+wubpoyzcQgzGSuLKwhKpMzjWEZjwuGNmKbdFnnIqyIn3BrVk+UKiwPr4MtXx9D3A==] [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.384] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris McKenzie (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.403] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.911] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] GamePlayer::ChangeCharacter: Same character [4/2/2021 10:35:01 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting player switch [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.411] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to transport [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.427] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.427] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 1 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.427] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to coroner [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 2 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to tow [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 3 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to insurance [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 4 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to animal [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.428] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 5 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to trafficstop [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 6 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to felonystop [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 7 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to k9backup [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 8 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to spikestrips [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 9 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to roadblock [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 10 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.431] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to female [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 11 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to panic [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 12 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to groupbackup [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 13 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to ambulance [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 14 [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to firedept [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:04 PM.432] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 15 [4/2/2021 10:35:06 PM.911] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player switch done [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.249] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPCustom?ver=chNnU8rgp2QTTvLzSp%2fkIBxD52lbVpJXnK2ZaUX7T1Cji6uVjfPJbDEUWlih9dZ4EIFvVcNL92%2ftx7WIeilRGEUo58VZgwE03L4UBUuAP8iGbw3bfzgrtZufcdqSLf4Q7j4FHAJpFIPD51q%2b35Zi%2fSdc6oECCObHFywEH6m6vd8E1tz1oY7Wix082KK5XrGDdhFAlJP1PbMpV%2fwDbsr0oui1yJN0Ecca5mpEwPGcU59Vwq9BNZNkzHv5ALnm83dEQKkE08SDwhPrvo%2faYRZ9ntqejsNnuWo0QfVIeBc6o1DDpQp5YWlvvxtKq3Rrr8hJUjk%2f9fERCHsrxs6N4Cj88g%3d%3d] [BxH1CoG0ZWqvsYJx6fNocmEOpki2rk8nnfnY+7Fg8fwCJDTYeuhSi6YDb9BkYOGceAbBqqPK8bQk/psZ7KFlx2PIgXv2WVqlGj/r/LgiVdwUJcLIrLmuLEA9knlA30+AwSAacn+3t/5nvDzq+RXMvJ5zYtB54fvetpVVddWIEYkcnXg+oTeU6FoUW5rvDgOpa2URlEcticYdefhOWUUndE2wf/XP1+DSZKSEO6rN5R1EaxztwU9Nkj+vOmoMBc0eF8uOM767B9/Y3W09MWEi+OtQpQBDbvVhjdSAtsuARzxieX+l4GqW6hql307wu4xqvUg7FVmlj5YLefLhvmvctg==] [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.644] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.646] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 1: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.678] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 1: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.818] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.821] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 2: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.851] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 2: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.954] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.957] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 3: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:07 PM.989] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 3: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.096] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.098] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 4: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.134] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 4: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.222] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.225] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 5: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.256] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 5: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.360] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.363] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 6: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.394] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 6: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.524] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.527] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 7: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.558] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 7: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.647] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.649] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 8: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.679] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 8: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.824] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 9: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.856] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 9: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.962] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.966] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:08 PM.995] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.166] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.171] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.363] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.367] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.398] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:35:09 PM.744] LSPD First Response: ExitButton pressed. [4/2/2021 10:35:11 PM.521] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: Starting PlayerShotFiber. [4/2/2021 10:35:11 PM.521] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: Starting CustomAIFiber. [4/2/2021 10:35:11 PM.546] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: Starting ProcessFiber. [4/2/2021 10:35:11 PM.747] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVerifyCode?code=S2s5i%2bZbIccyRncJH4q%2bqgl8PBlipnab29JD866gQAOM%2fZQdpvVjmX%2fOqnv0ynl0apTkj46%2fg%2fJKjUZCOh2dGZ36imor1qPjDBbf6qqUO1nXgqCLc%2fqXmGqUbAam1el9tnnHMlSoNI16Zmk7tcGMw0C%2byA2NPLZRCNf%2b9WghtcNF5NKbXE%2frSKcLA%2fj0NUpho2xHt3UG63BBaKpq%2bE09T%2bxd1q5qz24Haef4I%2b3W3KROuNiKNYAAtEei7hJ%2f%2fIlDIk01HG2l6DgJrJUSS8KMVN1xGj7f0C57e%2bvq%2bHBMZfsOt0CrI2adueBAltH8ON%2bhTTCEnTED6QqpGAcyvTTtfQ%3d%3d&ver=FHUD9gP9o7%2f%2fwrKhMdlG5Pe%2f%2fyICbfyOrUSXHR%2ffZUIar9VxVOkDzlX6jDVlxLZbwVXG9Oixp7fQaixTTNWhXCQ8g9ZFE8egur%2b0Wdz6p%2f7fNb0E89vRVsMZbwq57n8Ak3v1KAw6rSfDi1rg%2fbal7IRn%2fjB%2bRF6xMHbMZJYx67VtWElSBkGW9hX9UzuI2bWf1zmM0C7bjjwl0hLSQ%2bA%2b5M8tc0wxXTSupTbJxXjif%2fC2SAf6CHlzacechJvXsfGVXAPWggcQSiJkLlgrsqgqh7mW3LCRy5VqJ4E8jnQj6L%2bIcugKxcMVeAUIRLXG4YnCd7Ez58lFbtYN34%2bM%2fHpbhw%3d%3d] [KW2gi5BBSBpSlewLcrwXBUvIActDIcwLcrTNYLks5uDYPJT75cCBns19136eaD+baZ7loc4GyvDEwA6RWnZfyLWWvClTRtoYvQehRfuDbIKEb+4F5/nksPrdyKYnAxb6tlXqxUI18MByDGp6Beqy8vDdEHnNMT0jJRWJE03xV1C2E8/H6/C8ec0hgs3l9wHBBZEp8BwhzyDYCq3zcU2S2abh4nCHY9CcFfFtWsxCzJNRCjZwlXc3g947iqtYxfhXSNlFaVnVk6A4LkxU+t3i2NVr12b9xBl9IvhfLng0WZ/6I9P+KUdT8v9ruKrpL2qsQi4dyiCcHQeAx5aDth80dQ==] [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.033] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.033] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:718.4908 Y:-92.45387 Z:55.53461 [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.051] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.056] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Evan Misso (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.068] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.073] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.079] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aleksi Kirby (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:12 PM.093] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:35:14 PM.707] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLVersion?ver=jXk96Ev2I0zP%2f7bX%2fSVsZveLwZ2X298jfRg60d7MbhOhCFklRNo5GocmIukCPr7GFn4jIT91QumTkkXWCGQnCFM6U%2bepC4XtaLAvG5Rcj6p%2fVNQP20zCj6z83y1znVffv%2fnGuZG7R2lFxS5XoxSbej5SSKPLAjqzFM5HpzGQxsKqf9HCe1bfBqmWEh%2fJqRpPyZkuEWmfT44IbUykTAa8lnSUSFXtxT2Xn%2bQnZz7So2ZTAVFgwznQpexsp%2f939aZ7g%2f7B%2fuLFVmkbh309YGsHL0qqkamMIYFqJPPF0AokmspOt6FrcvhNKmFG6EBUB8fOcJuvrC925UHYUO2ArXS6YA%3d%3d] [Fxlq8vM5bhTQxJ4BVgQS38whRNJy+1B+4X6C3jGhp5MGTPXjFIY/RY/wqd43WvViSvcYrysC5m5c16dZLlFZUMRs20XvtdYRDGrMivWxQYk30z9xqxcgH+w6Y3cCQVxEwRwHEOcE3xOq/auu9wUxBO09rypvrwbLql12ZVfF1qIWonJJasnSOxWpJrB9cA9dY8UheBj7BSBh0tWbYqEVLxJxB2Fv6yoI9ZZElzHb46xD5yBJM/qqVUSVmJlHD3Ij6CuYNd5Kbas4K9mzDFjvWeRsh05P4WKzAI6DDq88oqVmEBWJC2FFcsDAX2mJMroyJRBZ4H7twCTad5NwZtyfPQ==] [4/2/2021 10:35:20 PM.482] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLCustom?ver=dui%2b5DG62aAvsGs7T2o8evC3UHb031oxUq4ZXpLnPYGUFiE8EHGFmeTs2zpbR8sGDPKLMhnJuhLrSqC9ny%2bE9EgdHR1NFwUncXFcaldlYg8PcmPDzVUxTRiaaZjuG6ZH209JBAW8fzvbn1nGksVtndUgWTMOyKyOeg5udhyFMCUnzhENgtgVhLIhTcgjmjb3jhVVWszUKVPoBMXb1wcGofiGvDvr19xhkW7N%2ffN1bEHdYY0wDNwO4DIowjjDByWrIlvQtbi3oOcnkr2h%2bfYy%2fJWhqbiz0eSxxGn1Cjiun8a7zQYrqlMPdZMZc%2fXJKS3lDxgYKKesD%2b9jquh60ShJAQ%3d%3d] [LGxtxHgx7Sxqi9lvZGrEAvvAcU3MzwriLeWB6XV7KYzCBk76aranShHmLlnTe2VFbDceLACnUcjdV/tiZ9pg7FbObnXPqJPt+7X7bF/lPA+fsO/c//FSOkl6UZGM6FEXTY5QjeIxCqs8UmIUZj/GLA13JSWx8kwCcVMjIDjTG0Rb8g8LqpciSymxgISVtMyPOk4ycq9IzIHLqOP5dnKFXv8zPKZHtquDHTCReasay2/TeBMDFV7OrHa4B0g0z4ZnaQAmL2amsx2Jk0hAWS4u5/iHTJyAZ3K321jY2OzMOTfah7OWlDL0TLM9LsarXV/chorfs0zOgBe6PraZDJ6lBQ==] [4/2/2021 10:35:21 PM.703] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVersion?ver=c0AhvFSM4a0BoZgR%2bYG%2bRUZsIhPay99ZgFIjC%2fb3nwtFPwO0oAOC4dvC9vrohk%2bgcMTxI8iWMDxfmWpVk3WBfoi8rt6iboQ5S8d2H9jnUU4HDfEcMVESmSThnfGE5cpY0f2x8K1v9ny5cEnEhqKNEiD4R9r0iIPVqhdQaqXa5M%2br%2bqdyIHYCfSwkYBbWBkFjoN4WwUfBHZTrizDRZJEk9gXvZolDdljVJdg6XXf5ffXGKssmqNgH6tbEN6G6sh5WX%2biwGekRI8%2bHwHxcdxbRNnZ3f2r9fbmNj%2bzdQqGxzIBJ2BEBJvWEKzhEKLsdRvoNQhh2FsStIvXgKfGtEHB4uQ%3d%3d] [NuDIiLAQyMFKAKrSvzUGZmZeEppWCnc4+l0EG2XTr3uO9hfuTlWCiQ+M3ZjSg7mVSJVsjeJUxYw6f82xPRCsMPxXgeaGG8HICRruU6WEldoSZkTeMsLBRYLz3SDyZWGaTLvHjCmnuXurxEEwCTszIZltYQQfsohZkhWEEprPYgY2SJem6b69jDflin7419ZyzGsAZryY2olQ8nmagZUa1MuB1t0B+YYDf+0dsYaBY/jiY/MEAWVpoex96DitKifE5pPvIenIiEuodX3wcplRGvbUZmZeljwEcuBCYI+v1EE2H0b7yUBNaZYWATyhdaTDaOv+RhBSFtq1QBfD983aeQ==] [4/2/2021 10:35:24 PM.720] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLVerifyCode?code=e8GY%2fmpZ%2fh4UthptrayTmKaHrV5minWXxs00HLKqT%2bLQ0bIGyxJ%2f2UHM2vIC7%2brmZdkM%2fGVhYU99XNCiQ7uRO6LITk%2f6KUosnKgQpSBjTZ3ZNURQiR%2fNki1oOTe5TnqyBf74j6h2DPW%2fHmcOxTX5M%2fWNOmmPH%2boePZ7xVUCBMlwQmSdjZ1SotZdeo6o5oiUq9%2bnSb2APtflxEmkQECgPbHe28BCR9tV2Qr34ZExOxnOsr%2b%2bUPmfbnnnks1zkZbawIqHMRuNWlP3GGhDp%2fRz0APV9COioeNRzkZeBBZJwqnPo2o5Fc4dZqBRF0WGY844jIe8maLIxZb3JixU9oCBp7g%3d%3d&ver=GwNHUOQEUwuMwBz2TRLu7ZopM7iO2BTMD6EOq09tbsPiub3dubmwSj5xnxvnEPMws73%2b0LBfH9fFlIpi3E3LXF6b1CR8FwT%2f6bUqFKfCjYZTxIPisIcAc1sE8GddBy6k4qj77L6cjIPcrXtHe%2fvoiJ43C%2fsw87KaRXDhXayRlMFxqOSfRZw%2ffSwrH6NL47F2ILL6CWYKTrvS1NlDiIm6FvpiL9R8mMJloh4Y82ypnC0jKPv8YhpIJRmOLPfmlHaU%2fcUQxpdhXQH8BDIvJEfXdkkBrKel41CY6bYyIIURyMW5eFOxug3wtyLqCI3JPWb7eccK0j%2fQxTiaYj93Ydr1Bw%3d%3d] [Cs0aUzNYHavKhh9dbQU2YlrOFJZcHesZ2Pwqw264YEEl8NT/M0Mv3d5z353qFoReOvHCRYFSSh8CVbGDrNzi41c7M4L5G7WxDXv4blIwSyE8OtNamH+8mLK6GxZJ5xDPyzrIBT2rjVNz6RML+nMMsB5wzLtVx+RFtjNWukK/Nu6G5X8gizHRH9NWzlZ9SeX97uXpVRZfqlH0k3wUotZr2P0qycNUBa1KW35q2v4G42yaTYbLRvxIZkzuEgdoK7kRBXEvbbcd9/VaBO6/YXBd6hyuzRp84zMFlfuSY4SlMsLwOHa1bKsx883zpx6L9FKtWPiwyksl9cydAqGX5nYlSQ==] [4/2/2021 10:35:25 PM.818] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lauren Gardiner killed by Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:35:25 PM.820] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lauren Gardiner (A_F_Y_VINEWOOD_04) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:35:25 PM.843] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Drowning at Spine3. Could see player: False [4/2/2021 10:35:25 PM.843] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [4/2/2021 10:35:26 PM.729] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBCustom?ver=g%2beiw4naH%2bWyQ%2fpDj%2bxT7Uk5c6b%2fSw2A8PJt6iwTUVkKwxKE24ExtMdQdltI%2byzdeqiXERVbBSjxYeuuh56Q7Y%2fRVDc%2b9IZQKcd7yunC3TwFy5tVuSsLNQhniJzl%2bRL4z9wCwvgjxKWzeMh9s0y%2fYS9Wp71K520QYmZwo3XB%2fxZU2w1XUJnCqRMfFX3Ho6UeQwD0tbdVmSQjUY%2bnS7QYurzPDwik7GaAWPY20tb8CAPsXDJfAiVn6R0YFBlxZ1PERxmKvAAuOp5RBZQ2JMSa8tTxgjtA0EYUH70mSj1CyO7%2fNJEhWQrPd0RyeeJ7m%2b4IerGen7GmuuTXG99vGbaPRA%3d%3d] [qyTt6yamf6GxWpvs8x9Cr9BDpN5JhG+kJoimPNpQ0bz77bQ8b6xc808DisxOYGjONxfRQ5sJ275Rtyr9mwxY9jHh/CkbZk8zzaVYjeGGZwp/0sorQLPPN2yjvs2+SPsCX+fmkO/UrU3CcMi/J1eRSdBbxhAjtcwJWtOgLtYJkDu9ZTHavX5KKy/mhLuTB4onuPsa09frmZglku/HU9p46e8RFdbvlBJHY4NgTK4qRQVkrqzBl9LQlH6Be1Qu5GVHuo8RlpPyPHuO4D6Rxk/dMjwlzSWqaxdexa6SAeU9z9+fqL9Jn4oqcI12qQ5Hj2RE0KhL55biOnTSgnekt8dRaA==] [4/2/2021 10:35:26 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andrew Parkerson (A_M_Y_HIPSTER_03) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:35:26 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Drowning at Neck. Could see player: True [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.059] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.059] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police3 at X:451.5615 Y:-52.29002 Z:76.8486 [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.098] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.103] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.104] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.105] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.109] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dev McCord (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.123] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.129] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Harry Fowl (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:27 PM.149] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police3 [4/2/2021 10:35:28 PM.333] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael DeSanta (PLAYER_ZERO) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:35:29 PM.958] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andrew Parkerson (A_M_Y_HIPSTER_03) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:35:29 PM.959] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Drowning at Spine3. Could see player: True [4/2/2021 10:35:31 PM.745] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVerifyCode?code=jHbXv76f3J2FI0OM03bo04%2bgNqgH2Uqm4m2GhWFNBNMAKpgyLqz7AQu4%2b36wMfnrObLWa%2b1VsjFoGVyFC3meNT3g56IynQsZE%2bdp208TKYxqWf4ldU4XDmQKs5wGAmiW8K2CrRUryTwYRIEWzRID1e1NS%2fbRfZWVvpayWtiKxDkoy9r%2fUqpyCSt2HkMU%2f1%2fDcMMERA7JKz2TazZ4mUeQLRdrzHv73Ee41kUCGyEuo%2bzQpJ1IGJOXlOvgiHmmqJLNAuk0mWwkDodU7nAjhM7h4KDXftQGR0qeKqjokGpFi3sykvZFa%2flxFvH8zdO6Z5kyJcqmqNsvNjF5fiGtflE0Lg%3d%3d&ver=AKNN5nfPiiTd3DU3Om83lEZvRHUyzp1Ahg2EgJKzu2BRhvJPq2K3alJ55vCy9pO3Yt8dXRtcA58gz%2bgJCrtW4muDHNWeAJRzTYVKgNaJOV3M0CoZWsLjzjsOKaF61a6s8%2fjNcvhMDzQc9WklRxaP4wx7IoZ8WrlIgIBLd4DxxLnm8FgdKJZ5u87sMEib9DST0H69cts9Eo7rZSoT6P8KwYG5kVcfN32e7H5c3772alNM6E87GHt3tsNotW%2foMdWw4L24TtjMM21MN4AFh7sCMN3eaDOTnoSsH0Y%2fE7j7A%2fpOqBUJV%2bW52ANm2KFQGD8TvhcvhyIHnMXoUJvmsT0RJQ%3d%3d] [k2tnl1txzg9zinPCDk8jvQl4dzhE1SS0ZXCWinQrVDaLSt/Gxv6wPs+3v4jXCBbelrw09akE0J4M7o0pT6hZuc60FSVLCUBZ3KRM9v2aYaeJGSvqQVt/OleOYEVAWMV/5fEJPuLabWraU7e86xS5atZg8gUYyeECCKsrTzn8ol5NHMcNK92f/1oRxpAE9Z6SV63Qs+K9XYKWKRjsKNwPrXe08PgJPC8SLSC8t1lc/Ibqxc9s3tDVPProcyW6UuSWVcXdaktrFfXoU+oFhKrIQa3oe/D6N+3TUJwIthpYqzuDA0pMamVEn+HPKDQC9+INDUJR1r8Lu8J7xybtGLaihA==] [4/2/2021 10:35:34 PM.417] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael DeSanta (PLAYER_ZERO) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:35:37 PM.881] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [4/2/2021 10:35:38 PM.903] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andrew Parkerson killed by Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:35:38 PM.903] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andrew Parkerson (A_M_Y_HIPSTER_03) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:35:38 PM.904] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [4/2/2021 10:35:39 PM.032] LSPD First Response: Creating motorcyclist event [4/2/2021 10:35:41 PM.298] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:35:41 PM.302] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player too far away from possible suspect [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.073] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.073] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.074] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.074] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.075] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.075] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.076] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [4/2/2021 10:35:44 PM.084] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:35:52 PM.261] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #10 [4/2/2021 10:35:52 PM.261] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #11 [4/2/2021 10:35:52 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:35:52 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:35:52 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [4/2/2021 10:35:52 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #12 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.304] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.304] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:361.0064 Y:-955.6583 Z:29.9451 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.315] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.320] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.324] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Xavier Dixon (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.338] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.343] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.349] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jam Cranston (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:35:54 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [4/2/2021 10:36:00 PM.421] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread VehicleSelector #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.399] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.399] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.399] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.401] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #13 [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.469] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.473] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.476] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:02 PM.476] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:03 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:36:03 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Marcus Bentley (S_M_Y_COP_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:03 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:36:03 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jason Mewes (S_M_Y_COP_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:06 PM.917] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE2 livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:07 PM.494] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE3 livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:08 PM.332] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] POLICE2 livery 0 name: NULL () [4/2/2021 10:36:10 PM.784] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #14 [4/2/2021 10:36:18 PM.307] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #15 [4/2/2021 10:36:18 PM.548] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #16 [4/2/2021 10:36:21 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:36:21 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [4/2/2021 10:36:21 PM.891] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #1 [4/2/2021 10:36:21 PM.981] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:22 PM.877] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #17 [4/2/2021 10:36:29 PM.470] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:36:29 PM.470] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.987] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #1 reports that it can be freed [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.989] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from StealCar #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.991] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from StealCar #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.991] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (StealCar #1) [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.992] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #1 has ended [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player too far away from possible suspect [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:36:30 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [4/2/2021 10:36:31 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Justin Malcom has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.466] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from MenuBase #13 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.466] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (MenuBase #13) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.467] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from MenuBase #10 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.467] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (MenuBase #10) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.468] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from MenuBase #11 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.468] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (MenuBase #11) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.468] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from MenuBase #12 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.468] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (MenuBase #12) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.469] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PoliceStation #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.469] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PoliceStation #1) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.484] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.489] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.494] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jordan Matthewson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.495] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.591] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.629] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cached 1316 decorators for index 4 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.633] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kyla Sophia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.637] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.642] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.647] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Avia Rios (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.721] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.721] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.726] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.731] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Simpson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.737] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.742] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jericho Hudson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.743] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.749] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.750] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.755] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dustin Carroll (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.771] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dan Dixon (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.771] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.771] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.776] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amber Bakmen (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:36:32 PM.808] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #5 initialized [4/2/2021 10:36:33 PM.530] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:36:33 PM.530] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Barzinni (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:36:33 PM.716] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from VehicleSelector #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:36:33 PM.716] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (VehicleSelector #1) [4/2/2021 10:36:33 PM.728] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread VehicleSelector #1 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:36:46 PM.260] LSPD First Response: 创建街道比赛事件。 [4/2/2021 10:36:46 PM.366] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:36:46 PM.380] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:36:46 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:36:46 PM.609] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:36:47 PM.162] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:36:47 PM.638] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:36:47 PM.722] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Player is exiting vehicle with stage 3 on, resetting stage 3. [4/2/2021 10:36:50 PM.120] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Building pathfinding data. Island: False [4/2/2021 10:36:55 PM.162] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:00 PM.604] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:06 PM.334] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:12 PM.092] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:27 PM.444] Unloading all instances of "EMSCalloutsMenu.dll". [4/2/2021 10:37:27 PM.471] Unloading plugin "EMS Callouts". [4/2/2021 10:37:32 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:37:32 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:37:32 PM.696] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [4/2/2021 10:37:33 PM.635] LSPD First Response: Creating RevEngineWhenStationary event [4/2/2021 10:37:35 PM.935] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:38 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:39 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:43 PM.154] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:37:43 PM.828] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:37:44 PM.022] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:44 PM.548] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:37:44 PM.829] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:37:45 PM.450] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:37:46 PM.039] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:37:46 PM.174] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:38:02 PM.145] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 167 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:38:02 PM.148] LSPD First Response: Creating Choking from PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Choking, EMS Callouts By ConnorFTW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:38:02 PM.149] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #1 [4/2/2021 10:38:10 PM.972] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:38:17 PM.177] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:38:17 PM.224] LSPD First Response: Creating motorcyclist event [4/2/2021 10:38:17 PM.298] LSPD First Response: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [4/2/2021 10:38:17 PM.298] at Traffic_Policer.Ambientevents.MotorcyclistNoHelmet..ctor(Boolean createBlip, Boolean displayMessage) [4/2/2021 10:38:17 PM.298] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:38:29 PM.972] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 12 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:38:29 PM.972] LSPD First Response: Creating RefusedPassenger from WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.RefusedPassenger, WoutersCalloutsV, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:38:29 PM.973] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #2 [4/2/2021 10:38:30 PM.022] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_濂介害鍧炲叕鍥溅閬? [4/2/2021 10:38:34 PM.030] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:38:34 PM.031] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] User accepted callout [4/2/2021 10:38:37 PM.453] LSPD First Response: 强制结束标注 不听话的公共汽车乘客~Vinewood Racetrack [4/2/2021 10:38:37 PM.455] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:38:37 PM.455] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from #2 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:38:37 PM.455] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned ( #2) [4/2/2021 10:38:40 PM.914] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:38:46 PM.241] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Marker #5 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:38:46 PM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Marker #5) [4/2/2021 10:38:46 PM.244] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #5 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:38:51 PM.897] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player is close, starting pursuit [4/2/2021 10:38:51 PM.900] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new chase [4/2/2021 10:38:51 PM.903] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to ChaseHost #1 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:38:51 PM.924] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect added to chase [4/2/2021 10:38:51 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting chase [4/2/2021 10:38:51 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseHost #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.071] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player now monitoring Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.077] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Found new close chase [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.182] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PoliceStation #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PoliceStation #1) [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Dan Dixon has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Dustin Carroll has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped David Simpson has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Kyla Sophia has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Amber Bakmen has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Avia Rios has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jordan Matthewson has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.196] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jericho Hudson has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.580] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 15 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.580] LSPD First Response: Creating EpBQWTlBwRureFaHIGkynQMBGhJfA from EpBQWTlBwRureFaHIGkynQMBGhJfA, LSPD First Response, Version=0.4.7688.2267, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.590] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_甯曞皵琛? [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.591] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading BLISTA2 [4/2/2021 10:38:52 PM.591] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: Pursuit #1 [4/2/2021 10:38:58 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Too far away from recent closest chase [4/2/2021 10:38:58 PM.309] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:04 PM.327] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:07 PM.613] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:39:07 PM.987] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Daniel Andersson (A_M_Y_STBLA_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:39:07 PM.987] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Hit and run was invalid [4/2/2021 10:39:07 PM.990] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kirsty Ryders (A_F_Y_TOURIST_02) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:39:08 PM.704] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:08 PM.705] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:08 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:11 PM.298] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:13 PM.624] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:19 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:22 PM.287] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost event fired [4/2/2021 10:39:27 PM.083] LSPD First Response: 不创建刹车灯事件。 [4/2/2021 10:39:27 PM.551] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:31 PM.326] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:32 PM.460] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost longer [4/2/2021 10:39:33 PM.355] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:39:38 PM.565] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Player is exiting vehicle with stage 3 on, resetting stage 3. [4/2/2021 10:39:39 PM.627] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:43 PM.252] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:39:43 PM.291] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:39:43 PM.771] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:39:44 PM.855] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:39:45 PM.142] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:50 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:39:50 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event RunLights [4/2/2021 10:39:50 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: RunLights #1 [4/2/2021 10:39:50 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to RunLights #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:39:50 PM.134] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:39:50 PM.291] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:39:53 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 45 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:39:53 PM.550] LSPD First Response: Creating Crash from PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Crash, EMS Callouts By ConnorFTW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:39:53 PM.550] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #3 [4/2/2021 10:39:53 PM.552] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_澶Ф磱鍏矾 [4/2/2021 10:39:56 PM.034] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:02 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:08 PM.569] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:40:11 PM.275] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:13 PM.721] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:40:16 PM.347] LSPD First Response: 设置的屏障 [4/2/2021 10:40:16 PM.652] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:18 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event RunLights #1 reports that it can be freed [4/2/2021 10:40:18 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from RunLights #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:40:18 PM.240] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from RunLights #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:40:18 PM.240] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (RunLights #1) [4/2/2021 10:40:18 PM.240] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event RunLights #1 has ended [4/2/2021 10:40:20 PM.307] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:22 PM.354] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 13 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:40:22 PM.355] LSPD First Response: Creating Cooler from PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cooler, EMS Callouts By ConnorFTW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:40:22 PM.355] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #4 [4/2/2021 10:40:27 PM.296] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:31 PM.613] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:34 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:34 PM.184] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:35 PM.250] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:37 PM.136] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPCustom?ver=Ou%2bLD%2f6ENTcrwy63Gi97wHzqkFUM6iWNp3bm7bNZpejCelt%2f8AXUUF0H0WpajF3A3WJgU1IzLZFcDoQ3LDfKmel2QkBLNZjAF%2fPbLk%2fQ%2b58Sr9QkLQZtnGDjvf0%2bm1KzF0nzuRtBvus3j%2bujkpnXj42Q073syTVS%2bJ2S3OpqTCfNGGKWkpKWhL6KPa99oRBzcNK7pdtV6wQJvbZ3aj7nMFoe0Sj%2bVJhe3Bd3yBmbWBqAc%2fQESbMoHk6ht0bnIpHAvdqsJuGNknL32c9WfEbF0YQMQ%2fSftaie694UCnbsClShVuhHaWTRUBrNKzgJjyMTjNdwFv%2bw3h7Lo1HlO9fREA%3d%3d] [Yay9UeERtWSBXiEP2GlGsalhf+hANFkTD0jDmE2jDoFw6DYrroJr0UB3os4cX+GCfqKeQZ78m+kvqwqMSYUKpqdEU6SbTfKrzne2GnG/a5thOViksjs7LwCCfY1l4bF5vckoLYLeZAJe3yq8nS0Qk0Sh1BbNQGwQrxoXBp3RoVYB/aZUaXk2tnhbbqqmiTp/mn6/l6bQd5iwcEIEYsjS2rEzmZTtpfpXOF2ybdzLD2rZ/PjlMt9JanSlIUbaz/5RRpr0L0k/by0cFDpNTO6EyMNnNRz1o6B6cpJffrJiKDWD+acRPedi+PMzNz2T9HgOjAsmBD7doYghaYtiHAJvjA==] [4/2/2021 10:40:37 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:40:37 PM.731] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:40:37 PM.731] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [4/2/2021 10:40:37 PM.731] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #2 [4/2/2021 10:40:37 PM.844] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #2 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:40:39 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:41 PM.780] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVerifyCode?code=S7st74tumaUQYis%2fwoRbpHaUm7weDZC5VPJlH%2b77D%2b0RvygW6B0FZbgtCmdob%2fbohI%2bA5g81BBeWuVDkn8dsp9tX3cRPRIqseeGt43uKEuu%2feUKkJWUyxQnGGoGSZ3esdo2T3WQ1GteBmx0KOLAsUIHfQJFQoCgesj0eICI5STHKZqjau2oQSbXpbiQ04l1w86mKOXCYuunsAn0uviQJ6pxqBHNk17dH%2fJvj%2bA98RuGd0N0EJQpkEiTYCjK1ux2olYTE5ls90DwJCviZsY9j2td%2fuDM7BzCfV1FU5l1DSP1SH3zEINiZutMWH%2bqUMSFcr72zBvllmRMCe5s6fa28tw%3d%3d&ver=T9MgtkSL3%2bbTzyQORx6XtEjj9ksktNavKiLJbAavCDcYJR%2bbXL%2f3XHiGh6CEmUFzq609oJPx44cauJAL4s4jVqwH%2fI4YDbrtekxdh8TVTEVv2sBdxn1N9Lpr43mkFHWgSKTauLTqe6pAfoAPSMXetZXlhamXffRWQx4eZXfifaWWCmKQMkrTY%2bbGBuYqJ7m%2fASg1c7rNoSL4%2bIwq8fGMyHEG%2f07YSYsoVuRsg7Uhrpezdkr5OaLaVUuYhTlYfBokTeMrRxAna9W%2btcmNl8zEiEyspdosp0g1s5JuhxDnMC%2btj5OIg66g2rHsQVdg9n22ajhj4YCUZxS%2fIxA64ltSRA%3d%3d] [VHHwCLRsMrL4X/cxsYCY4OtfTN/5F2A6B/DIbhV22NPZ7ZvHHYKcFBgQXzp2ZX2OQvNWuwN9+pufYDfu5iOUYpBRdNo8o9Dcki8ssohnBJH37DQGQ9vGM5AWSBEH3aXcG3T5HfI/IeLi1iQPHBvJgKNnqC66tNr37urhUbsuYO/cv5T+271NFJAsAKgOcCLxxXDEN9GKNAk/VRUjrxNWannHhJgiUu7FIlzB5NI6zXhsDm5r9PpEVGWWbBCRdXGkcGFgcTL28OTRuqjlclYUgStiod2q2XEPYO0VLDtnbgJfcWjAR01oA3XETT9UAPD34vAq+8QRcP0CWQmvF7MYFQ==] [4/2/2021 10:40:43 PM.872] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_鏂崜璐濆埄澶Ц [4/2/2021 10:40:44 PM.129] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [4/2/2021 10:40:44 PM.553] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [4/2/2021 10:40:44 PM.553] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [4/2/2021 10:40:44 PM.890] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalSWAT [4/2/2021 10:40:44 PM.892] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: STRAW [4/2/2021 10:40:44 PM.893] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [4/2/2021 10:40:45 PM.874] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalPatrol [4/2/2021 10:40:45 PM.874] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: STRAW [4/2/2021 10:40:45 PM.874] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [4/2/2021 10:40:46 PM.372] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:40:46 PM.373] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Connor Jackson (S_M_Y_COP_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:40:48 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopPlayRadioAction: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:40:48 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [4/2/2021 10:40:51 PM.503] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:51 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:51 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting EvadeCops: Freeing suspect [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting EvadeCopsInVehicle: Aborting main task [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.365] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskEvadeCopsAdvInVehicle::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.365] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.366] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Suspect left chase [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.366] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from ChaseHost #1 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.367] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost: Lost control over Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.367] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.367] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual finally lost, removing suspect [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.386] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] No more fleeing suspects, ending chase [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.387] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ending chase [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.390] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread ChaseHost #1 to abort: Chase has ended [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.390] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from ChaseHost #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.390] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (ChaseHost #1) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.390] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] dWDeEnzzJGVHJSgELusuTQgmbRwN is ending already [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] LSPD First Response: at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.qDLSPnxhSvfgHCeEsxJLRCCYAexjb() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at DHbbMZbcsSIdjhqnbbbrdkXuciMVA.hOiVsttDKKevJEKoixOGRSdYdUPFb() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.qDLSPnxhSvfgHCeEsxJLRCCYAexjb() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at bRjhkciihTBrPMizCFyNcNMfuKxkA.ZpNNXLZxvCkiVEnZAkyseVkmnCXM(String ) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at DHbbMZbcsSIdjhqnbbbrdkXuciMVA.fBHDrccswnESkPMtlgDmiKrDobswb(dWDeEnzzJGVHJSgELusuTQgmbRwN ) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at dWDeEnzzJGVHJSgELusuTQgmbRwN.hOiVsttDKKevJEKoixOGRSdYdUPFb() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.qDLSPnxhSvfgHCeEsxJLRCCYAexjb() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at dWDeEnzzJGVHJSgELusuTQgmbRwN.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at OCMsAGWBRTnOsnRbocVOIyZPiTuj.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at BQVeAkrIvAFBSCRBCINCbKmcqFXvB.pEIDvGWURXNkRJqUikaPMekvPjQQ() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at Rage.GameFiber.Main() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.391] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Pursuit has ended, finishing stage [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Chase #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Chase #1) [4/2/2021 10:40:53 PM.409] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fake-Thread ChaseHost #1 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:40:57 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:40:57 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:40:57 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:40:57 PM.608] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:-98.12867 Y:-1201.355 Z:28.59186 [4/2/2021 10:40:57 PM.608] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.628] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.628] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:94.52194 Y:-1197.376 Z:37.89441 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.644] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.650] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.655] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Detry (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.673] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Stewart (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.703] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [4/2/2021 10:41:07 PM.797] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Player is exiting vehicle with stage 3 on, resetting stage 3. [4/2/2021 10:41:09 PM.191] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:09 PM.762] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLVerifyCode?code=YnPyR5Xbm2lCeyjeXqAt%2fqoAUtKiIC8GfHEfnc514AlTACvWO97f7LCKHtQ1UOYXCZdBZdS8mggyrOHvbjnvZi%2fp5yRI3Nt2Wgm%2bQZTDaJawM%2bK%2bNCdK8aizG%2b7VZru8qqXmqdNir6ut25kpks%2ftHXIFBUYRY3EsvTuDJgPK7FlZAH3ihErYOunvbSvPQnG2c5CkYp1JYnLXYjxue1zfLQP4J0XBVihavQvYDp7gFJDwrsJmsUmdHmq%2bH%2bN%2bUTbct2FHCvroXJ3S1tGoZrkGUR3IpNJvDLgNjaAouG4paoXDETeo8%2b%2fgtBR5%2bsL5pSr7vXNO9FLaYiruzu97%2ft1cpA%3d%3d&ver=M7xK5ci2V0v68jyq4UbdrresemT6j5riPVtq7gE06iwW05h7WgwSSiX1jCyBP9hj0lLl17YchMxAGbX2AkLm%2fX7luh%2fN2Fj3kY5zYZaXq6UV9Vazjy4bXrlKllrHf69bPcAJRGUn4g6I2oCQLNfkN2lJKY7IRjH%2b07rSX%2bz8LgXH2YBWzCMuw2GtAJ8LjRgLCRrKkFdQOHqI5giUtBiT964R7KKF7WF0l5U1eODZD%2bNA380QqY4lrszODg5az6%2fkEsvIiikvufEkp5GZ5dUzWQ7yQqJUpm8cF4mu%2f8qLDg9oMVWisSBb1Z%2bNv0iyJGwtOh%2foaw8ssxZ2B%2fQ34p5Leg%3d%3d] [kf5GorUVARHonNf5ulMU9i2jq/2M+SOtBkJXpA/Ft1UQKGGglAAVYK557mfu8LpgFmO+PBqDLM/6eKd7+exOAgM3Qdb7KICbUZpQPTwLH+VW9F/e7xhNkdQxl+J4BIk+xB4nTlHbXgTrey6xhuYHrjWIBVVThugpzbRBJ9+ZqToG1Hl386A8m4mv7jWuu10baEvQ8fw3tlb3CygGreeFXSGyfLcnT8yjAEKzvSrFd27BK1axmEV4l3UWmud57W+zTkKI4dRpGKnZLjFGwDASAX39BlWHQD7usx964jCNtb0P/+R+ZtqMA4ZmNnYoIkBupavxZFNY2fvTLaL5dIJB7Q==] [4/2/2021 10:41:10 PM.853] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDY POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:10 PM.939] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:11 PM.581] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:11 PM.581] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:41:12 PM.167] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:41:12 PM.750] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:13 PM.044] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:13 PM.128] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:13 PM.226] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:13 PM.226] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:41:13 PM.765] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:41:14 PM.614] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:15 PM.178] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:41:16 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:16 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:16 PM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:16 PM.962] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:16 PM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:17 PM.182] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons: Alen Carter rolled 2-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:17 PM.204] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: PedAI Started... [4/2/2021 10:41:17 PM.969] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVerifyCode?code=h33VnF%2f%2fid2iBpbSga352hgNIvBV4OL9%2fMBuVJaCLw6F%2fEAYGpeeq28eypIMv0t6SZSNSXaLR1fXJOEQYIWOiPu3zSiwXHRx1DpflqT0qCV1L1psUEBbZFs7%2bJr60u4PEjSW%2fwI700QJqv%2bp5ZDHiIG0yP3QuCN0u3Ysf88pzZmx2s5xdJA4IMJQpDPKOPUz7QGnwcaAI1RPQEFktxjTU5OfcmeAt%2frgoOCIHWSVoIy5UHb6nS17z3omv9WHAgXuFY2ZeqDLCQeeGNWL%2fanLSEIDDoQeT1Wt9Qd9zg3%2f1bQjA2f8s2tFVGasO%2beKncmk3nA%2bdc0SrtjxNAsnAsrKPg%3d%3d&ver=L8zf19mr7VJi0vdT8mmO4L%2fGJbQDXg5dcLpBvxyis5lq5coedFPxwbTo9rpdeCIvKUZrklkD6eQ79l1%2fKPkR5U%2b7sbdShsKR1513o51sVWo%2bGBUqTBJ5If7Uo9jfkP6Ah8LljHiPjfLd8FgmUarvLwRkEF8RBcQR2eQzjhX65kgAdGEYcCFgOTE%2fFg%2bXEwUJcO69ViQKYWdcYXckmUBlhTtGb13QiMEsXDn1iJyjWJHRAz%2fWvWyYo4JEXG%2br5c9U4ntHmz8uSnuEkKs1GN9W7qPGiqqaxvH6ZrrGis0JCRBvFzR44DcTm1s%2fUk72VzgL3UWf5TaDZsVj5T8j1t30eg%3d%3d] [aP++IRgk2aQfXLg7lkZHnw5ohKEf9NSrVfgP3og4fDVrcnfeZQGVJK20hMtPG8qJ//KYf7MMen61wfbvJJ/mOYZcDgebiwtOO6CnYp7RLUsheNG0DEYSF9adtO/Cu9B+Cl8jTmkh3XeOTCndbPK/+JbQ1jyry9LAtzPXbUSWTvDpnTFjuwYeBcOz7SXoUIUtSy9ezMFWQO0VuuVcvDpYZKqSjw1iNLnPA6HGHi+tHFnxoEZHOwIUAAlYfbydY2sdttbXUiQbmk/jUTOCHm0TXdT9kWk2xsq5AxMzmW19IBKXwxu4PDruEK9eVwa36GCSIf5JP4wxWx//R5XEaB5syw==] [4/2/2021 10:41:18 PM.363] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:21 PM.766] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:23 PM.166] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.162] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons: Jakob Makorov rolled 2-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.183] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: PedAI Started... [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.416] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.416] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:225.349 Y:-1223.289 Z:38.62027 [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.507] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.512] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.518] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jasmine Roach (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.546] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.551] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mary Smoke (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:28 PM.574] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.396] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.415] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.431] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.469] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.488] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.506] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.525] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.525] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:29 PM.544] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:30 PM.331] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:30 PM.367] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.481] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.498] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.587] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:31 PM.621] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.066] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.179] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.192] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.226] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.388] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.424] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:32 PM.867] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.496] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.565] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.659] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.659] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:33 PM.694] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:34 PM.092] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:34 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:34 PM.249] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:34 PM.281] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:34 PM.446] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:34 PM.478] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.629] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.646] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.681] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.681] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.721] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.721] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:35 PM.755] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:36 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:36 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:36 PM.308] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:36 PM.344] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:36 PM.509] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:36 PM.544] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.318] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerArrest #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.344] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.612] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.643] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.659] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.691] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.737] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.737] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:37 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:38 PM.223] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:38 PM.253] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:38 PM.363] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:38 PM.395] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:38 PM.572] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:38 PM.603] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.000] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.034] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.148] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.182] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.300] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.337] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.405] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.441] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.488] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.506] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.522] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.538] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.768] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:39 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:40 PM.027] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:40 PM.059] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:40 PM.205] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:40 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:40 PM.660] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerArrest #2 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:41:40 PM.678] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #2 initialized [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.205] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.221] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.255] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.460] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.494] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.558] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.573] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.590] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.612] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerArrest #2 to abort: No reason specified [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.613] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerArrest #2 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.613] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerArrest #2 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.613] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerArrest #2 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.614] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerArrest #2) [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.625] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Mark Gilmore has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.627] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Gino Mendez [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.627] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.631] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #2 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.821] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:41 PM.857] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.080] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.113] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.258] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.373] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.470] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.487] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.503] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.503] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.520] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.520] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.535] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.550] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:42 PM.944] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.097] Prompting Arresting [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.209] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.427] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.444] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.459] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.476] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.532] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.565] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.565] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.597] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:44 PM.616] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:46 PM.124] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayFromAudioBuilderBlock: Input is CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 [4/2/2021 10:41:46 PM.125] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlaySingleAction: Playing CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 from E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\LSPDFR\audio\sfx\CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01.wav, looped: False [4/2/2021 10:41:47 PM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:41:48 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:41:48 PM.590] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:41:49 PM.874] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.455] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.699] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerArrest #1 to abort: No reason specified [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerArrest #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerArrest #1 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerArrest #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerArrest #1) [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.881] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Michael Knights has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.886] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #1 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.887] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:41:50 PM.887] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect died in player custody [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 to abort: Suspect is dead [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.019] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.062] LSPD First Response: STP cannot take control player arrested PedRage.Exceptions.InvalidHandleableException: Operation is not valid because the specified Rage.Ped is invalid. [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.062] at Rage.Ped.Resurrect() [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.062] at ‬‮‌‫‎‬‪‌‏‌‏‭‎‏‪‮‭‫‮‮‌‫‭‪‮.‪‎‌‎‎‎‌‌‬‌‭‭​‭‏‪‪‫​‌​​‭‎‏‮(Ped ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.062] at ‬‮‌‫‎‬‪‌‏‌‏‭‎‏‪‮‭‫‮‮‌‫‭‪‮.‭‏‭‌‎‫‫​‏‮‏‭‬‪‫‫‏‍​‪‭​‬‮(Ped ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.062] at ‬‮‌‫‎‬‪‌‏‌‏‭‎‏‪‮‭‫‮‮‌‫‭‪‮.‪‏‍‪‫​‏‫‍‭‍‮‏‬‬​‏‍‮‎‪​‎‪‏‮‮‌‮.‌​‍‏‎‎‮‍‍‫‬‌‮‭‭​‍‪‫‮‬‎‭‍‭‎‮() [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.751] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of suspect for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.753] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.753] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.753] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.753] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.753] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael Carley (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.779] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Michael Carley reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Pursuit menu was reset. [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.793] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting force attack suspects [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.793] LSPD First Response: UB: ENGAGING MELE COMBAT SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.806] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.833] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.833] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.833] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.833] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.833] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.834] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Franco Gonzales reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.834] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.834] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting force attack suspects [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.834] LSPD First Response: UB: ENGAGING MELE COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fred Schnitzler (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Fred Schnitzler reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.841] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.854] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael Carley now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.854] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.854] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fred Schnitzler now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.855] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane (S_M_Y_COP_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop James Bane reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.860] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] [CONSOLE] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] at KEydbECxpekOATlirAyoTQKWgQvk.kxFWzwBvVecQAFUnKJZswbWSQtYJ(gdncxGxpBsbvuMRSWsoBlPwRIOIS ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] at RftXxOzKvaPCfnEqsfYyAuzuPAUw.ayPxmtnfselSohcCpJUAzURXbKjM(gdncxGxpBsbvuMRSWsoBlPwRIOIS ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] at TExobbdbxEiRCcvMcgZKxFAHwGDV.kxFWzwBvVecQAFUnKJZswbWSQtYJ(gdncxGxpBsbvuMRSWsoBlPwRIOIS ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] [CONSOLE] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] at RswdjgigFXaKutZZXGeNBcEFMmrSA.kxFWzwBvVecQAFUnKJZswbWSQtYJ(gdncxGxpBsbvuMRSWsoBlPwRIOIS ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] at RftXxOzKvaPCfnEqsfYyAuzuPAUw.ayPxmtnfselSohcCpJUAzURXbKjM(gdncxGxpBsbvuMRSWsoBlPwRIOIS ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.874] at NRuDiaLgPRopIFTYxdxBbbtUiXTD.kxFWzwBvVecQAFUnKJZswbWSQtYJ(gdncxGxpBsbvuMRSWsoBlPwRIOIS ) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Matthias Malto (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Matthias Malto reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.888] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Camilo Lomazzo reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.891] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.891] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Mack Hawkins reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.921] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles McCarter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.923] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Charles McCarter reassigned to Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.923] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.923] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Matthias Malto now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:51 PM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles McCarter now monitoring Michael Hopkins [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.128] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane TaseSuspect [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.128] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.161] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.161] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.363] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.363] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.382] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.382] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.402] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.434] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles McCarter TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.469] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.617] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.617] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fred Schnitzler TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.634] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.685] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.685] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.720] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.720] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.721] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles McCarter TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.721] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.737] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.873] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fred Schnitzler TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.911] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.911] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.911] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.995] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:52 PM.995] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.144] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.145] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Report Voice: [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.146] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.147] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.246] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.246] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.247] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles McCarter TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:53 PM.247] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fred Schnitzler TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.745] LSPD First Response: UB: CANCELLED MOVING TO GUARDING POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.824] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.824] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.875] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.875] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.875] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles McCarter TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:54 PM.875] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Franco Gonzales TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fred Schnitzler TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Bane TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.099] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspect [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.110] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Camilo Lomazzo TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.110] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mack Hawkins TaseSuspect True [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Michael Hopkins tased by Mack Hawkins [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Surrender 2? [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Michael Hopkins tased by Michael Carley [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.349] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.349] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting RunningPunch: PunchSuspect [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.515] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.515] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael Hopkins (A_M_Y_SOUCENT_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.516] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.605] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.606] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual regained event fired [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:41:55 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:56 PM.516] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:56 PM.516] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:56 PM.611] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:56 PM.612] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:56 PM.612] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:57 PM.527] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:41:58 PM.418] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:00 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerArrest #3 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:00 PM.353] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #3 initialized [4/2/2021 10:42:00 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [4/2/2021 10:42:00 PM.707] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:01 PM.561] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:42:01 PM.561] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [4/2/2021 10:42:02 PM.284] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing spawned suspect [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Gino Mendez [4/2/2021 10:42:05 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [4/2/2021 10:42:06 PM.177] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Matthias Malto (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Michael Hopkins (A_M_Y_SOUCENT_01) [4/2/2021 10:42:06 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Matthias Malto (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [4/2/2021 10:42:07 PM.924] Prompting Arresting [4/2/2021 10:42:10 PM.620] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayFromAudioBuilderBlock: Input is CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:10 PM.621] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlaySingleAction: Playing CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 from E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\LSPDFR\audio\sfx\CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01.wav, looped: False [4/2/2021 10:42:15 PM.520] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.543] LSPD First Response: 设定药物水平 [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerArrest #3 to abort: No reason specified [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerArrest #3 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerArrest #3 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerArrest #3 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerArrest #3) [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.571] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Mark Gilmore has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:16 PM.576] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #3 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.100] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.530] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopBustPed: Busting done [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.533] ABORT BUST [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.538] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.538] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.540] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost event fired [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SuspectTransportManager::AddSuspect: Removed from chase [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Fred Schnitzler [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SuspectTransportManager::AddSuspect: Removed from chase [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] No nearby vehicle found for suspect transport, requesting new transport unit [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Issuing backup request for prisoner transport [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.568] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.568] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.593] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] No more fleeing suspects, ending chase [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ending chase [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Michael Carley [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Franco Gonzales [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: James Bane [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Matthias Malto [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Camilo Lomazzo [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Mack Hawkins [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #2 (GameplayMandatory) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Charles McCarter [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Chase #2 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Chase #2) [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Matthias Malto has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Franco Gonzales has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Mack Hawkins has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Michael Carley has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Charles McCarter has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Camilo Lomazzo has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:17 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped James Bane has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:18 PM.236] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ValidateTransportUnit: Cop invalid [4/2/2021 10:42:18 PM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ProcessTransportUnit: No suspects assigned [4/2/2021 10:42:18 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SuspectTransportManager::Process: Suspect in custody [4/2/2021 10:42:18 PM.291] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Prisoner transport done [4/2/2021 10:42:19 PM.756] LSPD First Response: STP: ATTENTION!!! RPH cannot spawn any vehicles or peds. Please make sure your model is valid [4/2/2021 10:42:19 PM.756] LSPD First Response: STP: If this only happens on certain areas, It might be caused by 'Bermuda Triangle' bug. Try to reinstall GTA V to fix the issue. [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.688] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.727] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.727] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.727] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.754] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.754] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARD THE PED AFTER PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.754] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.780] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:42:20 PM.780] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:42:21 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:21 PM.830] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerArrest #4 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.030] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #4 initialized [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.432] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.499] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.547] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.817] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:22 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.479] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Carter Wolf (A_M_Y_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.487] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerArrest #4 to abort: No reason specified [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.487] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerArrest #4 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.487] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerArrest #4 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.487] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerArrest #4 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.487] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerArrest #4) [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.501] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Liam Dodds has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.506] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #4 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:42:23 PM.980] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Carter Wolf (A_M_Y_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:42:24 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:24 PM.251] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:42:24 PM.571] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:24 PM.602] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:24 PM.835] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:24 PM.866] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.164] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using new link spawn [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.185] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.185] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to create police at X:-34.25 Y:-1302.5 Z:28.03125 [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.185] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Vehicle doesn't exist [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.447] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using random spawn at X:125.9706 Y:-1291.001 Z:29.27478 [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.462] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.462] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to create police at X:54.5 Y:-1154.25 Z:28.3125 [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.462] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Vehicle doesn't exist [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.512] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Carter Wolf (A_M_Y_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.724] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using random spawn at X:125.9706 Y:-1291.001 Z:29.27478 [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.729] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.729] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:152 Y:-1161.75 Z:36.34375 [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.730] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:25 PM.735] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.000] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using random spawn at X:125.9706 Y:-1291.001 Z:29.27478 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:212.75 Y:-1227.5 Z:28.34375 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.023] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Carter Wolf (A_M_Y_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.111] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.112] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.117] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.201] LSPD First Response: 创建电话事件 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.399] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using random spawn at X:125.9706 Y:-1291.001 Z:29.27478 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.404] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.405] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:211.75 Y:-1219 Z:28.34375 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.405] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.410] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: HighwayPatrol (lspd) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.415] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] George Kingsford (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.417] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: HighwayPatrol (lspd) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.426] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Derby Gib (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.439] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to BackupManager #1 (Gameplay) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.439] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to BackupManager #1 (Gameplay) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.440] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from BackupManager #1 (Gameplay) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.440] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.440] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from BackupManager #1 (Gameplay) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.440] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.550] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.636] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.670] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.898] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:26 PM.928] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:27 PM.734] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:27 PM.766] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:28 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:28 PM.164] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:28 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:28 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:28 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:28 PM.982] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:29 PM.609] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:29 PM.621] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:29 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:29 PM.786] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:29 PM.818] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:29 PM.842] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_M_SOUCENT_02 [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.192] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.225] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.390] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.424] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.440] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.519] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.536] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.573] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.929] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:30 PM.965] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.003] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerArrest #5 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.023] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #5 initialized [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.127] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kreyg Dumzos (A_M_O_SOUCENT_02) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.447] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.464] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.480] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.498] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.605] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.621] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.637] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:32 PM.984] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:33 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.124] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.497] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.550] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.649] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.668] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.688] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:34 PM.705] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:35 PM.577] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:35 PM.817] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:35 PM.879] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:35 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.170] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING BACK FROM GUARD POS TO STANDBY POS STP >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.548] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.564] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.703] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:36 PM.767] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:37 PM.125] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:37 PM.160] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:37 PM.838] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:37 PM.872] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:37 PM.934] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:37 PM.964] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:38 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:38 PM.667] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:38 PM.762] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:38 PM.794] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:39 PM.008] Prompting Arresting [4/2/2021 10:42:39 PM.989] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:40 PM.027] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:40 PM.694] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:40 PM.724] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:40 PM.817] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:40 PM.847] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:42:41 PM.614] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayFromAudioBuilderBlock: Input is CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 [4/2/2021 10:42:41 PM.615] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlaySingleAction: Playing CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 from E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\LSPDFR\audio\sfx\CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01.wav, looped: False [4/2/2021 10:42:42 PM.479] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:42 PM.613] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:42 PM.617] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:43 PM.076] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:42:43 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:43 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:43 PM.960] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:44 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:44 PM.523] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:42:45 PM.053] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:42:45 PM.064] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:45 PM.459] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:45 PM.788] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.517] LSPD First Response: 设定药物水平 [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerArrest #5 to abort: No reason specified [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerArrest #5 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerArrest #5 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerArrest #5 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerArrest #5) [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Liam Dodds has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:42:47 PM.545] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #5 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:42:50 PM.555] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:50 PM.686] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Gino Mendez [4/2/2021 10:42:50 PM.686] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.058] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: ============================== [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: Origin: Game fiber "CrimesManager". [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: Exception type: System.InvalidOperationException [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: Exception message: Could not spawn new vehicle. [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: Inner exceptions: [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: Stack trace: [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: at Rage.Vehicle.HandleVehicleCreation(Model model, Vector3 position, Single heading) [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at Rage.Vehicle..ctor(Model model, Vector3 position, Single heading) [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at rHrpxGizhoUXsxxlrephZdftXaWG.pkvfvuASoGpQCOCKuNGFSmzIaavpA() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at rHrpxGizhoUXsxxlrephZdftXaWG.LdgeWBdvIcyCXMiUnnTfvCsZuzFRA() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at WBWILuASZFPfjbYrHbEooreZKAmX.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at rHrpxGizhoUXsxxlrephZdftXaWG.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at ZmQFgXaktxocnHdEhBfykiqyjwEuB.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at RtdICBDLoaHEgVRXnyRBgzqTESFH.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at bRjhkciihTBrPMizCFyNcNMfuKxkA.pEIDvGWURXNkRJqUikaPMekvPjQQ() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] at Rage.GameFiber.Main() [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: ============================== [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [FATAL] Forced termination [4/2/2021 10:42:51 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 1 entities from DefaultContentManager [4/2/2021 10:42:53 PM.523] LSPD First Response: [INFO] LSPDFR has shut down [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.179] LSPD First Response: ComputerLite: Controls.startControlThread-2 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.179] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.179] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.179] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.‬‏‎‭‫‬‭‎‪‫‎‌‪‪‎‌‏‎​‮‮() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.180] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.b__2_0()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.187] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: startVerifyCompuLiteThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.187] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.188] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.188] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.188] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.​‬‏‍‍‫‮‏‬‌‎‏‭‎‏‭‬‮‫‌‬‪‮(Int32 ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.188] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.b__0_0()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.221] LSPD First Response: 删除所有标志 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.340] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startMainThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.340] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.340] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.340] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.340] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‬‎‌‎‌‮​‬​‌‍‏‬​‭‬‍‪‫‪‮(Int32 ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.340] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.​‌‍‪‎‫‌‍‌‮‍​‎‌‭‫‫‭‭‮‍‮‏‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.350] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startKeyboardControlThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.350] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.351] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.351] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‎‍​‍‬‍‫‍‬‮‫‎‮‫‍‍‮‬​​‏‍‪‍‭‭‭‎‮() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.351] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‎‎‫‮‪‮‍‍‍‎‭‮‫‪‌‌‬‫‪‏‬‮‎‌‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.361] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: PartnerBackup.policePartnerState 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.362] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.362] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.362] at )-R}\\v2GPQu444OohT\]GzQ\.M.‌‏‪‬‭‮‏‭‬‭‪‭‮‬‍‪‮‭‫‮() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.362] at )-R}\\v2GPQu444OohT\]GzQ\.M.‌‭‬‍‍‭‍‬​‎‮‬‌​‬‫‏‍‪‏‎‮‬‏‍‮(Ped , Boolean ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.362] at ‮‎‫‍‪‮‪‬‬‎‫‬‍‎‍‏​‌‎‬‍‌‌‮.‭‍‌​‎‎‎‭‍‌‮​‏‏‎‏‮‌‌‫‪‍‍‌‮(Boolean ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.362] at ‮‎‫‍‪‮‪‬‬‎‫‬‍‎‍‏​‌‎‬‍‌‌‮.‌‏‬‏​‫‌‏‭‏‭​​‏​‎‌‭‭‍‌‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.363] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startPartnerBackupThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.363] at ‮‎‫‍‪‮‪‬‬‎‫‬‍‎‍‏​‌‎‬‍‌‌‮.‌‏‬‏​‫‌‏‭‏‭​​‏​‎‌‭‭‍‌‮() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.363] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‫‎‏‪‮‭‭‬‏‪‭​‬‪​‪‬‫‮‍‍‌‍‎‮‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.371] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: startVerifyUltimateBackup 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.371] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.372] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.372] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.372] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‬‎‌‎‌‮​‬​‌‍‏‬​‭‬‍‪‫‪‮(Int32 ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.372] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‬‮‍‬‍‎‭‫‍‭​‬‪‫‪‭‮‍‍‮‌‎‫‪‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.542] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: OnSceneBackup.startCallForBackupThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.543] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.543] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.543] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.543] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‏‮‭‪​‌‮‭‫‫​‫‫‫‍‬‮(Int32 ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.543] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‏‭‏‏​‎‭‏‮​‮‫​‪‬‌‪‪‫‭‬​‎‪‬‫‮‮‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.553] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: OnSceneBackup.onSceneBackupState 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.553] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.553] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.553] at )-R}\\v2GPQu444OohT\]GzQ\.M.‌‏‪‬‭‮‏‭‬‭‪‭‮‬‍‪‮‭‫‮() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.553] at )-R}\\v2GPQu444OohT\]GzQ\.M.‌‭‬‍‍‭‍‬​‎‮‬‌​‬‫‏‍‪‏‎‮‬‏‍‮(Ped , Boolean ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.553] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‭‍‌​‎‎‎‭‍‌‮​‏‏‎‏‮‌‌‫‪‍‍‌‮(Boolean , ‍‏‏‪‬‎​‮‪‮‮‮‪‏​‭‍‎​‬‌​‪​‮ ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.554] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‏‮​‍‌‪‭‬‍‍‌‎‍‪‏​​‌‎‫‮‬​‮(‍‏‏‪‬‎​‮‪‮‮‮‪‏​‭‍‎​‬‌​‪​‮ )] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.554] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: OnSceneBackup.startCallForBackupThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.554] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‏‮​‍‌‪‭‬‍‍‌‎‍‪‏​​‌‎‫‮‬​‮(‍‏‏‪‬‎​‮‪‮‮‮‪‏​‭‍‎​‬‌​‪​‮ ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.554] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‏‭‏‏​‎‭‏‮​‮‫​‪‬‌‪‪‫‭‬​‎‪‬‫‮‮‮()] [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.556] LSPD First Response: UB: UNIT FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-1 | TOTAL ACTIVE UNIT >> 1 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.566] LSPD First Response: STP: RELEASE PED FROM STOP (FORCED) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.572] LSPD First Response: UB: UNIT FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 | TOTAL ACTIVE UNIT >> 0 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.576] LSPD First Response: STP: RELEASE PED FROM STOP (FORCED) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.587] LSPD First Response: STP: RELEASE PED FROM STOP (FORCED) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.618] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: OnSceneBackup.onSceneBackupState-22 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.618] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.618] at Rage.GameFiber.Sleep(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.618] at Rage.Task.WaitForStatus(TaskStatus status, Int32 timeout) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.618] at Rage.Task.WaitForCompletion() [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.618] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‬‪‬‏‎‌​‏‮‎‍‪‍‫‬‪​‫‮‌‏‮.‬‮‎‪‬‪‎‭‮‭‏‪‍‌‮‮​‭‎‫​‭‌‎‌‎‮(Task ) [4/2/2021 10:42:54 PM.619] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‬‪‬‏‎‌​‏‮‎‍‪‍‫‬‪​‫‮‌‏‮.‪‪‏‫‪‬‌​‏‮‎‬‮‮‪‮‍‭‌‍‏‌‌‫‍‭‬‭‮‮()] [4/2/2021 10:43:02 PM.180] Loading plugin from path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\LSPD First Response.dll [4/2/2021 10:43:03 PM.869] : Initializing input system [4/2/2021 10:43:03 PM.870] : Initializing game console [4/2/2021 10:43:03 PM.871] : Initializing forms manager [4/2/2021 10:43:03 PM.950] Plugin "LSPD First Response" was loaded from "LSPD First Response.dll". [4/2/2021 10:43:04 PM.099] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started loading LSPDFR [4/2/2021 10:43:04 PM.100] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Running LSPD First Response 0.4.8 (0.4.7688.2267) [4/2/2021 10:43:04 PM.100] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Compiled on 18 Jan 2021 00:15:34 UTC [4/2/2021 10:43:04 PM.100] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Copyright © 2015-2020, G17 Media, www.lspdfr.com [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.103] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.106] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.109] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/outfits.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 23 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 31 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 64 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 72 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 80 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 111 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 138 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 174 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 207 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 220 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 259 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 273 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 309 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 323 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 363 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 391 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 425 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 453 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 484 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 502 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 529 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 547 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 581 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 615 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 650 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 677 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 711 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 741 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.176] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sam.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Prop ID 0 specified multiple times for Visor Up - m_base [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.209] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.209] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.209] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets_outfits.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 11, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 25 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 25, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 32 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 32, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 39, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 47 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 47, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 56 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 56, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 71, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 85 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 85, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 92 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 92, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 100 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 100, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 115, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 129 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 129, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 136 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 136, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 143 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 143, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 151 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 151, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 160 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 160, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 175, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 189 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 189, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 196 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 196, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 204 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 204, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 219, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 233 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 233, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 240 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 240, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 247 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 247, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 255 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 255, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 264 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 264, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 279, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 293 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 293, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 300 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 300, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 308 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 308, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 403, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 418, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Commander at line 426, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 440, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 461, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 481, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 494 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 494, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 507, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 520 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 520, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 533, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 546 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 546, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 559, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 572 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 572, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 585, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 598 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 598, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 611, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 624 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 624, defaulting to male [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 732 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 764 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 796 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 828 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 951 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 976 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1002 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1028 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1054 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1133 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1160 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1187 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1214 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1241 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1268 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1297 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1330 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1363 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1396 [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loaded 138 freemode outfits and 55 preset outfits [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_dept_3 for m_senior [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.615] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Ben J. as character [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.695] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michelle Meto as character [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.696] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.696] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Cesar Villanueva as character [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.907] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding James Willhouse as character [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Kayla Ross as character [4/2/2021 10:43:05 PM.981] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michael DeSanta as character [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/regions.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/backup.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/agency.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.038] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_bcso.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.039] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_dppd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.040] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_ems_eup.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.040] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_eup_air.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.040] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_gov.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.041] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_gspd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lmpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lsap.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.044] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lspd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_lssd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.046] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_noose.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.046] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_pbpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_rhpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.048] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_sahp.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.049] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_sapr.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.049] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_saspa.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.049] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_sspd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.052] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_swat_eup.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.052] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_vppd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.053] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_vwpd.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.056] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.056] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.056] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/inventory.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.062] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to parse as chance [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.066] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player was in vehicle: False [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.066] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Last selected character was Michael DeSanta, should spawn as last character True [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.066] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loading last selected character Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.067] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Changing current player character to Michael DeSanta [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.294] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Player Persona voice was empty, generated new as: [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.294] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CharacterSelected: 33 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.295] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Character changed, creating new stats object [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.303] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialized telemtry service [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.340] LSPD First Response: We have 3 appartments registered [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.342] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 1893 Grapeseed Ave at: X:264.853 Y:-1000.169 Z:-99.058 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.347] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 1893 Grapeseed Ave, Interior is 149761 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.347] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 0605 Spanish Ave at: X:347.1727 Y:-1001.406 Z:-99.1962 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.347] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 0605 Spanish Ave, Interior is 148225 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.348] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 2874 Hillcrest at: X:-859.5645 Y:688.7182 Z:152.8571 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.349] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 2874 Hillcrest, Interior is 207361 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.349] LSPD First Response: ApartmentManager initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.350] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.351] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #2 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.352] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #3 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.411] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #4 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.416] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #5 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.421] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 交互菜单 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.421] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #6 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.423] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 警用电台 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #7 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.431] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 载具选项 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.434] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #8 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.435] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 库存 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.436] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #9 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.438] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Michael DeSanta for 设置 [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.441] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.464] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CopManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.465] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PedHistoryManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.465] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerCharacterStatsManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.465] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GamePlayer #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.467] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread DiscordRichPresence #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.483] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.574] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael Hopkins (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.577] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.577] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Leon Thompson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.591] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CheckpointManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ApartmentManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.629] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GrapeseedAve1893 #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.632] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.634] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SpanishAve0605 #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #2 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Hillcrest2874 #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #3 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread MenuManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.645] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Requested Audio [4/2/2021 10:43:06 PM.651] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CharacterCreation #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.108] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connecting to LSPDFR Sync [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/stations.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 好麦坞警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 好麦坞警局 (LSPD) at X:638.5 Y:1.75 Z:82.8 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 梅萨警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 梅萨警局 (LSPD) at X:826.8 Y:-1290 Z:28.24 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 罗克福德山警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 罗克福德山警局 (LSPD) at X:-561.65 Y:-131.65 Z:38.21 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 威斯普奇警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 威斯普奇警局 (LSPD) at X:-1108.18 Y:-845.18 Z:19.32 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 市中心警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 市中心警局 (LSPD) at X:450.0654 Y:-993.0596 Z:30 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 戴维斯警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 戴维斯警局 (LSSD) at X:360.97 Y:-1584.7 Z:29.29 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 沙滩海岸警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 沙滩海岸警局 (LSSD) at X:1848.73 Y:3689.98 Z:34.27 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 佩立托警局 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 佩立托警局 (LSSD) at X:-448.22 Y:6008.23 Z:31.72 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 海狸布什护林站 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 海狸布什护林站 (SAPR) at X:379.31 Y:792.06 Z:190.41 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 洛圣都机场办事处 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 洛圣都机场办事处 (NOOSE) at X:-864.61 Y:-2408.92 Z:14.03 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.423] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 博林布鲁克监狱 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.423] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 博林布鲁克监狱 (SASPA) at X:1846.49 Y:2585.95 Z:45.67 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component Debug #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBlips #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientChases #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCombatControl #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameStats #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientOffDuty #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientPhotoCamera #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.430] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameScripts #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.430] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawn #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.430] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.431] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameStatsManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.431] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component EvidenceMarkerManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.435] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameEventManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:07 PM.436] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player to lspd from last agency [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player skin from last skin [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.759] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Player Persona voice was empty, generated new as: [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.793] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player went on duty. [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.800] LSPD First Response: Folder is E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\plugins\lspdfr [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.821] LSPD First Response: 3041175571, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.832] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.837] LSPD First Response: ChiyoCallouts2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.844] LSPD First Response: Chiyo汉化, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.855] LSPD First Response: CodeRedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.855] LSPD First Response: CompuLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.857] LSPD First Response: CountyCalls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.858] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.858] LSPD First Response: EMS Callouts By ConnorFTW, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.859] LSPD First Response: Callout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.859] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.859] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.859] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.860] LSPD First Response: StopThePed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.864] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.871] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.871] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.874] LSPD First Response: UnitedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.876] LSPD First Response: WoutersCalloutsV, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.878] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.878] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: _3041175571.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.878] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CalloutManager.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.907] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Chiyocallouts2.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.907] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ChiyoCallouts2.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.915] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Chiyo.main [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.952] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: APIExample.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:08 PM.952] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CompuLite.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.048] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CountyCalls.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.048] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‭‎‍‫‌‏‍‎​‌‏‪‫‍‏‬‌‌‌‌‍‭‏‏‮‎‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.100] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: PROJECT_NAME.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.101] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‏‬‫​‎‭‍‫‬‌‏‏‪‌‭‏‪‎‎‮‭‪‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.127] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: LSPDFRCN.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.127] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: BqOQSNebwlPbxttJPl.N1oK0it4I5QJevUS4D [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.137] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common verifying update entry for Police SmartRadio [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.159] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‎‬‬‎‫‏‍‬‬‌‍‫‍‮‪‮‬‍‭‏‫‪‫‌‬‭‭‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.196] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Traffic_Policer.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.198] LSPD First Response: Creating Traffic Policer.Main. [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.198] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common verifying update entry for Traffic Policer [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.199] LSPD First Response: Done with Traffic Policer.Main. [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.199] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UK_Callouts.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.199] LSPD First Response: LOADED PLUGIN [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.199] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‭‬‭‮‮‌‫‬‮​‮‎‏​‍‌​‫‫‬‮‌‏‭‎‮‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.246] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UnitedCallouts.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.270] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: WoutersCalloutsV.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.271] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: YobbinCallouts.Main [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.271] LSPD First Response: Callout Manager by PieRGud successfully loaded. [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.273] LSPD First Response: Error while initializing plugin: Chiyocallouts2.Main: Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'. at System.MulticastDelegate.ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance() [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.273] at System.MulticastDelegate.CtorClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr) [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.273] at Chiyocallouts2.Main.Initialize() in C:\Users\chiyo\source\repos\Chiyocallouts2\ChiyoCallouts2\ChiyoCallouts2\Main.cs:line 83 [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.273] at LWTfPtbaZEaYqKuhoHXfbsDDlMpTB.vmLXawqwvoDQaJrWNMVjIzMJQhaW() [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.273] LSPD First Response: Chiyo Callouts2测试版1.0.0.2 已加载 [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.273] LSPD First Response: 去上班加载 Chiyo Callouts2测试版 Plugin. [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.274] LSPD First Response: Chiyo汉化加载成功 [4/2/2021 10:43:09 PM.274] LSPD First Response: 斯科特的Callouts插件加载!汉化;高风亮节的人 [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.410] LSPD First Response: Plugin CompuLite v1.5.2.0 has been initialized. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.410] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load CompuLite [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.410] LSPD First Response: County Callouts alpha - Plugin loaded! [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.410] LSPD First Response: Modification by: Adam DeLuca [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.411] LSPD First Response: County Callouts 已加载 LSPDFR 0.4.8. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.414] LSPD First Response: Loading Deadly Weapons config. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.419] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons: Config loaded. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.419] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons by SuperPyroManiac has been initialised. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.419] LSPD First Response: Go on duty with LSPDFR to start the plugin. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.421] LSPD First Response: ========================================EMS Callouts by ConnorFTW Loaded======================================== [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.421] LSPD First Response: ========================================EMS Callouts by ConnorFTW LML Loaded===================================== [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.421] LSPD First Response: ========================================EMS Callouts by ConnorFTW All Callouts loaded==================================== [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.421] LSPD First Response: ================JaRm Callouts===================== [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.421] LSPD First Response: JaRm Callouts中文网www.lspdfrcn.com [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.421] LSPD First Response: ================================================== [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.422] PoliceSmartRadio, developed by Albo1125, loaded successfully! [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.422] Special thanks to FinKone for the inspiration and OfficerSquare for the default UI. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.422] Please go on duty to start Police SmartRadio. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [INFO] No cached credentials, no user login attempt will be made to LSPDFR Sync. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Terminal server version: 0.2 [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connected to LSPDFR Sync via session 46d7b929-af1d-41fa-ba03-8022d18f19d2. Enhanced features available. [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.961] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature BaselineTelemetry [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.962] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature LSPDFRSyncOnboarding [4/2/2021 10:43:10 PM.973] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature PatreonPauseMenuItem [4/2/2021 10:43:11 PM.477] LSPD First Response: Plugin StopThePed v4.9.4.1 has been initialized. [4/2/2021 10:43:11 PM.477] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load StopThePed [4/2/2021 10:43:11 PM.477] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer, developed by Albo1125, has been initialised. [4/2/2021 10:43:11 PM.477] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to start Traffic Policer - Traffic Policer.Initialise done. [4/2/2021 10:43:11 PM.477] LSPD First Response: 英国标注 2.2.7, 由Bledyn Welch开发,已经加载成功. [4/2/2021 10:43:11 PM.477] LSPD First Response: ~b~汉化高风亮节的人. [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.572] LSPD First Response: Plugin UltimateBackup v1.8.5.0 has been initialized. [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.572] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load UltimateBackup [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.573] LSPD First Response: Loading Config file from UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.642] LSPD First Response: WoutersCalloutsV Plugin loaded! [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.643] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts 1.1.0 by YobB1n has been loaded. [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.645] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameStats #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.647] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientChases #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.647] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabling ambient game police chases [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.653] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabled ambient game police chases [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.653] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBlips #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.660] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientOffDuty #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.664] Deleting: 浣犵殑璀︾敤杞藉叿 [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.665] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientPhotoCamera #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:12 PM.665] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameScripts #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.676] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.676] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameStatsManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PauseMenu #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.691] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SamTesting #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.691] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimeEventManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.693] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Crime Manager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.693] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseMe #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.693] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread TrafficStopManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.696] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerChaseManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ScenarioManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.701] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyController #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.701] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyBehaviorController #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.702] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.710] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationInterior #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.712] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #4 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Debug #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.716] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCombatControl #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.716] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawn #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.720] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread EvidenceMarkerManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.724] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameEventManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.727] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AgencySelector #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.729] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Ambient #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ArrestManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:13 PM.742] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.927] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Update Available for Yobbin Callouts. Installed Version 1.1.0New Version 1.3.1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.927] LSPD First Response: We have 2 callouts registered [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.927] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.928] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] WorldEventManager: Allowing up to 1 events [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.935] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.936] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Model preloading enabled [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICET [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF2 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEB [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FBI2 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEOLD1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEOLD2 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading BUZZARD [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLMAV [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FROGGER2 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading AMBULANCE [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FIRETRUK [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 1B06D571 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 1D073A89 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 60EC506 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 678B81B1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 3656C8C1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 83BF0278 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.953] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersonaSearch #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.954] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component StudyStatistics #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.955] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCharacterManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.955] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientEvidenceManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.960] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Aaron Colt [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.961] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Marcus Duke [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.961] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Danny Greek [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.961] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Lauren DaVello [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.976] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeOutside Start: 07:30:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 08:00:00 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.976] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingToWork Start: 08:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 09:00:00 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.976] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingHome Start: 13:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 14:00:00 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.976] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeInside Start: 14:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 07:30:00 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.979] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersistentCharacterManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.980] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PlayerInvestigationManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.981] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component WorldPropManager #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.983] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.983] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.983] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientTrafficStop #1 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.983] LSPD First Response: In traffic policer duty event handler: True [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.985] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Starting update checks. [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.986] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Not checking for updates until 4/3/2021 8:43:53 PM [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.988] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common.dll starting standard dependency check for Traffic Policer [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.990] LSPD First Response: SCID:/XxxxV_/ [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.991] LSPD First Response: GAME VERSION: 1.0.2245.0 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.992] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer compatibility warning: The current game version is newer than 1.0.1604.1 and may or may not be incompatible due to RPH changes. Use at own risk. [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.993] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer compatibility warning: Different LSPD First Response.dll version detected, use at your own risk! This mod was made for LSPDFR 0.4.2 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.995] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common detected RAGEPluginHook version: 1.86 [4/2/2021 10:43:20 PM.995] LSPD First Response: Dependency check for Traffic Policer successful: True [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.014] LSPD First Response: Found 11 callout plugin(s) with a combined total of 99 callout(s). [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.023] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Gino Mendez [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.024] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.039] LSPD First Response: Registering callout bwHUD9YKduRuDnA9Ux.U1OAK4P6wHjnvB4b1B [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.039] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.shizong [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.039] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.cuifo [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.039] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.fulankelin [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.039] LSPD First Response: Registering callout KExNBolvP1hhXMPhmh.lxJiMqgJikFyPnOB2G [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.039] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.Taipingyang [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.040] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.StolenTanker [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.040] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.StolenMoneyTruck [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.040] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.IndecentExposure [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.040] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.ViciousDog [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.040] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.RefusalToPay [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'Numpad1' was not found. [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] at System.Enum.TryParseEnum(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase, EnumResult& parseResult) [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] at System.Windows.Forms.KeysConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value) [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] at CountyCallouts.CountyCalloutsHandler.LoadInitialisationFileValues() [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Error loading CountyCalls INI. Please replace file! Default values set. [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.ChaseCallout [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.AnimalHit [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.DeputyCheck [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Offroading [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.MethLab [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.136] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Unstable [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientTrafficStop #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersonaSearch #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.157] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldEventManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread BoundlessInformant #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread StudyStatistics #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.175] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCharacterManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.177] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientEvidenceManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.178] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersistentCharacterManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.179] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerInvestigationManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.180] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldPropManager #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.181] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer is not in beta. [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.185] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer.Mainloop started [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.185] LSPD First Response: Loading Traffic Policer settings... [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.OwnerWanted [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.OwnerWanted [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.OwnerWanted [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DrugsRunners [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DrugsRunners [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DriverUnderTheInfluence [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout Traffic_Policer.Callouts.DriverUnderTheInfluence [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.202] LSPD First Response: 已成功加载Albo1125的交通警察! [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.225] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimesMenu #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:43:21 PM.241] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer Speed Checker started. [4/2/2021 10:43:31 PM.535] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:31 PM.598] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.247] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Citations.xml has been successfully loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.261] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Charges.xml has been successfully loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Michael DeSanta (PLAYER_ZERO) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.370] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.441] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.554] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.758] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.ChaseCallout [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.758] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.AnimalHit [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.758] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.DeputyCheck [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.758] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Offroading [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.758] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.MethLab [4/2/2021 10:43:33 PM.758] LSPD First Response: Registering callout CountyCalls.Callouts.Unstable [4/2/2021 10:43:35 PM.038] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:35 PM.049] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:35 PM.261] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:35 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:35 PM.710] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:35 PM.962] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:36 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:36 PM.768] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unconscious [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Car [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cool [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.tornado [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.person [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unknown [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.sinking [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unconscious [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Car [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cool [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Crash [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.tornado [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.person [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.unknown [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.sinking [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.possible [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Cooler [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Choking [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.Man [4/2/2021 10:43:37 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout PROJECT_NAME.Callouts.broken [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Callout: Kidnapping loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Kidnapping [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Callout: Barfight loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Bar [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Callout: Freeway loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Freeway [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.Homeless [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.822] LSPD First Response: Registering callout callout.NoiseComplaint [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.881] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Starting update checks. [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.881] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Not checking for updates until 4/3/2021 8:43:53 PM [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.881] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common.dll starting standard dependency check for Police SmartRadio [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.883] LSPD First Response: GAME VERSION: 1.0.2245.0 [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.884] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio compatibility warning: The current game version is newer than 1.0.1604.1 and may or may not be incompatible due to RPH changes. Use at own risk. [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.884] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio compatibility warning: Different LSPD First Response.dll version detected, use at your own risk! This mod was made for LSPDFR [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.884] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/ButtonScroll.wav [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/ButtonSelect.wav [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/PlateCheck/TargetPlate1.wav [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required audio file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Audio/PanicButton.wav [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/GeneralConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/ControllerConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/KeyboardConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/DisplayConfig.ini [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.885] LSPD First Response: Couldn't find the required file at Plugins/LSPDFR/PoliceSmartRadio/Config/PanicButton.ini [4/2/2021 10:43:40 PM.886] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common detected RAGEPluginHook version: 1.86 [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.167] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.167] LSPD First Response: Dependency check for Police SmartRadio successful: False [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.Assault [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.AssaultOnOfficer [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.AbandonedVehicle [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DrugBust [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.StolenVehicle [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.KnifeCrime [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DangerousDriving [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.202] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.LargeFight [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.202] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.SearchAndArrest [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.202] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DeadBody [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.241] LSPD First Response: UB: DEFAULT REGIONS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.242] LSPD First Response: UB: CUSTOM REGIONS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.247] LSPD First Response: UB: SPECIAL UNITS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered SkinnyDipping [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.SkinnyDipping [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered SuspiciousParkedVehicle [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.SuspiciousParkedVehicle.SuspiciousParkedVehicle [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered HEMSAssistance [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.HEMSAssistance [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered Trespassing [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.Trespassing [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered IllegalProtest [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.IllegalProtest [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered FleeingSuspect [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.FleeingSuspect [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered SuicideAttemptJumper [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.SuicideAttempt.SuicideAttemptJumper [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered RobberyAlarm [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.RobberyAlarm.RobberyAlarm [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered SnowballFight [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.Winter.SnowballFight [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registered VehicleIntercept [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.262] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.VehicleIntercept.VehicleIntercept [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.263] LSPD First Response: Registered LSTAssistance [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.263] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.LSTAssistance [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.263] LSPD First Response: Registered TaxiFareEvader [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.263] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.TaxiFareEvader.TaxiFareEvader [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.263] LSPD First Response: Registered RefusedPassenger [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.263] LSPD First Response: Registering callout WoutersCalloutsV.Callouts.LST.RefusedPassenger [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: ==========YOBBINCALLOUTS INFORMATION========== [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts by YobB1n [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Version 1.1.0 [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: YobbinCallouts Config Installed by User. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: StopThePed is Installed by User. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Please Join My Discord Server to Report Bugs/Improvements: https://discord.gg/Jv6D3Wa. Enjoy! [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: ==========YOBBINCALLOUTS INFORMATION========== [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.BrokenDownVehicle [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Broken Down Vehicle Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.AssaultOnBus [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Assault on Bus Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.TrafficBreak [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Traffic Break Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Registering callout YobbinCallouts.Callouts.ResidentDispute [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.264] LSPD First Response: YOBBINCALLOUTS: Unwanted Photography Callout Registered. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.317] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, developed by Bleddyn Welch, has been loaded successfully! [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] =============================================== UnitedCallouts Information ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.DrugDeal [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: DrugDeal loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.StolenTruck [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: StolenTruck loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.StolenBus [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: StolenBus loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.KillerClownWasSeen [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: KillerClownWasSeen loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‌​‫‌‌‮‭‏‏​‪​‭‭​‬‏‬‏‎‌‮‌‍‫‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: GangAttack loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ​‌‮‬‍‭‬‍​‮‏‬‎‮‏‏‮‬‬‎‫‮‌‫‮‮‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: MoneyTruckIsRobbed loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‬‍‫​​‮‎​‌‭‎‏‫‪‍‫‌​‭‎‏‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Fighting loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.DrugDealer [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: DrugDealer loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‫‭‫‪‏‬‫‫‪​‏‫‏‮‪‪‌‎‎​‪‬‮‎​‫‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: StolenEmergencyVehicle loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.PersonWithKnife [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: PersonWithKnife loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‎‬‏‏‏‏‫‬‮‎‪‮‭‮‬‬​‌‬‫‍‪‮‫‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: StolenEmergencyVehicle2 loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ArrestWarrant [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: ArrestWarrant loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.troublemaker [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: troublemaker loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ArmoredPerson [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: ArmoredPerson loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ShotsFired [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.335] LSPD First Response: ShotsFired loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.Bicycle [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Bicycle loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.WelfareCheck [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: WelfareCheck loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.K9Backup [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: K9Backup loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.store [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: store loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.TrafficBackup [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: TrafficBackup loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ​‮‬‮‮‫‫‮‌‬‭‏‍‏‎‪‮‮‬‌‮‮​‎‫‍‏‍‮ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] LSPD First Response: Hostages loaded [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] =============================================== UnitedCallouts Information ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] =============================================== UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [LOG]: Callouts and settings loaded succesfully. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [LOG]: The config file loaded succesfully. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [VERSION]: Detected Version: [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [LOG]: Checking for newest version. [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] =============================================== UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 ================================================ [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.336] [4/2/2021 10:43:41 PM.366] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.154] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.412] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.482] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.api: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/LSPDFRCNVersion?name=qrmF4S%2bbSptz522dZzILje%2f1LkohcAVVplyIDxTvxE6ng%2baU7B5qWc2XBKUTSwemghCQBTLeee4vGy5rOQtnpvkfqvCsVg0OkoOTQ5yuY56z%2fuWnJ6UmJ7Jwq6faUpWXUAcuYXOvjOD2xRxfCErOHIAsQLMHdSjhfGV%2fGRzQOUYMqfQF208CqKDt7lou%2bSLHzjrpcC7q%2br84Ph6JRZhZaImWZUyV4S30WrkqVCqnIANujSIsx%2b3o23DBzsPtqA5658DvQepOOeaXPAy27zB7ufuitUgq5tg2yTCm%2fq%2fK7LTRF9%2f3wRBHZupl4Wvn6hFDuCmRvGQL8G7K5zcZpMIa2w%3d%3d] [mBLsJZa86O8cf5M+UGzomZaC4FYASKn1tczbsAu2XQ9gU4x/G432gBfg9bWsoeyCav9Y2Mb2EYNMf5zc44jWY9V2J9hnwztwZB858YRp4tr2g42BDPQ/4fwraurI9e50PwlWGybmsLGHGBytGY2egmtuUMW1oQ11yqR4jNM/snh4BkDeektUa+mk/AK06BCA3XlYObtR8HP1Tdt4faNlpTOFB1RxcAA5d33eZr2CiQ7YldzdADuzg4dDhyedBU8WMz2svQbuX4kydZc6+t+EuUnEDYCwOToc6wJ9AOcCft76b1tw223urSLTir9UEKQG1+Y1WUYRheLi2IwJMsAddA==] [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.600] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.603] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 1: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.638] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 1: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.775] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.778] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 2: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:42 PM.811] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 2: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.447] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.450] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 3: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.484] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 3: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.603] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.605] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 4: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.641] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 4: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.770] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.773] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 5: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.809] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 5: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.904] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.906] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 6: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:43 PM.940] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 6: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.286] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.287] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police3 at X:1.564161 Y:-1364.2 Z:30.06141 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.303] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.308] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.336] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.337] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.349] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Collins (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.363] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to transport [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 1 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to coroner [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 2 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to tow [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 3 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to insurance [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 4 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to animal [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.377] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 5 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to trafficstop [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 6 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to felonystop [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 7 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to k9backup [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 8 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to spikestrips [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 9 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to roadblock [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 10 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to female [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 11 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.380] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to panic [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 12 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to groupbackup [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 13 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to ambulance [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 14 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to firedept [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is not done setting up. Adding to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.381] LSPD First Response: Added to queue. Length: 15 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.442] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.447] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.452] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lyra McRoll (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.474] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police3 [4/2/2021 10:43:44 PM.812] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:45 PM.118] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVersion?ver=Ddalf%2bWfGQkSbKMK9lWDTeqwNMhm5Hjc5I7S1V2aphs7V2q9SSDjE5G1LhZU2EzAIz0ybjBbZRIAYqaee00Mq6Fgau83cSw7NW5MWlX69PL%2fHAQ9TbSagH5c159PWGMFKzHwQBe098nDbiqR5pg01VspR4q1e1VCcgoRM9jNR2gIlhEGUUK5f%2fKJ7ogAZFL7G19p624XCJlQEDJ64O1IZ49LbSKKGgEyb%2b83NjKYJC1%2bYcGNFVdutOs50qzgliIi%2b2P3hngR8duvtE6BG12kiVD8SWU5qj%2fZQO727IHXNroU0xkJJ3LwKAd%2fMye%2beSgftdOKYRcdV2o8ZmScF%2by2kw%3d%3d] [RrrvAy4HpOVuUIE7ar1OiO0UzpUzHkIW5OBIy6wyTaApLPkA3K1ny+zULmMRV8WNogEDqZEcjZGM2OHJuVzCYewN3yBYdtlDTC67Qa8PrpbcSH37IS8Fb2UTi3F6Rqcd3tRqQSf1HW5fccbprQpQLcelQ+8GDrK0hBXnY6rFwHojsZckNqx9isejmtW3NoYMIYQdWGFg57oq2F/nnm0sbxFDyOmdge44tE/iWsShR5uSz4BN6unf6kYnKmJs6R2DtYzmBZF827w6Kqudzo5E973Ckwsf6wHkJZlxtWCr0TSwF+6u1Vi3c1HzFdOX0wEbHnJs1UbtqSNFIU0rMDBu0A==] [4/2/2021 10:43:47 PM.989] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPCustom?ver=pjLzDR4pTRJZKfsN0XEDSxewg7kFHNyHSLSAa66fQ6spFTRkBuFXFSbCGwhlAAwbFPMnXZpPPt%2bXzis%2bz0dFqs3nUKHSsYhBjA%2fNlwkYEdad9ziiV8L7k7Q82is4ZQCc%2fL8rehKsWn83SpBf7NJjzxNN%2bKALp6BPZHefcNk0iwn9qwAtMKmc2jpCA8%2f4BIfQdBMOIuBHYohYjg99zw1Pe5Ay4%2b9Rqb4u9eH9x%2bS1W5DSzfzo43N2LGGa6JJV7VgPbQhGIiGA5oChPY857bUYUVpPGfv2E%2fDIJ0YgtFV%2fwzPHPFCD2k4gFFnT6TIlmsSVnpP3NVJhv%2b5G%2f4Vhz4WLFA%3d%3d] [AFm4z3KDSxyVrOUCEqhqNU4WvpckT3WBgFERF1Ye7zTHM5RiJ4EyKpp2By27xXzNFS/mwrFE3JRjkR5W7t+k3ebGbPL++2XWV0R5puGXrjm6RcyyzB/Bxi5kuHzZvAG2igKBN6uNLG5hM3BcWCSjM6nZk63Gp+D+mbYvzArS7pB5t6eOD1P7qtXj5szer2inFo15W82aRKEGEstz1iW53CQDmJYTk2dIvWBWgK1qQI09nehSXNN9+iwwWYentgOsPicngRonAWpRvOZTb/cb473nBhO2mCk5DKPi88dHgfSJf0VTnel0NVyrwgoHP2AEHjPC6MDIhuGd3RqYMoaAtQ==] [4/2/2021 10:43:49 PM.140] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:49 PM.322] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [4/2/2021 10:43:51 PM.648] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:51 PM.651] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 7: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:51 PM.690] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 7: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:51 PM.806] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:51 PM.809] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 8: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:51 PM.847] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 8: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.124] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.127] LSPD First Response: Adding Error 9: Police SmartRadio popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.165] LSPD First Response: Drawing Error 9: Police SmartRadio popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.310] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.314] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.352] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.778] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.845] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.849] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:52 PM.886] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.000] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.004] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.044] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.183] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.188] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.225] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.308] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: Starting PlayerShotFiber. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.308] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: Starting CustomAIFiber. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.333] LSPD First Response: DeadlyWeapons: Starting ProcessFiber. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.348] LSPD First Response: Continue pressed [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.355] LSPD First Response: Adding Albo1125.Common detected errors popup to queue. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.395] LSPD First Response: Drawing Albo1125.Common detected errors popup message [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.511] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.519] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVerifyCode?code=fcruObwQsL3vSXUoTqVkHc%2b0OfEn%2fWZ3hfCoOIVBMzWlnuMN%2fHGhaqG5lx2ynqvhqf2T%2f7Bio7%2f%2f75WmSVInILZ3HsGVJx7l00l4ddwjiIOJckAzNWUydPIQ6kVLqNoYYtqbBbyYpxpXS5fcHgJ%2fPFTo8orpa602qD5SIzl4ok99T7B%2b2rJBQLreHQvCDJyGYroq%2fMQtlfVYVc3k7EEvRQjhae2w%2bZwpyrnqGz%2f6YvsVQpKOE5xSs3%2bfWzulTpBxvdhssarCw9EnXsB8EkR6V7nAKgUvNmwp1%2fqV8Am4WJXPmqt3qyRDqgxrjB2ywb8q0EsoGT6pBAHGHIbekQllMw%3d%3d&ver=ngj4a2UscuZ7sghpnDrf22eaHSMpeJaU9ihr3DvUDEZwQtG%2bDWW3OXtvQnay%2bg11KEz1dgFCapsBI5zKg6EOzRFoVdXAoRlE%2b57ZLGrcC2MqA4JLSWTMrV3sttG1C4H2%2fGSvloboFTy6jmnA%2bu7N%2fC%2bQJymAAG7ttoEGGSfO%2bg2zWQnZXmO1MVdvZGHQ2kMCww57m78%2bCTf7Czk3hrlIOEOQCG6Tg2uN4BoK1Jt2%2fVIhne4l9N16rUr3T2cj710%2bKIepAJmBRYYrXv9p3aQMmfPOIl66Fm0%2b34EUejr5SSYi%2bF35f8kLcVZQPt9P%2fEAvFXqW%2ffivdvc46TKI6YfVuA%3d%3d] [XleylocAFfPzjFkx9zEjvxA22lQ64hjBECU0qxwjnUgy7qy90MxbfJqO31rGtWAIi+Zxjbxki3a2rMgDop4fevqLuGIsUVbNMfUjT/ttsCVtXZl+GUeK0ujl2cAdpP0vhWcCFlH2bu6kCjG7cd9jXfJeYnl1xx7qP2gNEitnaVupccK/eAJ6qgcRqcrDerIsTIsnXAOiT6njOsrwSfUPYxKotCIzW2zRrfOpy7qVBmfBXUZ82u9hNnY6cbv7w50bpA3u1PQM9vDr4mJTil4pgvx6B3QoI88MjotTyhpo3dpL9GrGBpZLFVgmP724Gvgsg/kseBmCM1n9t1cqpMfIdg==] [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.618] LSPD First Response: ExitButton pressed. [4/2/2021 10:43:53 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:56 PM.353] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:43:56 PM.562] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [4/2/2021 10:43:56 PM.774] LSPD First Response: Deadly Weapons: Player shot, chose: 0 - 2 [4/2/2021 10:43:56 PM.861] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ShutdownRunningComponentsAfterPlayerDeath [4/2/2021 10:43:56 PM.984] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLVersion?ver=Ca9QLTHDtRwU4qchjzWvD3oymWkwaarsqbCbSoX3AGGBooQtQS8FcRrZHBNSPZ8EdBSj1wSs8p7%2fd0B%2b%2bszLd%2b7z7Z9zVuFeH96%2fF1JzWUArjCeNY4iZ92FSJFHPQgqqv4yTztHUHWAw8p4ZiU4L9DD06CgE43HvIdWeaQ67o8mcndAZnUK%2fA1ajmaetgKlUNHWzSx%2bxCvqjrWr1FSYYoGh%2bzV4H%2b5jszTgEC0Sxb5WUy0CmkNysv6T0SqpUOgdnqgtqve0AqAT%2faEMV%2fSVsuR88889KCFsQtWHBoVBn6mYgOzRl%2bPSW3ubNRsu8L%2fOJoKLqdg1OGKKPx0AxqbDrbA%3d%3d] [DhAbumQlBOaYMIlyO7mQuAVBaF1y0g7IlUw4Bo4B4AjYG49Z10aAjHjL15oZNJh4HAaexgrt1ypfnkGKxXTrdNEnGlPTC1/5QJCmLEJed9M0pzKkvAb7XeHfKqRF9MQo5jps+lCX3fimSgaMMq5DURpgIiQmoZPlLsMijevrxS8uSJ+wSibkd3ny54vWYwfvoIgKvVsMjRuW5dGVxJmd03DuC9j3S/5sroow8euYbxjcaYCLzj2w9WkMfPi5PXJKEIufYeWMWm70RV23fkBMBoqj2IHm7EHIRQQQnJYkD8so1jA7UlNmzk2u7eZkK1ld15ojLdojQBKXmwdJ3jINDA==] [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.568] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.900] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF2 [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.900] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created sheriff2 at X:351.3006 Y:-1556.711 Z:29.24393 [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.900] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientStationSpawn: Added SHERIFF2 at 戴维斯警局 [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created sheriff at X:399.393 Y:-1621.396 Z:29.20119 [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientStationSpawn: Added SHERIFF at 戴维斯警局 [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.907] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.919] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lindsey Bleacher (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:44:05 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:44:10 PM.690] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLCustom?ver=l7h8vZl8Z%2fh%2fJAl%2bYGlBFtAM%2b91BPIksqYe2fi8rzOH4QOs1aVj6kc8LUEQX3DmfSNOLjmV4iKh7UOs8pHWnIXxX4wn0cQ2Sw7%2f5avoXAwtYHQ16dRgZxKOYiTxwTsUIlzj%2fOhUsLyAyFnFa4at4edHTqg%2fkD342dEVzYREcufcp434AwUTAp4%2bRh9z3f25nguBH5XvKCC%2fpNXgwvqamvCvoRoi60Z9U3uqJ5thwwnh6Qr8Eau2OMukSZXQgUtYW%2bd7lahFpD9ONMHKQIyIXSyGKuBmWm4wpaUQjCquJqOHipNcaGBoO4HOYWdZvYilH58ZgCYs3VCaYQB73CXrGfA%3d%3d] [FYVhs+nRHoeOKkL4ff6t2w5UQ8MS1LcAr57gTxoVQWrJ5fSdK1+mnLLkzS3CkuwVvA1Mo0gwrLnKUM71N85frhBaXHnMrlrBfMzBet4q8dOrfoehgdsB0CUB6OK9aPFFzBynxRZ2eHMVfRRj2egGcqSHYYC+THSe3D8eFTLf9vSuzXpjNQvFMOCq1CMZI0A66d7Y8fHLZ70Owgbpq1RNkJaeeeWgGaVEBRL69jjNCIPpffBjrksPG5QXw00wl2+NWmircb6/sH4apsuJU7FH9Iuc1+PNy0CsFtg5uaVKCIhn0yNT1UkONMaHaFKaZah6qFm9jUQ59jmvUiG7kTie0Q==] [4/2/2021 10:44:13 PM.933] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVersion?ver=qVCXHJmWWqbY%2fSwNt1POFB3squrKltvmP%2fI4K67fgFc%2fGtOHbgL1TdFZAbI94uTD0ouKjX3olXOqYodUqrW%2fTYLrKpUGCl1J5w%2bp%2bxV%2ftKO50ByghyT6o7Md6IoT3nutT%2fqjv03aKkEP935XF5VC3FDgU9LagBzDs5pEseEQ3Pn4zBClKuJ%2fW%2bxbhXFBzoeWkBT4D%2bM2kFTFhNqpl7FU%2bbGJPvX%2bKCuLYEok5WhdFL1PgVj%2bs7%2fJwH6vnK%2be2iiOH5z1k%2bVz33IzQ2LddzIi%2fGsGQ01ZUKruH7Pn60Yn%2fxHV%2f%2f0y878jRBPXa3qoGfXqgYd%2bT%2baod49%2fA6LrSfKwxg%3d%3d] [QbmchvjgD6JFcH9AaSEnlilkdJ/3+YUAxXq5ujNc1/5QTD6hVoepDKSdkDMO1IVfIjrOHO78SvRshJ2r0A4WG7LapFYLtO8R3lMqr0sgN8M5deN37wyXME9/KX4U/Qc2+KcZNqQNArwP3RZoEkiAFEDl2Z9PUfbhsh/INDuomnOB3I4iRyuwK6NIQXr51WFFMATMM0w1/dzf9KwD73NNOj5MvE7SL5XDqDfriWQR6zjjatZW25BFxKw0rhziIi7+tO0fzZwXrYxBDVCJkylrwAIK6Dck6nG3xkG6izk0hIowND0ucMwAsOhGCszR4gxRYQ4gY+KEOjWl8GWdAtUb6A==] [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.726] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.726] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.750] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.751] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:252.9572 Y:-1179.547 Z:38.73767 [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.764] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.769] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.772] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_c [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.772] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_c [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.776] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lewis Massey (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.797] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.797] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_c [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.798] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_c [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.802] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Christian Hernandez (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:44:16 PM.886] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLVerifyCode?code=CzGlLzSrg8sRZCzAeSRt8cvpGeFmtTzPFHgz%2b2oB%2b%2bloGdrvum63iGR7dwahTaKiX1VbCn32c0tKOZD7d9azkBlxIGZhSkTgyvvuIKPZUrIEhq2efvGZhNX0X4Mb8yV4nJfXFg%2fIhB4IADNlUpMiO14nZah0sTYLqE5oq7I8CAnkeZP7FbG5FMr3AaEzCbTbQ6NCP14uPl%2fw%2bCVDTOxQPNjGIdmI6S7KXwfPANy9Pnvxje4Y%2f9vOLe4VmRxjGThRTHhPKraG35Y%2bl4ff2HmHvQRAESvBm4pkcqPQGf6y0pPgMqVn219Aj1t19YgzrFuuFe5PBKGd5EFLBzruuR%2fMJA%3d%3d&ver=MqbhtnQT8GHHPdECiesICVzkNgSxaYZUkSRWr5qad0hqQFz1ky9rR1JqehxKAywXipBeCkIfKL4wioX7X96wD%2f7pV4kzLpfCekZRI0wIQ4MyqwCL0ZI8Ed9ix6uSd6WzWieVeNbhqPs%2bJwpz13x2mKn17KD6UY5YAW61wlK3dPlhCfQMpA57ijxlTTyjhONdUbgbimtCi9ywqGknipjWbjIEVrb8YWItlnj89a%2bTBXDvA1yP%2bkJNDg0iABKTRKgHKyNy%2bqlRgzXIRV4Ir9QQaNP8rytuhgp6KvIxdsv9jvV6%2fBdHeQ8hCr%2fKgRBOAxKa3bQZIAqV9sAc7%2f1rDAqHQw%3d%3d] [maXOGghhSIsOm9N2d+II9mcOhH09tE421y6rFPVadhCB0erA8nk2fi2eaWymqXz/lX2jYcNyGafZFPWIH5pkzu9OUDFJuNVJJDIBKQ5AJet2lcvAKZngu2Zx0B8BzZHDI0ZVT6HezSjXbjX0Ii2ERyT2sFiTXeTnsAeKXT8Bndg9y3YNH0/UIbAyiwyLSUJ03S7CwSkbt0J1X3vqmKsKSuTphyNz7xp5+92O68DGqqZ/Z93mPEumqmBq+OoGFDByzntr45CqX+E1f62Xq8Y8VxmBWGayjM3Wq1drZ+6FQJWdnZ7yX6Z+i4T4NGWGR7YM9oNTBYEF08PFaI12N2O1DA==] [4/2/2021 10:44:18 PM.944] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBCustom?ver=J9SFwMScJ%2bafrTrR4ItX6edQjLMhJYW4UpJluWdh%2fwN%2fG7UhW7jbgT2idDPoVqoZYLCZ4%2fAAX2yhDcJltcsWEm1PECADw8%2fvQpdVtplDpWAtjsCUkXOQXZz8whHO9%2foW9Q6izXn7G8X2Ae4U%2bIpHH8bgWMGqx7k8%2beAGRA94d2pHPWxXheyD48Kye%2bhzxLrLZ7%2byZq28x8zm5gNV3uJ5ErNFjUTj%2fZah9c6fjodGG%2bFoWIDm35loZFx0uogX3B4lc8udfelVpkUj6dLnPrNBzhM1Z3H3uuclae6cUqNnTlnrW3NdHtdYfkvsvwAyNHi4Y6us9sdJPjQc1ZI3ZADehg%3d%3d] [id2OVz0ZDJOBeoJaHs3rzRsWRnrF8I0A4kbBNDe+BAV18M1pQMqyjf+hHxg+FZVV7BoODtyCQ+4l0z0UIalnc5CeSw06PvaIGqIlZMp0d0HqNb4fgO6g/k8DtvxBLTQyGuq46rZ3/icJ2KFByvzirorx0jxUg9PtyLy5PXcx7F6QFhy5rjVtR9vzoratQ6Bg/3tmvtVjtOVQmunLqNUgTcuBtAUPN7ZSFqtWrdn2GC4xOcKE3Rpg3J1dwAruM40dhVEHwZG3nKteyHW4HjaCoqICmAw7FdrxuOTpKvUv80nHjXWj3vpIwWdVFRCGIDLoNXO6FKjZ4L784TIINHPDSw==] [4/2/2021 10:44:23 PM.981] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVerifyCode?code=KtsCggy%2fBu95mdRBsDHTx%2bLlVh8FJ3yuDw6aO1CNqiqiPexpWVA5rj1j78Zq5Y%2ftdPWrJ%2b1e939ADU0EQZYUG8cKRhivkiRQuIfeg8V9eai3ya0yLmjk8Aj%2b89kHOXW16%2bmSUQVNZ4RW3pHiql27c0VQk1eB7IYlKag61tSqV%2b55KyTeHc3vE1wgZreTmqFAxvZ6fg3rOBVyYiVSJPG4BuPtiZstHaUYcCy%2fqdXUZq%2bClwm9c46Vy0iRxjeXucqjY%2f0Us0MSQpLFfK39eFJD5pJD%2bw0HyOqONfWG9axapexB%2bBCM%2fWT4phJjKFWqt5sK15djw78PIOywwLAW%2fMU2EA%3d%3d&ver=BgmSz%2fTUr0Zrto1qdvB3jry3EtQfl%2fUXFiEXSrhBhdui%2bAe53t2%2fa5VNlLFW1iQy2EPN%2fkU5Rf2Pv0HtPHRQztisq%2fj2%2bQQDn7zRLjaqsQPxOsr%2fD7cks9MXyve%2bZfLJlXIAJoFSSQdq0E850uM3GyQ08vSagApGkMSy%2fNQR%2bVH%2fnN754j3HKHoTqSyclnqkYOWJbP8XEsW6pxnlcro5LPszVNSWkbDjXfe3WMa0KHVp9Y7jZuWgADBauPb1boONkJbma%2fsY5N%2frMcJe2TM0csPjGtUlXnJMcV48kI0mtmr98o9w78frFP7oA2avyAP2gTbYxw7oCaaaFdWall3LnA%3d%3d] [bb5Rr358364GwNHeec02p1JzxuX2+F/Eo2tw6YG4ORgL60ylGmqIj50YvjLOBurOv6Myr//NwGJvkPC5FC5IBMHJFFGIAIpRb5ys5H7h0o8JBCqQXp7foMyd/9ONGy2k5oui2D9xfTL4iVT1QJMNiVGa8xBu55mGhoUBpvrWMMRpGvsRmE+9NrrVSizPKw0Ac8uI6DvT8oBbKuFP/hJ+A4g3f4J2je2i1HSS1KH3ZAI6vJFg3thdoUk4PUZnwffN97w49Aeoc2KbMmW433EZbT9e/LqMmjUXAbfk5ubJG33apD6R7rOor/Ce1zlrGbiJIcNYTh3GvaNbkzQnnX6nlg==] [4/2/2021 10:44:25 PM.509] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_鍗佸瓧鍐涜矾 [4/2/2021 10:44:25 PM.532] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [4/2/2021 10:44:26 PM.490] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalSWAT [4/2/2021 10:44:26 PM.492] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: STRAW [4/2/2021 10:44:26 PM.493] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [4/2/2021 10:44:29 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopPlayRadioAction: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:44:29 PM.534] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.693] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.774] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.774] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:422.3067 Y:-1221.588 Z:41.72472 [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.822] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.827] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dan Fernando (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.843] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.848] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.854] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Felix McWeen (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:44:31 PM.870] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:44:43 PM.237] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Building pathfinding data. Island: False [4/2/2021 10:44:49 PM.486] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_鍗佸瓧鍐涜矾 [4/2/2021 10:44:49 PM.502] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [4/2/2021 10:44:49 PM.530] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: 救援单位 (医护) [4/2/2021 10:44:49 PM.530] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: STRAW [4/2/2021 10:44:49 PM.530] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [4/2/2021 10:44:52 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 63 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:44:52 PM.176] LSPD First Response: Creating ​‮‬‮‮‫‫‮‌‬‭‏‍‏‎‪‮‮‬‌‮‮​‎‫‍‏‍‮ from ​‮‬‮‮‫‫‮‌‬‭‏‍‏‎‪‮‮‬‌‮‮​‎‫‍‏‍‮, UnitedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:44:52 PM.178] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #1 [4/2/2021 10:44:53 PM.508] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopPlayRadioAction: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:44:53 PM.508] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [4/2/2021 10:44:54 PM.195] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:44:54 PM.400] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:44:54 PM.746] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:44:54 PM.976] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:44:56 PM.028] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:44:56 PM.782] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:438.3912 Y:-1414.058 Z:29.96411 [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.785] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Peyton Young (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.799] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.805] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.835] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cached 1316 decorators for index 4 [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.836] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.836] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_b [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kate Diamond (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:45:03 PM.858] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:45:04 PM.725] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [4/2/2021 10:45:04 PM.876] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:45:06 PM.664] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:45:06 PM.755] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:45:07 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:45:07 PM.396] LSPD First Response: 创建电话事件 [4/2/2021 10:45:08 PM.302] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:45:11 PM.478] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [4/2/2021 10:45:12 PM.027] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [4/2/2021 10:45:13 PM.610] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:45:15 PM.169] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:45:21 PM.412] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [4/2/2021 10:45:23 PM.223] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andy Rixon (A_M_Y_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:45:23 PM.224] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Hit and run was invalid [4/2/2021 10:45:23 PM.224] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Leonaro Nigavari (A_M_Y_STLAT_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:45:23 PM.471] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:45:50 PM.326] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:45:52 PM.153] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:45:52 PM.154] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [4/2/2021 10:45:52 PM.155] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #1 [4/2/2021 10:45:52 PM.297] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:46:09 PM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 62 seconds since the last callout [4/2/2021 10:46:09 PM.889] LSPD First Response: Creating Bar from callout.Bar, Callout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/2/2021 10:46:09 PM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #2 [4/2/2021 10:46:22 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:46:22 PM.887] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] User accepted callout [4/2/2021 10:46:36 PM.931] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:46:36 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PoliceStation #6 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:46:36 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PoliceStation #6) [4/2/2021 10:46:36 PM.951] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Lindsey Bleacher has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.132] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.142] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bernard Marx (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.142] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #5 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.143] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.148] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.149] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_a [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.149] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_a [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.153] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Marc DeKutrera (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:46:43 PM.153] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #5 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.813] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing spawned suspect [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.814] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.815] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.815] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.815] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.817] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:46:44 PM.817] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.238] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.606] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #1 reports that it can be freed [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from StealCar #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from StealCar #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.607] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (StealCar #1) [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.608] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #1 has ended [4/2/2021 10:46:45 PM.622] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped John Leblanc has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.895] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:215.4316 Y:-1040.088 Z:29.97853 [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.912] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.917] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cooper Harris (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.941] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lance Jackson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:46:48 PM.974] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:47:04 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #5 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:47:04 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #5 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:47:04 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PoliceStation #5 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:47:04 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PoliceStation #5) [4/2/2021 10:47:04 PM.345] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Bernard Marx has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:47:04 PM.345] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Marc DeKutrera has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.597] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.598] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:437.7549 Y:-529.8148 Z:36.33549 [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.624] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.630] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Brett Kingsley (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.650] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.656] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.665] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andrew Smith (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:15 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [4/2/2021 10:47:17 PM.258] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:47:17 PM.258] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event RunLights [4/2/2021 10:47:17 PM.259] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: RunLights #1 [4/2/2021 10:47:17 PM.264] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to RunLights #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:47:21 PM.134] LSPD First Response: UB: ABOUT TO BE DISMISSED (TOO FAR FROM PLAYER) >> OSB-0 [4/2/2021 10:47:21 PM.275] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [4/2/2021 10:47:21 PM.403] LSPD First Response: UB: UNIT FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 | TOTAL ACTIVE UNIT >> 0 [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.609] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.610] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:17.67753 Y:-147.1268 Z:56.51108 [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.610] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.845] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: OnSceneBackup.startCallForBackupThread-1 崩溃 原因: [System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.845] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‬‬​‭‍‫‍‪‮‬‪‬‌‎‬‫‮‎‍‭‌‬‏‪‍‭‎‍‮(Entity ) [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.845] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‭‏‮‭‎‍‬‏​‌‭‫‎‍‏‎‏‍​‪‍‍‍‏‪‮(‍‏‏‪‬‎​‮‪‮‮‮‪‏​‭‍‎​‬‌​‪​‮ ) [4/2/2021 10:47:25 PM.845] at ‌‭‏‭‬‌‬‮‬‮‍‫‌‌‌‎‪‍‬‫‬​‪‬‮‬‭‌‮.‌‪‎​‍‏‪‫‬‮‫‫‬​‏‭‮‪‍‎‌‌‫‍‎‪‮.‎‍‪‫‬‌‪‎‍​‎‍‌‎‎‎‮‌‌​‎‪‮‍‍‮()] [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.580] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.580] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.611] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.611] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police4 at X:91.43326 Y:-159.3942 Z:55.60663 [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.627] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.632] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.633] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit sahp_class_c [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.633] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit sahp_class_c [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.637] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Casey Reynolds (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:30 PM.656] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police4 [4/2/2021 10:47:33 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event RunLights #1 reports that it can be freed [4/2/2021 10:47:33 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from RunLights #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:47:33 PM.358] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from RunLights #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:47:33 PM.358] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (RunLights #1) [4/2/2021 10:47:33 PM.358] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event RunLights #1 has ended [4/2/2021 10:47:33 PM.372] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Frank Vlados has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.601] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.601] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.630] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.631] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:1.38133 Y:-271.1112 Z:47.97025 [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.646] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.651] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.656] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cory Hutchison (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.673] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Paul Striker (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:35 PM.703] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.650] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.650] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:-145.8669 Y:258.319 Z:95.28504 [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.698] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.703] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.708] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kiera Bell (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.728] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.733] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.738] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jessica Hill (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:47:55 PM.757] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:48:05 PM.826] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Player is exiting vehicle with stage 3 on, resetting stage 3. [4/2/2021 10:48:10 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:48:10 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [4/2/2021 10:48:10 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #2 [4/2/2021 10:48:10 PM.405] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #2 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:10 PM.561] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:48:11 PM.060] LSPD First Response: UB: AMBULANCE IS FULLY DISMISSED [4/2/2021 10:48:11 PM.104] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:48:17 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [4/2/2021 10:48:17 PM.627] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:48:19 PM.742] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:48:20 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:48:20 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:48:20 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/2/2021 10:48:20 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police3 at X:-41.86339 Y:17.32518 Z:73.29269 [4/2/2021 10:48:20 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police3 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 7.936005 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 7.936005 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.002] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 3.434967 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 7.936005 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 7.936005 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 3.434967 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned with 1.177216 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using 6.985321, 161.8989, 94.94733 Heading: 339.8641 and 9.222366, 168.411, 97.02108 Heading: 340.7674 as base positions [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.027] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.027] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SUPERD [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.066] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.071] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice (lspd) [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_a [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_class_a [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.077] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Carlos Dryzz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.077] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to ScenarioFakeTrafficStop #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.078] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to ScenarioFakeTrafficStop #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:21 PM.103] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:48:23 PM.293] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> Partner-2 [4/2/2021 10:48:25 PM.158] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:25 PM.178] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:25 PM.643] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.019] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.247] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.278] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.698] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.698] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.729] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.729] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police4 at X:164.4472 Y:69.72828 Z:82.70886 [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.744] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.750] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Conner (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:30 PM.778] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police4 [4/2/2021 10:48:32 PM.178] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:48:35 PM.393] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Danijel Smith (A_M_Y_STBLA_02) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:48:35 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:35 PM.651] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:35 PM.887] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerArrest #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:48:35 PM.891] HAS WEAPON [4/2/2021 10:48:35 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:48:36 PM.782] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [4/2/2021 10:48:37 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:37 PM.719] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:38 PM.784] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:38 PM.826] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:38 PM.826] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:38 PM.867] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:40 PM.853] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:40 PM.891] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:40 PM.891] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:40 PM.930] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:40 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:41 PM.371] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:41 PM.403] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:41 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:43 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:43 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:43 PM.723] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:43 PM.763] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:44 PM.054] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:44 PM.718] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:44 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:45 PM.610] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:45 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:45 PM.832] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:47 PM.382] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:47 PM.415] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:48 PM.057] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [4/2/2021 10:48:48 PM.178] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:48 PM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:48 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Michael Lopez has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:48:48 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:49 PM.473] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:51 PM.254] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:51 PM.296] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:51 PM.316] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jennifer Lewis has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:48:51 PM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:51 PM.795] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:52 PM.267] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:52 PM.286] Prompting Arresting [4/2/2021 10:48:53 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:48:53 PM.598] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:53 PM.632] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:55 PM.814] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:56 PM.566] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [4/2/2021 10:48:57 PM.071] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:48:57 PM.615] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:57 PM.655] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:57 PM.656] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:57 PM.692] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [4/2/2021 10:48:59 PM.697] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayFromAudioBuilderBlock: Input is CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 [4/2/2021 10:48:59 PM.698] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlaySingleAction: Playing CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01 from E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\LSPDFR\audio\sfx\CUFFS_TIGHTEN_01.wav, looped: False [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.389] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.391] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerArrest #1 to abort: No reason specified [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerArrest #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerArrest #1 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerArrest #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.392] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerArrest #1) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.408] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Dana Littlefield has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerArrest #1 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.420] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.420] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 initialized [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.469] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect died in player custody [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 to abort: Suspect is dead [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 (Blocker) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.595] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1) [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.596] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 is aborting already [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.617] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Dana Littlefield has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:04 PM.624] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportNew #1 has been shut down [4/2/2021 10:49:05 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting WatchEvent: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:49:09 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:09 PM.465] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Alex Williams has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.193] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_GENSTREET_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.193] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_STLAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_M_BOUNCER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.328] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_GENSTREET_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.328] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.329] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_STLAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_M_BOUNCER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:10 PM.333] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:13 PM.470] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [4/2/2021 10:49:13 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:14 PM.705] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_濂介害鍧炲ぇ閬? [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.169] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: PoliceTransport [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.169] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: DTVINE [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.169] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #2 reports that it can be freed [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from StealCar #2 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from StealCar #2 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (StealCar #2) [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.901] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #2 has ended [4/2/2021 10:49:15 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jordan Garcia has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:16 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:16 PM.297] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jennifer Lewis has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:17 PM.478] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopPlayRadioAction: Timed out [4/2/2021 10:49:17 PM.478] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [4/2/2021 10:49:17 PM.965] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dana Littlefield (A_F_Y_HIPSTER_04) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.668] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.668] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:-164.4627 Y:263.2641 Z:93.96459 [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.728] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.734] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.739] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Simpson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.759] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.764] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.769] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Christian Dugan (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:49:18 PM.790] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:49:20 PM.136] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:24 PM.073] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Acer White (A_M_Y_STLAT_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:49:24 PM.074] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Drowning at Head. Could see player: True [4/2/2021 10:49:24 PM.192] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:24 PM.205] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Matt Hartley has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:25 PM.754] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPCustom?ver=KAT90TOuOOqOLQrB82EvmjcvPkkMpOfh2DrpJFiLbhMgjx8Q7yVNTDeZQ50DMxbUi%2b0cF2%2bzBvSy2o6HieJk9Jh8Kix7aE%2f%2fUOr42rab47OCz8Nmd8nQfrxK4naFRUODp7eAAfcccTvb%2fGtwhl%2fTTnwchqKX6CXctcb7ICyk34TkYQ%2fSzotutK7zmaJ9V1eTBdc960lwgpjs3QMyp3mMowqqRHnFHUl71Y67AuYc4CXDMzS3D8xbaRdu3JOpCuP28jukqK4Nb9YGkfPIvZieYbGBJAz8RiARHQwdSw2DCRLCTFsRHHa8hek06iOY8arOhLRCckI723Ex%2fOQbhMEa6w%3d%3d] [mQ0ZuDrc36gJlWleFnBUyoeKVx2kWIakCGz6qQivZcx1vrpaUDUQ4GDuuI5U35aJx693RhKNrHvPyH7kzPOTvXStJoFBsjAf6oQ9CjjMIIOH1bkKLe5ZA8ULMmv5ew4ixk1aLnDApFp5uO2IsNrC/Upq3UjhPGnpzjwc3dUl+r/ncWO+zbqblPMl5cXvkqSZIO3+Atz0m80w/7yWfNNQDqVY5O1BaV0WvG+VeeS2IVj0NPuZlCFqdGxzjtKZl3efv/IRv+G0XLwhUs2vuflSn3k9iVn5Hksm0UwFGiaXehrckXTswj2Op9ZcI2J3h81eupkmrKi709Hys+sv9xRpQg==] [4/2/2021 10:49:28 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:49:28 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:28 PM.748] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:49:28 PM.748] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:-118.634 Y:107.9965 Z:73.24886 [4/2/2021 10:49:28 PM.748] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:49:29 PM.528] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:49:30 PM.370] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVerifyCode?code=U5Byy7iobQq%2bqRGrANWjyibH4r%2bpOnnfYvvDw3wCkG7BENEkf8M7VYspvmj3XbpJLVvyB%2fCRKC9pf9udj4YN0E4sKuAkcbvJEY2lzxlIEuD%2bcHsNDY8k4frHaizUotJ%2fhSkT6plVXsUOGqvFyHsUjfSMpQk2TBTBq7e2nSgy1gyQpjVGEA%2bEY4IT3tSCy2AOF6MnYL1JAPrbTB1%2bxp%2fkLRHi2vKTcD2FZ4%2bH52tn3fEPb786fwMlUY8LETorsd0eTt2Xz%2fcpICiLHckqrWPIUZDoW5KDsmpgT2389Eu3uaoM2JzGiwraEO2iIMrR4tOcR1KxHrIuTFwCFSHN%2bWB2nA%3d%3d&ver=Ei0nHP4D2eYpEQDoq8ae4r8OqTA%2bZIkvXBNhirVKsF4BPBEWhX6Zb%2fG3aDvb8EC%2frHfzz2cldBmk%2fnFuAX%2bNM07WiS6aKTk6ZRAU%2fuWfG2p29rghYwimQYxTr5%2fFMcKFCyGwU3QZuuZQWpr8bP%2fCuVHVeSMcFixko5pcRPe0X3u5869kG4xhYUV2sUCLNpPnnNZBYXkOtBtveGu3HeVST2kWAM6HhOXjzc6MSyiHA0UlgtC3Z%2bAi3E8MGCBuTJZgJ7Z3xnK07yQtKW7Y0gJVRS5ebOU8o1ZOP%2feFuCu%2fnsW84Jrg3uxrSfTGHfpmEtyR506R3i%2fzMbn3%2fV1szUkfsw%3d%3d] [aK9YCLo/24IyP7dUdcN0WBFv/0xfRA7SloD7aOsxrz1m76xggth6F5j+iS+/DnKMP6zoFVOlVn8DFQ5kf4yMjFAnxgXwwlL1VLGbsXi1Tk5M9rAh8Go0n47ako9Mm9IvCweYzRXZScabdnejuCknGbIar66dxaOX16uRZCsyJGNwHXJqEH52DVyZPwtQy7fZYm8wXLziTgu9hD1TwRKwZ0eZV9UB1L96ES5UkWQOLx+63sqAwqmFUgbGPNbH8ZI23Xsds8XwNFdUMJRzwjJqc4ODTsJQ8UvODB9UWPz716sxgj1O2BDXbWFaG6VFtzZzRZvywcvkExvZb4oDXGQgAw==] [4/2/2021 10:49:32 PM.000] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:33 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:49:33 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:33 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:49:33 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:220.5865 Y:431.8055 Z:120.2316 [4/2/2021 10:49:33 PM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:49:33 PM.863] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [4/2/2021 10:49:35 PM.954] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:37 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [4/2/2021 10:49:37 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Julian Calderon (S_M_Y_COP_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:49:37 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:37 PM.961] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Michelle Sharrow has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:40 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [4/2/2021 10:49:40 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [4/2/2021 10:49:40 PM.037] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #3 [4/2/2021 10:49:40 PM.214] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #3 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:41 PM.414] LSPD First Response: STP: RELEASE PED FROM STOP [4/2/2021 10:49:43 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:49:43 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:43 PM.749] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/2/2021 10:49:43 PM.750] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police4 at X:265.6497 Y:162.7165 Z:105.1033 [4/2/2021 10:49:43 PM.750] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police4 [4/2/2021 10:49:45 PM.149] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #3 reports that it can be freed [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from StealCar #3 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from StealCar #3 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (StealCar #3) [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.134] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #3 has ended [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.151] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Chuck Schuldiner has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:-121.3963 Y:258.0527 Z:97.58224 [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.797] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.802] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aleksandra Kosovo (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.823] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.829] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.834] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Sky Richards (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:49:48 PM.855] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.642] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_O_BUSKER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.643] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_M_BOUNCER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.643] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_VINDOUCHE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.647] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_VINDOUCHE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.649] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.798] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_O_BUSKER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.799] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_M_BOUNCER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.800] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_VINDOUCHE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.801] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_VINDOUCHE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:50 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:53 PM.280] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_O_BUSKER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:53 PM.281] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_M_BOUNCER_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:53 PM.282] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_VINDOUCHE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:53 PM.283] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_VINDOUCHE_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:53 PM.285] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [4/2/2021 10:49:55 PM.520] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:55 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jamie Stewart has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:49:57 PM.923] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:49:58 PM.286] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/CLVerifyCode?code=St9beyFg3fJPfP1R0MU2artt9FuuZMRd8aUTO0mxcIqSoZ27wASTDBKQDTmKpmLMtqu8omG1vG8AY0mZKJU0TQ7ly5USJjPW5dfJl2FXnTU89ErDL%2fgRkW6lfDy4gRttyMDB%2b8OBHws2Il8j2q2kOhkLqFGf%2faDeOFEj%2br6LrfFInEGoR5jZWAFBIFcHw%2bOTQM%2bAOmSfi%2ftwSLwWMkk3gPjL9G0aOgXM27AtK3nAUgd9JyEVOGZCnNK3Yn5mUVMz0glTlYtdjeA7KB0sHUUN1u4adhEHRl%2bEC2WLE1R8LzjopYH3RdxHk947q8srseGQjJIamBpg97PqaESP3mkUtA%3d%3d&ver=Ygj0zdEzOCVPUBjCR6Wl8TImNJLHmsTsW0Mw1RkIqZF2XxuWWheNuaf85EyEHQxkHBUbCtYnT%2bcSJhA2hnbXanZ5D9%2bXaA7OTUPIrEviwFeTynGAvR6Omw63NiZYLL6G6kqW%2f0SzGm%2bdLhrXZdtHt1WboPa1xQd6%2bDclC6kbnTMahAvFw4u%2fDLzWQ1Z8KYsFVhm2NZxQVT7R6vZsPUEUvva8zYrLh6taUW5gU2LGJoHOZ2Ap%2bKlMXtBaca3YRHUJ7%2b%2fvKlxib4b3sDpD3G0C%2baraExFObUHdlThcL%2bFjjox7LSnPJXHV0Qelws6tct970NBwLAeDYfamyzROibCCoQ%3d%3d] [iMliUrnNtzihM0irzJadf0E0evELn7uI++dnVRLF0/VpsJbD+pbOFLv+8v1/ws0o4niul7xXvXYLL7VgfCi7JwTx1r0gmjQd9uGiB0wd5OY1VhfAYgpGCo2fAx+HTrEyuALVF0bPxwbnxbZdymt7omRlqWUyqM0RyzL/3innvHMtnKa54uA0ho+P0JaTZKA3xFGeEWbfzLGX1pbrU4RV31dtMUu67LFuIh6H2e6HJn7TX+6KGFi6DLy4YDx3BsBmpORrdkC3kW7LDIlCPp/fI9mo3FxErJvxX6pMzP6TEGwcEjA8oCEedvowU0hcisibAIbgS9BQRwzlVTwsmw5Alg==] [4/2/2021 10:50:05 PM.353] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVerifyCode?code=GJ9Ha%2fHwWhcLCX1HzAO9U1E8RVDhkYSbhz%2b0utjGtPHt4w5BAmyhhmbd16zS5M7D5ryKdg1EYGSZAlx3hNIxlBhbzq7KM7mEkVI8amd%2bz7L9weuoOgFRwchKNu2iwc47qW%2fhjV2c9nUKB1OXSD4A52egLo0vwIpeTCRHV1lLa%2bpF7ymxH7GqdmDu9t6ck7WWIYk35edpDXvHpe1OqvGpupBIS3hrKtMacARLSXqebRHKkQlhEOh3Gyl2ivqPFQSo3pjSg%2frJBkMdAh%2fry3cMyj2X1mCe2QD%2b6chkLCsnXfsJ%2bwdmBpYwIL5576p3kUZu3Qv29PMuoyOdcLn3VMPGfg%3d%3d&ver=Ucd9tUENUkMhD13bktQL3IVtZaUsSgzCstySCu9b8INoArdxpaNXs96wBoEq%2fdvvhvhgVcTzIdnbJlS5xn6pqgAuxQv7loZ756KrOFqlFtJIX%2fqDuXDII5aT%2bgtn7Wq9SIFdKpDWmn6lZvEuzoZdZLf%2fAxHgOf3vJUqpVdadMnbfH%2faHF9%2bwjAxw4a4ljDR%2fFJ%2fmRNBxi20ovmu0bDNRKWCZlODDvLF%2byU1F2K4A%2bc9EhvJVrDjvPKpuapv3d3%2fXL7WuboTZy2f8RDe%2fJzQJZP2zFoQE%2bHvHOTS0PC4NyGpoPJhvw%2f1UrOyV2OF%2bsnrEt3F4PnLlSjI4Q3LAsVYJcg%3d%3d] [DUtJc3iIKRsBecKRWNvWCs6Wo7SnCr0jPnHJGqYDQakVCGJbzyNU5i3/hTizu1cJERDg0XLQcMDdBykaWy+HKoK1INR0E4zRuWqsBala8U0s0wyguYWIlnEnAvbb6F75XiSzJiiUoywcp2EFvTTdK+cfQXnDxc8bRAD9jbTlMl448FysI+OpEQwCK7LlS2qBGp7JN0RlBuHQeLFGhAebi3u18jRu5Peei9Z1buZQRTs2wEAUPoQRcoDb1uf/viaIA4H8B02qNgLgyVWaHDLq5cT9AP10lDbOFTys3Z3KZlr/xzrXBqAmEl/rFl4rcYrI0CM1W4DE93cK3hkMl+H7sA==] [4/2/2021 10:50:06 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:50:07 PM.880] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Rev (A_M_Y_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [4/2/2021 10:50:10 PM.714] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.795] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.796] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.835] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.835] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:145.6393 Y:358.5129 Z:111.5539 [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.854] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.865] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Julianne Fox (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.886] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.891] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.896] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elora Hartley (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/2/2021 10:50:13 PM.917] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/2/2021 10:50:19 PM.909] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:50:19 PM.945] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:50:19 PM.958] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Mason Drake has become idle again [4/2/2021 10:50:20 PM.420] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to CruiseAwareOfEntity #1 (Ambient) [4/2/2021 10:50:40 PM.969] LSPD First Response: STP: RELEASE PED FROM STOP [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.083] LSPD First Response: Error while processing callout: Bar Fight: Operation is not valid because the specified Rage.Ped is invalid. at Rage.Entity.get_Position() [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.083] at callout.Bar.Process() [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.083] at LWTfPtbaZEaYqKuhoHXfbsDDlMpTB.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.084] LSPD First Response: EndCurrentCallout: Finishing... [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from #2 Content Manager [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned ( #2) [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.086] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Jeanie Woods [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.086] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.106] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [4/2/2021 10:50:41 PM.565] LSPD First Response: 创建被盗车辆事件。 [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.358] LSPD First Response: STP Escort vehicle is removed [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: ============================== [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: Origin: Game fiber "". [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: Exception type: System.Exception [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: Exception message: Processing cache while it's still in use - one or more subcalls may have caused the thread to yield [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: Inner exceptions: [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: Stack trace: [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: at INbJUfUriEYtZhfwMRBYWWUUTEYJ.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] at OCMsAGWBRTnOsnRbocVOIyZPiTuj.KyIVGEvPNIAzVYvZuYuujftVcteN() [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] at BQVeAkrIvAFBSCRBCINCbKmcqFXvB.pEIDvGWURXNkRJqUikaPMekvPjQQ() [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] at Rage.GameFiber.Main() [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: ============================== [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.384] LSPD First Response: [FATAL] Forced termination [4/2/2021 10:50:42 PM.385] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from DefaultContentManager [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.184] LSPD First Response: [INFO] LSPDFR has shut down [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.830] LSPD First Response: ComputerLite: Controls.startControlThread-2 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.830] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.830] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.830] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.‬‏‎‭‫‬‭‎‪‫‎‌‪‪‎‌‏‎​‮‮() [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.830] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.b__2_0()] [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.840] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: startVerifyCompuLiteThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.840] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.841] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.841] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.841] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.​‬‏‍‍‫‮‏‬‌‎‏‭‎‏‭‬‮‫‌‬‪‮(Int32 ) [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.841] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.b__0_0()] [4/2/2021 10:50:44 PM.874] LSPD First Response: 删除所有标志 [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.004] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startMainThread-1 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.005] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.005] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.005] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‎‍​‍‬‍‫‍‬‮‫‎‮‫‍‍‮‬​​‏‍‪‍‭‭‭‎‮() [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.005] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.​‌‍‪‎‫‌‍‌‮‍​‎‌‭‫‫‭‭‮‍‮‏‮()] [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.005] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startMainThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.006] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.​‌‍‪‎‫‌‍‌‮‍​‎‌‭‫‫‭‭‮‍‮‏‮()] [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.015] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startKeyboardControlThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.015] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.016] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.016] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‎‍​‍‬‍‫‍‬‮‫‎‮‫‍‍‮‬​​‏‍‪‍‭‭‭‎‮() [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.016] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‎‎‫‮‪‮‍‍‍‎‭‮‫‪‌‌‬‫‪‏‬‮‎‌‮()] [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.025] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Controls.startPartnerBackupThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.025] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.025] at Rage.GameFiber.Yield() [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.026] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‎‍​‍‬‍‫‍‬‮‫‎‮‫‍‍‮‬​​‏‍‪‍‭‭‭‎‮() [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.026] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‫‎‏‪‮‭‭‬‏‪‭​‬‪​‪‬‫‮‍‍‌‍‎‮‮()] [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.036] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: startVerifyUltimateBackup 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.036] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.037] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.037] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.037] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‬‎‌‎‌‮​‬​‌‍‏‬​‭‬‍‪‫‪‮(Int32 ) [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.037] at ‪‎‪‬‮‬‬‫‍‮‬‮‪‎​‫‮‫‭‎‍‏‫‌​‮.​‮‭‫‏‌‬‮‬‎‮​‍‬‎‬‬​‍‬‪‮.‬‮‍‬‍‎‭‫‍‭​‬‪‫‪‭‮‍‍‮‌‎‫‪‮()] [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.223] LSPD First Response: STP Transport unit is removed [4/2/2021 10:50:45 PM.236] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup