[2021/4/3 23:00:43.105] Started new log on 2021/4/3 23:00:43.105 [2021/4/3 23:00:43.112] ==================================================================================================== [2021/4/3 23:00:43.101] Log path: E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log [2021/4/3 23:00:43.112] Log verbosity: Trivial [2021/4/3 23:00:43.115] Initializing input system [2021/4/3 23:00:43.118] Initializing game console [2021/4/3 23:00:43.134] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115) [2021/4/3 23:00:43.239] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount". [2021/4/3 23:00:43.239] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount [2021/4/3 23:00:43.260] Read value: [2021/4/3 23:00:43.260] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey". [2021/4/3 23:00:43.261] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey [2021/4/3 23:00:43.261] Read value: [2021/4/3 23:00:43.261] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold". [2021/4/3 23:00:43.261] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Read value: 60000 [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value. [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput". [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Read value: [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad". [2021/4/3 23:00:43.265] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad [2021/4/3 23:00:43.266] Read value: [2021/4/3 23:00:43.266] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings". [2021/4/3 23:00:43.266] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings [2021/4/3 23:00:43.266] Read value: [2021/4/3 23:00:43.266] Console initialized [2021/4/3 23:00:43.266] Initializing forms manager [2021/4/3 23:00:43.268] Cleaning temp folder [2021/4/3 23:00:43.270] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v1.86.1288.16169 for Grand Theft Auto V [2021/4/3 23:00:43.316] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================ [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.332] Detected Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) (10.0.18363.0)! [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.334] Checking game support [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.570] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.570] Product version: 1.0.2245.0 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.570] Is steam version: True [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.572] Initializing DirectX [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.575] Initializing Direct3D [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.575] Getting game swap chain [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] Swap Chain created: 0x7FF7B59C9028 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] Swap Chain VTable: 0x233FF17B940 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] 0x748948FFF9C5D5E9;0x8D48564157552024;0x170EC814890246C [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] D3D11Present: 0x7FFEFAA04670 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFEFAA19DE0 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFEFAA67DA0 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFEFAA21930 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.620] Direct3D initialized [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.621] Initialized DirectX [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.621] Direct3D watcher thread spawned [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.627] Getting device [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.627] Retrieved device [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.627] Creating wrapper [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.725] Wrapper created [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.732] Effect created [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.732] Creating buffer [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.732] Created buffer [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.732] Creating blend state [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.732] Created blend state [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.732] Done with creation [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.834] Initializing texture system. [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.834] Initializing texture system; phase 1 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.834] Initializing texture system; phase 2 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.902] Initializing texture system; phase 3 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.902] Initializing texture system; phase 4 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.928] Initializing texture system; phase 5 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.929] Initializing texture system; phase 6 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.932] Initializing texture system; phase 7 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.954] Initializing texture system; phase 8 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.960] Initializing texture system; phase 9 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.962] Initializing texture system; phase 10 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.968] Initializing texture system; phase 11 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.968] Initializing texture system; phase 12 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.972] Initializing texture system; phase 13 [4/3/2021 11:00:43 PM.972] Initializing texture system; phase 14 [4/3/2021 11:00:48 PM.622] Direct3D watcher thread ended [4/3/2021 11:01:14 PM.316] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support [4/3/2021 11:01:14 PM.567] Initializing game support [4/3/2021 11:01:20 PM.446] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed [4/3/2021 11:01:20 PM.803] Compatibility level: 0 [4/3/2021 11:01:20 PM.803] Supported version detected [4/3/2021 11:01:20 PM.803] ================================================== [4/3/2021 11:01:20 PM.803] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code [4/3/2021 11:01:21 PM.054] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization [4/3/2021 11:01:21 PM.305] Waiting for game initialization [4/3/2021 11:01:21 PM.406] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core [4/3/2021 11:01:21 PM.657] Initializing hook [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.697] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.948] Completing interoperability [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.948] Initialization code 1. [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.948] Initialization code 2. [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.948] Initialization code 3. [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.960] 1 Address: 0x00007FF7B3884098 [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.960] Calling func 1 [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.986] 2 Address: 0x00007FF7B441E3C2 [4/3/2021 11:01:26 PM.986] 3 Address: 0x00007FF7B2E55D5E [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Address: 0x00007FF7B441E36C [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Unknown var: 0x00007FF7B5457FD0 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Initialization code 4. [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Initialization code 5. [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 1 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 2 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 3 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 4 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 5 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 6 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] Completing interoperability, phase 7 [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.034] LoadingScreenMsg: [4/3/2021 11:01:27 PM.285] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode [4/3/2021 11:01:32 PM.940] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World [4/3/2021 11:01:33 PM.191] LoadingScreenMsg: [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.377] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled". [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.377] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.378] Read value: [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.378] Initializing console variable "TimeScale". [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.378] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.378] Read value: [4/3/2021 11:02:00 PM.395] Loading plugin from path: E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\AutomaticSirenCutout.dll [4/3/2021 11:02:04 PM.081] : Initializing input system [4/3/2021 11:02:04 PM.082] : Initializing game console [4/3/2021 11:02:04 PM.084] : Initializing forms manager [4/3/2021 11:02:04 PM.099] Plugin "Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8" was loaded from "AutomaticSirenCutout.dll". [4/3/2021 11:02:04 PM.100] Loading plugin from path: E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\CopHolster.dll [4/3/2021 11:02:07 PM.785] : Initializing input system [4/3/2021 11:02:07 PM.786] : Initializing game console [4/3/2021 11:02:07 PM.788] : Initializing forms manager [4/3/2021 11:02:07 PM.867] Plugin "Cop Holster" was loaded from "CopHolster.dll". [4/3/2021 11:02:07 PM.868] Loading plugin from path: E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\EUPMenu.dll [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.579] : Initializing input system [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.581] : Initializing game console [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.583] : Initializing forms manager [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.602] Plugin "EUP Menu" was loaded from "EUPMenu.dll". [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.664] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Loading AutomaticSirenCutout.ini settings [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.669] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: ASC is enabled. [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.670] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: TrafficLightControl is disabled. [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.670] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: FriendlyHonk is disabled. [4/3/2021 11:02:11 PM.670] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Yielding is disabled. [4/3/2021 11:02:53 PM.494] Loading plugin from path: E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\LSPD First Response.dll [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.413] : Initializing input system [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.414] : Initializing game console [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.416] : Initializing forms manager [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.615] Plugin "LSPD First Response" was loaded from "LSPD First Response.dll". [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.861] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started loading LSPDFR [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.862] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Running LSPD First Response 0.4.8 (0.4.7749.28226) [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.863] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Compiled on 20 Mar 2021 14:40:51 UTC [4/3/2021 11:02:57 PM.863] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Copyright © 2015-2020, G17 Media, www.lspdfr.com [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.739] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.745] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/outfits.xml [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.937] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 23 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.937] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 31 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.937] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 64 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 72 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 80 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 111 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 138 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.939] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 174 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.939] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 207 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.939] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 220 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.939] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 259 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.939] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 273 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 309 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 323 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 363 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 391 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 425 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 453 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 484 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 502 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 529 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 547 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 581 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 615 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 650 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.941] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 677 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.941] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 711 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.941] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 741 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.941] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.942] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_fzmp_old.xml [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets_outfits.xml [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 11, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 25 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 25, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 32 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 32, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 39, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 47 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 47, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 56 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 56, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 71, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 85 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 85, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 92 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 92, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 100 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 100, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 115, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 129 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.946] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 129, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 136 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 136, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 143 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 143, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 151 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 151, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 160 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 160, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 175, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 189 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 189, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 196 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 196, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 204 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 204, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 219, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 233 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 233, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 240 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 240, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 247 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 247, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 255 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 255, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 264 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 264, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 279, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 293 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 293, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 300 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 300, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 308 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 308, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 403, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 418, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Commander at line 426, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 440, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 461, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 481, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 494 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 494, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 507, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 520 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 520, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 533, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 546 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 546, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 559, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 572 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 572, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 585, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 598 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 598, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 611, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 624 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 624, defaulting to male [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 732 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 764 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 796 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 828 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 951 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 976 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1002 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1028 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1054 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1133 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.949] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1160 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1187 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1214 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1241 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1268 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1297 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1330 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1363 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1396 [4/3/2021 11:02:59 PM.950] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loaded 16 freemode outfits and 55 preset outfits [4/3/2021 11:03:00 PM.814] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Ben J. as character [4/3/2021 11:03:00 PM.992] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michelle Meto as character [4/3/2021 11:03:00 PM.993] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [4/3/2021 11:03:00 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.394] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Patrick Harper as character [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.423] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.423] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.423] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/regions.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.427] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/regions_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/backup.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.432] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/backup_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.433] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.433] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.433] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/agency.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.493] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_f_y_marine_01 [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.495] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.495] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.496] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/inventory.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.509] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to parse as chance [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.511] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/inventory_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.515] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player was in vehicle: False [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.515] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Last selected character was Patrick Harper, should spawn as last character True [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.515] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loading last selected character Patrick Harper [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.518] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Changing current player character to Patrick Harper [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.900] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CopManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.906] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PedHistoryManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.906] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerCharacterStatsManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:01 PM.907] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GamePlayer #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:02 PM.275] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Player Persona voice is: s_m_y_cop_01_black_mini_02 [4/3/2021 11:03:02 PM.276] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CharacterSelected: 13 [4/3/2021 11:03:02 PM.277] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Character changed, creating new stats object [4/3/2021 11:03:02 PM.973] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting custom cop walk style task [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.055] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set last player walk style back: Cop [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.068] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialized telemtry service [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.148] LSPD First Response: We have 3 appartments registered [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.152] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 1893 Grapeseed Ave at: X:264.853 Y:-1000.169 Z:-99.058 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.162] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 1893 Grapeseed Ave, Interior is 149761 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 0605 Spanish Ave at: X:347.1727 Y:-1001.406 Z:-99.1962 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 0605 Spanish Ave, Interior is 148225 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.164] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 2874 Hillcrest at: X:-859.5645 Y:688.7182 Z:152.8571 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 2874 Hillcrest, Interior is 207361 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.165] LSPD First Response: ApartmentManager initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.172] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #2 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #3 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.257] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread DiscordRichPresence #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.498] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CheckpointManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.502] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ApartmentManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.502] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.567] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.572] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SpanishAve0605 #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.574] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #2 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Hillcrest2874 #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #3 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread MenuManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.677] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GrapeseedAve1893 #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.749] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #4 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #5 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.769] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Patrick Harper for 交互菜单 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.770] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #6 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.774] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Patrick Harper for 警用电台 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.787] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #7 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Patrick Harper for 载具选项 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.799] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #8 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.801] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Patrick Harper for 库存 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.804] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #9 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.807] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Patrick Harper for 设置 [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.814] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.859] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting custom cop walk style task [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.898] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Requested Audio [4/3/2021 11:03:03 PM.908] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CharacterCreation #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:04 PM.530] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connecting to LSPDFR Sync [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.482] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.482] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.482] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/stations.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.512] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 好麦坞警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.512] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 好麦坞警局 (LSPD) at X:638.5 Y:1.75 Z:82.8 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 梅萨警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 梅萨警局 (LSPD) at X:826.8 Y:-1290 Z:28.24 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 罗克福德山警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 罗克福德山警局 (LSPD) at X:-561.65 Y:-131.65 Z:38.21 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 威斯普奇警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 威斯普奇警局 (LSPD) at X:-1108.18 Y:-845.18 Z:19.32 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 市中心警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 市中心警局 (LSPD) at X:450.0654 Y:-993.0596 Z:30 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 戴维斯警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 戴维斯警局 (LSSD) at X:360.97 Y:-1584.7 Z:29.29 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 沙滩海岸警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 沙滩海岸警局 (LSSD) at X:1848.73 Y:3689.98 Z:34.27 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.513] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 佩立托警局 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 佩立托警局 (LSSD) at X:-448.22 Y:6008.23 Z:31.72 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 海狸布什护林站 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 海狸布什护林站 (SAPR) at X:379.31 Y:792.06 Z:190.41 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 洛圣都机场办事处 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 洛圣都机场办事处 (NOOSE) at X:-864.61 Y:-2408.92 Z:14.03 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 博林布鲁克监狱 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 博林布鲁克监狱 (SASPA) at X:1846.49 Y:2585.95 Z:45.67 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/stations_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Fort Zancudo Police Station [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.514] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: Fort Zancudo Police Station (FZMP) at X:-1763.75 Y:3138.25 Z:32.8113 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.527] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component Debug #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.527] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBlips #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.527] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientChases #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.528] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCombatControl #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.528] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameStats #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.529] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientOffDuty #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.529] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientPhotoCamera #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.530] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameScripts #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawn #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameStatsManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component EvidenceMarkerManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.536] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameEventManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:06 PM.536] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [4/3/2021 11:03:07 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [INFO] No cached credentials, no user login attempt will be made to LSPDFR Sync. [4/3/2021 11:03:07 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Terminal server version: 0.2 [4/3/2021 11:03:07 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connected to LSPDFR Sync via session ab045a7e-b29b-4c30-8597-63c6d2d56366. Enhanced features available. [4/3/2021 11:03:07 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature BaselineTelemetry [4/3/2021 11:03:07 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature LSPDFRSyncOnboarding [4/3/2021 11:03:07 PM.554] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature PatreonPauseMenuItem [4/3/2021 11:03:08 PM.981] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Building pathfinding data. Island: False [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.313] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.313] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.313] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.316] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBlips #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.329] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientChases #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabling ambient game police chases [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.342] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabled ambient game police chases [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.343] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameStats #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.347] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientOffDuty #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.353] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientPhotoCamera #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:13 PM.353] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameScripts #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameStatsManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PauseMenu #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.535] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SamTesting #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.536] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimeEventManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.536] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Crime Manager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.537] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseMe #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.537] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread TrafficStopManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerChaseManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.551] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ScenarioManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyController #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyBehaviorController #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.555] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.585] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationInterior #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.590] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #4 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.591] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Debug #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.597] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCombatControl #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.598] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawn #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.604] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread EvidenceMarkerManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:14 PM.611] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameEventManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:22 PM.594] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-浣╃綏澶ч亾 [4/3/2021 11:03:22 PM.600] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/3/2021 11:03:22 PM.601] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/3/2021 11:03:22 PM.633] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.204] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:-816.3491 Y:-89.72337 Z:38.11546 [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.232] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.243] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.368] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jonah Rocks (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ralph Bucardo (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [4/3/2021 11:03:24 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:E:/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/duty_selection_fzmp.xml [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.821] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player to lspd from last agency [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.853] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_cop [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.866] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Player Persona voice is: s_m_y_cop_01_black_mini_02 [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.868] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_cop [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player skin from last skin [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.917] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Player Persona voice is: s_m_y_cop_01_black_mini_02 [4/3/2021 11:03:34 PM.964] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AgencySelector #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.059] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting custom cop walk style task [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.060] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set last player walk style back: Cop [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.065] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player went on duty. [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.080] LSPD First Response: Folder is E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\plugins\lspdfr [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.133] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.146] LSPD First Response: ChiyoCallouts2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.157] LSPD First Response: CodeRedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.157] LSPD First Response: CompuLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.171] LSPD First Response: DoorControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.175] LSPD First Response: FortZancudoCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.176] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.177] LSPD First Response: OfficerporciPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.178] LSPD First Response: StopThePed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.187] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.193] LSPD First Response: UnitedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.195] LSPD First Response: VarietyCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.206] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CalloutManager.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.271] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Chiyocallouts2.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.271] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ChiyoCallouts2.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.285] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: APIExample.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.285] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CompuLite.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.478] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: DoorControl.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.478] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: FortZancudoCallouts.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.479] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‏‬‫​‎‭‍‫‬‌‏‏‪‌‭‏‪‎‎‮‭‪‮ [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.542] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: OfficerporciPlugin.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.543] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‎‬‬‎‫‏‍‬‬‌‍‫‍‮‪‮‬‍‭‏‫‪‫‌‬‭‭‮ [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.669] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‭‬‭‮‮‌‫‬‮​‮‎‏​‍‌​‫‫‬‮‌‏‭‎‮‮ [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.764] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UnitedCallouts.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.829] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Variety_Callouts.Main [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.831] LSPD First Response: Callout Manager by PieRGud successfully loaded. [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.841] LSPD First Response: Error while initializing plugin: Chiyocallouts2.Main: Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'. at System.MulticastDelegate.ThrowNullThisInDelegateToInstance() [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.841] at System.MulticastDelegate.CtorClosed(Object target, IntPtr methodPtr) [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.841] at Chiyocallouts2.Main.Initialize() in C:\Users\chiyo\source\repos\Chiyocallouts2\ChiyoCallouts2\ChiyoCallouts2\Main.cs:line 83 [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.841] at nuUeeRbEsHlyAZQQSnZgHCXdfhuv.NkOlPIrPYnHkImvpbTUwxaERMwpk() [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.841] LSPD First Response: Chiyo Callouts2测试版1.0.0.2 已加载 [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.841] LSPD First Response: 去上班加载 Chiyo Callouts2测试版 Plugin. [4/3/2021 11:03:35 PM.842] LSPD First Response: 斯科特的Callouts插件加载!汉化;高风亮节的人 [4/3/2021 11:03:36 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Lost connection when previously connected, reason: Connection timed out [4/3/2021 11:03:37 PM.509] LSPD First Response: Plugin CompuLite v1.5.2.0 has been initialized. [4/3/2021 11:03:37 PM.509] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load CompuLite [4/3/2021 11:03:37 PM.514] LSPD First Response: DOORCONTROL: DoorControl 由YobB1n加载。汉化:高风亮节的人 [4/3/2021 11:03:37 PM.537] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Ambient #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:37 PM.574] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ArrestManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:37 PM.581] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.449] LSPD First Response: ==========DOORCONTROL INFORMATION========== [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.449] LSPD First Response: YobB1n控制门 [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.449] LSPD First Response: 版本1.0.0.0~r~汉化:高风亮节的人 [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.449] LSPD First Response: Door Control Config Installed by User. [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.449] LSPD First Response: Please Join My Discord Server to Report Bugs/Improvements: https://discord.gg/Jv6D3Wa. Enjoy! [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.449] LSPD First Response: ==========DOORCONTROL INFORMATION========== [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.457] LSPD First Response: FORTZANCUDOCALLOUTS: FortZancudoCallouts by YobB1n has been loaded. [4/3/2021 11:03:39 PM.457] LSPD First Response: FORTZANCUDOCALLOUTS: Go on duty to load the callouts. [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [INFO] No cached credentials, no user login attempt will be made to LSPDFR Sync. [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Terminal server version: 0.2 [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connected to LSPDFR Sync via session 0e71897b-1a37-4f0e-a975-6bc011dd0ff7. Enhanced features available. [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature BaselineTelemetry [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature LSPDFRSyncOnboarding [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature PatreonPauseMenuItem [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.549] LSPD First Response: Plugin StopThePed v4.9.4.1 has been initialized. [4/3/2021 11:03:40 PM.549] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load StopThePed [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.660] LSPD First Response: Plugin UltimateBackup v1.8.5.0 has been initialized. [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.660] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load UltimateBackup [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.663] LSPD First Response: Loading Config file from UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.671] LSPD First Response: Plugin Variety Callouts has been initialised. [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.671] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load Variety Callouts. [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.671] LSPD First Response: We have 2 callouts registered [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.672] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.673] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] WorldEventManager: Allowing up to 1 events [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.688] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.708] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Model preloading enabled [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICET [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF2 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE4 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEB [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FBI2 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEOLD1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICEOLD2 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading BUZZARD [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLMAV [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FROGGER2 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.710] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading AMBULANCE [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.710] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading FIRETRUK [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.710] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 1B06D571 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.711] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 1D073A89 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.711] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 60EC506 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.711] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 678B81B1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.711] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 3656C8C1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.711] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading asset 83BF0278 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.724] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersonaSearch #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.726] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component StudyStatistics #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.728] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCharacterManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.729] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientEvidenceManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.750] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeOutside Start: 07:30:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 08:00:00 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.751] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingToWork Start: 08:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 09:00:00 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.751] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingHome Start: 13:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 14:00:00 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.751] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeInside Start: 14:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 07:30:00 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.759] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersistentCharacterManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PlayerInvestigationManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component WorldPropManager #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.766] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientTrafficStop #1 [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.806] LSPD First Response: Found 6 callout plugin(s) with a combined total of 63 callout(s). [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.848] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Ashley MacFarlane [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.849] LSPD First Response: Deserialized David Simpson [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.868] LSPD First Response: Registering callout bwHUD9YKduRuDnA9Ux.U1OAK4P6wHjnvB4b1B [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.868] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.shizong [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.868] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.cuifo [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.868] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.fulankelin [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.868] LSPD First Response: Registering callout KExNBolvP1hhXMPhmh.lxJiMqgJikFyPnOB2G [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.868] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ChiyoCallouts2.Callouts.Taipingyang [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.870] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.StolenTanker [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.870] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.StolenMoneyTruck [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.870] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.IndecentExposure [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.870] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.ViciousDog [4/3/2021 11:03:41 PM.870] LSPD First Response: Registering callout APIExample.Callouts.RefusalToPay [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.398] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientTrafficStop #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.398] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.398] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.398] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersonaSearch #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.417] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldEventManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.434] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread BoundlessInformant #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.439] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread StudyStatistics #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCharacterManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.459] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientEvidenceManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.461] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersistentCharacterManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.463] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerInvestigationManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.465] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldPropManager #1 initialized [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: ============================== [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION DURING GAME FIBER TICK [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: Origin: Game fiber "". [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: Exception type: System.TypeLoadException [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: Exception message: 未能从程序集“RAGENativeUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null”中加载类型“RAGENativeUI.Elements.UIMenuListScrollerItem`1”。 [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: Inner exceptions: [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: ------------------------------ [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.504] LSPD First Response: Stack trace: [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.505] LSPD First Response: at FortZancudoCallouts.Menu.createMenu() [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.505] at FortZancudoCallouts.Main.<>c.b__12_1() in C:\Users\matth\Documents\GTA Mods\DEVLOPMENT\FortZancudoCallouts\FortZancudoCallouts\Main.cs:line 97 [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.505] at Rage.GameFiber.Main() [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.505] LSPD First Response: ============================== [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.505] LSPD First Response: [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.527] LSPD First Response: [FATAL] Forced termination [4/3/2021 11:03:42 PM.532] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from DefaultContentManager [4/3/2021 11:03:44 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [INFO] LSPDFR has shut down [4/3/2021 11:03:44 PM.965] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.api: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/LSPDFRCNVersion?name=oGrH6LP9Tie97cBQzZLqSQxn5yO3kcK%2brxvPUMsRGZi%2fj3RyUOUTDT9J6X4W3sEeGjJT3GZ8NSZJCvalcptHr9rVHN3pLWofkmIIS0wLQMEX%2bIzCEJRogoF44WzpW6QiizgHl9PXFckLv%2bsFvVDwJgkJiZTneLsG78QMOJ98%2f1Jfuqed7XgTqiLlH0Yx3EVN55QH8d%2bPPTxfQdyrUve1fZPPhkjIH8EhMZRBBSUE6ooHoXXi5K8W1yow7iEhSZ0pkMGdo8IKhLcttJtqarKXesh1ex3mZ2SwK%2b4kX4KBWCOE95qJqCM%2fHTMpQbQOQYd186IrjWX0fhG2W%2bIfkNRVKQ%3d%3d] [Friy3LsmSi+06hsqB/KcVysbpqC+4RrgLIKIEhnDmHLc1cZ8gvF8vborUxAkVQlEcCzZGxgOmXSHT4agiyATw0TnhMuMm83L7kCEO6hQmMq3z5JRhSSdZO+pl/lo2NhTfl9z+NlOvjJQaVQEYznsyxRgTnVFpl2uEww3QMvctUyFUalqDiqjFHGsD68olFdOdu3yI306EYa8stvj8AWbPpMyZ9LW6OhcywF22W1OTK8HZE8aSQGDLU4I3zMoOi6IiJ563fd8piS2fFTphLNh37Wrg+h1xB12xC0JJOanQZzfiVm1AT83ZA64rKz6xvzLzAkWPXKnHfkuEwnlHa/xvw==] [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.158] ==================================================================================================== [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.158] Unhandled exception occurred in console command "ForceDuty" [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.159] Exception type: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.159] Exception message: 正在中止线程。 [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.159] Stack trace: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.159] at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.159] at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.159] at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.160] at Rage.ConsoleCommands.ConsoleCommand.Execute(Object[] arguments) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.160] at Rage.ConsoleCommands.ConsoleCommand.ParseAndExecute(String[] arguments) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.160] at Rage.ConsoleCommandGameFiber.Start() [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.160] ==================================================================================================== [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.410] LSPD First Response: ComputerLite: Controls.startControlThread-2 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.411] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.411] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.411] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.411] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.​‬‏‍‍‫‮‏‬‌‎‏‭‎‏‭‬‮‫‌‬‪‮(Int32 ) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.411] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.b__2_0()] [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.421] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: startVerifyCompuLiteThread 崩溃 原因: [System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: 正在中止线程。 [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.421] at Rage.GameFiber.SleepThis(Int32 duration) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.421] at Rage.GameFiber.WaitThis(Int32 duration) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.422] at Rage.GameFiber.Wait(Int32 duration) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.422] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.​‬‏‍‍‫‮‏‬‌‎‏‭‎‏‭‬‮‫‌‬‪‮(Int32 ) [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.422] at CompuLite.Controls.<>c.b__0_0()] [4/3/2021 11:03:45 PM.442] LSPD First Response: FORTZANCUDOCALLOUTS: Error while checking Fort Zancudo Callouts for updates.