[2021/5/5 0:36:22.704] Started new log on 2021/5/5 0:36:22.703 [2021/5/5 0:36:22.706] ==================================================================================================== [2021/5/5 0:36:22.648] Log path: E:\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log [2021/5/5 0:36:22.706] Log verbosity: Trivial [2021/5/5 0:36:22.710] Initializing input system [2021/5/5 0:36:22.717] Initializing game console [2021/5/5 0:36:22.724] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115) [2021/5/5 0:36:22.843] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount". [2021/5/5 0:36:22.854] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount [2021/5/5 0:36:22.858] Read value: [2021/5/5 0:36:22.858] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey". [2021/5/5 0:36:22.858] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey [2021/5/5 0:36:22.858] Read value: [2021/5/5 0:36:22.858] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold". [2021/5/5 0:36:22.858] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold [2021/5/5 0:36:22.865] Read value: 60000 [2021/5/5 0:36:22.865] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value. [2021/5/5 0:36:22.865] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput". [2021/5/5 0:36:22.866] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput [2021/5/5 0:36:22.867] Read value: [2021/5/5 0:36:22.867] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad". [2021/5/5 0:36:22.867] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad [2021/5/5 0:36:22.867] Read value: [2021/5/5 0:36:22.867] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings". [2021/5/5 0:36:22.867] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings [2021/5/5 0:36:22.868] Read value: [2021/5/5 0:36:22.868] Console initialized [2021/5/5 0:36:22.868] Initializing forms manager [2021/5/5 0:36:22.891] Cleaning temp folder [2021/5/5 0:36:22.893] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v1.86.1288.16169 for Grand Theft Auto V [2021/5/5 0:36:23.025] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================ [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.044] Detected Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) (10.0.19042.0)! [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.045] Checking game support [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.477] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.478] Product version: 1.0.2245.0 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.478] Is steam version: True [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.486] Initializing DirectX [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.489] Initializing Direct3D [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.489] Getting game swap chain [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] Swap Chain created: 0x7FF6D00E9028 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] Swap Chain VTable: 0x1714ABACCB0 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] 0x748948000FB485E9;0x8D48564157552024;0x170EC814890246C [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] D3D11Present: 0x7FFCD9334F80 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFCD93506F0 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFCD939B0D0 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFCD93524B0 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.553] Direct3D initialized [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.554] Initialized DirectX [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.556] Getting device [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.557] Retrieved device [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.557] Creating wrapper [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.564] Direct3D watcher thread spawned [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.666] Wrapper created [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.676] Effect created [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.676] Creating buffer [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.676] Created buffer [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.676] Creating blend state [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.676] Created blend state [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.676] Done with creation [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.998] Initializing texture system. [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.998] Initializing texture system; phase 1 [5/5/2021 12:36:23 AM.998] Initializing texture system; phase 2 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.012] Initializing texture system; phase 3 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.013] Initializing texture system; phase 4 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.050] Initializing texture system; phase 5 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.136] Initializing texture system; phase 6 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.146] Initializing texture system; phase 7 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.148] Initializing texture system; phase 8 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.150] Initializing texture system; phase 9 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.151] Initializing texture system; phase 10 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.154] Initializing texture system; phase 11 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.154] Initializing texture system; phase 12 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.156] Initializing texture system; phase 13 [5/5/2021 12:36:24 AM.156] Initializing texture system; phase 14 [5/5/2021 12:36:28 AM.565] Direct3D watcher thread ended [5/5/2021 12:36:39 AM.029] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support [5/5/2021 12:36:39 AM.281] Initializing game support [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.036] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.377] Compatibility level: 0 [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.377] Supported version detected [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.377] ================================================== [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.377] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.628] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.878] Waiting for game initialization [5/5/2021 12:36:45 AM.979] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core [5/5/2021 12:36:46 AM.230] Initializing hook [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.266] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.517] Completing interoperability [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.517] Initialization code 1. [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.517] Initialization code 2. [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.517] Initialization code 3. [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.530] 1 Address: 0x00007FF6CDFA4098 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.530] Calling func 1 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.556] 2 Address: 0x00007FF6CEB3E3C2 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.557] 3 Address: 0x00007FF6CD575D5E [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Address: 0x00007FF6CEB3E36C [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Unknown var: 0x00007FF6CFB77FD0 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Initialization code 4. [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Initialization code 5. [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 1 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 2 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 3 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 4 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 5 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 6 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] Completing interoperability, phase 7 [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.596] LoadingScreenMsg: [5/5/2021 12:36:51 AM.847] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode [5/5/2021 12:37:11 AM.537] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World [5/5/2021 12:37:11 AM.787] LoadingScreenMsg: [5/5/2021 12:37:37 AM.686] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled". [5/5/2021 12:37:37 AM.686] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled [5/5/2021 12:37:37 AM.687] Read value: [5/5/2021 12:37:37 AM.687] Initializing console variable "TimeScale". [5/5/2021 12:37:37 AM.687] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale [5/5/2021 12:37:37 AM.688] Read value: