[2021/5/13 16:27:45.460] Started new log on 2021/5/13 16:27:45.459 [2021/5/13 16:27:45.461] ==================================================================================================== [2021/5/13 16:27:45.456] Log path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log [2021/5/13 16:27:45.461] Log verbosity: Trivial [2021/5/13 16:27:45.462] Initializing input system [2021/5/13 16:27:45.464] Initializing game console [2021/5/13 16:27:45.470] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115) [2021/5/13 16:27:45.521] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount". [2021/5/13 16:27:45.521] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount [2021/5/13 16:27:45.523] Read value: [2021/5/13 16:27:45.523] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey". [2021/5/13 16:27:45.523] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey [2021/5/13 16:27:45.523] Read value: [2021/5/13 16:27:45.523] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold". [2021/5/13 16:27:45.523] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold [2021/5/13 16:27:45.525] Read value: 60000 [2021/5/13 16:27:45.525] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value. [2021/5/13 16:27:45.525] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput". [2021/5/13 16:27:45.525] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput [2021/5/13 16:27:45.526] Read value: [2021/5/13 16:27:45.526] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad". [2021/5/13 16:27:45.526] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad [2021/5/13 16:27:45.526] Read value: [2021/5/13 16:27:45.526] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings". [2021/5/13 16:27:45.526] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings [2021/5/13 16:27:45.527] Read value: [2021/5/13 16:27:45.527] Console initialized [2021/5/13 16:27:45.527] Initializing forms manager [2021/5/13 16:27:45.528] Cleaning temp folder [2021/5/13 16:27:45.529] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v1.86.1288.16169 for Grand Theft Auto V [2021/5/13 16:27:45.538] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================ [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.545] Detected Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) (10.0.18362.0)! [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.547] Checking game support [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.690] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.690] Product version: 1.0.2245.0 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.690] Is steam version: True [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.691] Initializing DirectX [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.691] Initializing Direct3D [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.692] Getting game swap chain [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] Swap Chain created: 0x7FF71F009028 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] Swap Chain VTable: 0x1DFFE615500 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] 0x748948FFF5C6C5E9;0x8D48564157552024;0x170EC814890246C [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] D3D11Present: 0x7FFD04CB4580 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFD04CBC730 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFD04D165B0 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.717] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFD04CD2870 [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.718] Direct3D initialized [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.718] Initialized DirectX [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.718] Direct3D watcher thread spawned [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.949] Getting device [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.949] Retrieved device [5/13/2021 4:27:45 PM.949] Creating wrapper [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.068] Wrapper created [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.081] Effect created [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.081] Creating buffer [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.082] Created buffer [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.082] Creating blend state [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.082] Created blend state [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.082] Done with creation [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.157] Initializing texture system. [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.157] Initializing texture system; phase 1 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.157] Initializing texture system; phase 2 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.166] Initializing texture system; phase 3 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.167] Initializing texture system; phase 4 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.178] Initializing texture system; phase 5 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.179] Initializing texture system; phase 6 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.180] Initializing texture system; phase 7 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.183] Initializing texture system; phase 8 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.184] Initializing texture system; phase 9 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.185] Initializing texture system; phase 10 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.190] Initializing texture system; phase 11 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.190] Initializing texture system; phase 12 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.192] Initializing texture system; phase 13 [5/13/2021 4:27:46 PM.192] Initializing texture system; phase 14 [5/13/2021 4:27:50 PM.719] Direct3D watcher thread ended [5/13/2021 4:29:51 PM.117] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support [5/13/2021 4:29:51 PM.368] Initializing game support [5/13/2021 4:29:56 PM.951] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.265] Compatibility level: 0 [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.265] Supported version detected [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.265] ================================================== [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.265] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.516] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.767] Waiting for game initialization [5/13/2021 4:29:57 PM.867] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core [5/13/2021 4:29:58 PM.118] Initializing hook [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.146] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.397] Completing interoperability [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.397] Initialization code 1. [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.397] Initialization code 2. [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.397] Initialization code 3. [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.406] 1 Address: 0x00007FF71CEC4098 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.406] Calling func 1 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.424] 2 Address: 0x00007FF71DA5E3C2 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.424] 3 Address: 0x00007FF71C495D5E [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Address: 0x00007FF71DA5E36C [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Unknown var: 0x00007FF71EA97FD0 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Initialization code 4. [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Initialization code 5. [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 1 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 2 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 3 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 4 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 5 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 6 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] Completing interoperability, phase 7 [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.452] LoadingScreenMsg: [5/13/2021 4:30:03 PM.704] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode [5/13/2021 4:30:07 PM.195] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World [5/13/2021 4:30:07 PM.445] LoadingScreenMsg: [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.256] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled". [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.256] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.257] Read value: [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.257] Initializing console variable "TimeScale". [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.257] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.258] Read value: [5/13/2021 4:30:51 PM.267] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\AutomaticSirenCutout.dll [5/13/2021 4:30:53 PM.230] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:30:53 PM.232] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:30:53 PM.233] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:30:53 PM.246] Plugin "Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8" was loaded from "AutomaticSirenCutout.dll". [5/13/2021 4:30:53 PM.247] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\BodyCam.dll [5/13/2021 4:30:55 PM.151] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:30:55 PM.153] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:30:55 PM.155] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:30:55 PM.240] Plugin "BodyCam" was loaded from "BodyCam.dll". [5/13/2021 4:30:55 PM.241] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\DashcamV.dll [5/13/2021 4:30:57 PM.158] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:30:57 PM.159] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:30:57 PM.160] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:30:57 PM.213] Plugin "Dashcam V" was loaded from "DashcamV.dll". [5/13/2021 4:30:57 PM.214] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\EUPMenu.dll [5/13/2021 4:30:59 PM.114] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:30:59 PM.115] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:30:59 PM.116] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:30:59 PM.132] Plugin "EUP Menu" was loaded from "EUPMenu.dll". [5/13/2021 4:30:59 PM.132] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\PoliceTape.dll [5/13/2021 4:31:01 PM.016] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:31:01 PM.018] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:31:01 PM.019] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:31:01 PM.060] Plugin "Police Tape" was loaded from "PoliceTape.dll". [5/13/2021 4:31:01 PM.060] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\Spotlight.dll [5/13/2021 4:31:02 PM.943] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:31:02 PM.944] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:31:02 PM.946] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:31:02 PM.962] Plugin "Spotlight" was loaded from "Spotlight.dll". [5/13/2021 4:31:02 PM.999] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Loading AutomaticSirenCutout.ini settings [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.002] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: ASC is enabled. [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.003] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: TrafficLightControl is disabled. [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.003] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: FriendlyHonk is disabled. [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.003] Automatic Siren Cutout V2.8: Yielding is disabled. [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.345] BodyCam: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.345] BodyCam: BodyCam by Sebo and Scaarus has been loaded successfully. [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.345] BodyCam: Join the Discord server if you're looking for news or support: [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.345] BodyCam: https://discord.gg/HGFwdyB [5/13/2021 4:31:03 PM.345] BodyCam: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5/13/2021 4:31:09 PM.128] Police Tape: [ParksTools] Common Assembly: ParksTools, Version=4.2.7507.7, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:31:09 PM.128] Police Tape: [PoliceTape] Mod Assembly: PoliceTape, Version=3.0.7644.41879, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.132] Police Tape: Loading Police Tape mod by PNWParksFan [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.132] Police Tape: Police Tape version 3.0.7644.41879 [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.132] Police Tape: This is a public release [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.135] Police Tape: Validating dependency: RagePluginHook [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.135] Police Tape: File "ragepluginhook.exe" exists: True [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.141] Police Tape: Version is at least [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.141] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency RagePluginHook (ragepluginhook.exe) [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.141] Police Tape: Validating dependency: ParksTools [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.141] Police Tape: File "ParksTools.dll" exists: True [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.142] Police Tape: Version is at least [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.142] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency ParksTools (ParksTools.dll) [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.142] Police Tape: Validating dependency: RageNativeUI [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.142] Police Tape: File "RageNativeUI.dll" exists: True [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.143] Police Tape: Version is at least [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.143] Police Tape: Found no problems: dependency RageNativeUI (RageNativeUI.dll) [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.143] Police Tape: Validating dependency: Lenny's Mod Loader (LML) [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.143] Police Tape: File "ModManager.Core.dll" exists: False [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.143] Police Tape: File not required and not found. Not proceeding with further checks. [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.144] Police Tape: Could not get version info from assembly [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.502] Police Tape: [ParksTools] using cached token without checking for new token [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work06c skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work06d skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04b skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04br skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04c skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04cr skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04dx skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04drx skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04d skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04dr skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04ex skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04erx skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04e skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_work04er skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_09 skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_detour skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.891] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_26 skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.892] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_27 skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.892] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_28 skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.892] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_29 skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.892] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_15 skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.892] Police Tape: Invalid barrier model prop_barrier_sign_stop skipped [5/13/2021 4:31:29 PM.951] Spotlight: Reading settings... [5/13/2021 4:31:30 PM.555] Spotlight: Initialized [5/13/2021 4:31:59 PM.795] Loading plugin from path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\Plugins\LSPD First Response.dll [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.576] : Initializing input system [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.577] : Initializing game console [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.578] : Initializing forms manager [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.704] Plugin "LSPD First Response" was loaded from "LSPD First Response.dll". [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.838] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started loading LSPDFR [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.838] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Running LSPD First Response 0.4.8 (0.4.7749.28226) [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.839] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Compiled on 20 Mar 2021 14:40:51 UTC [5/13/2021 4:32:01 PM.839] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Copyright © 2015-2020, G17 Media, www.lspdfr.com [5/13/2021 4:32:02 PM.925] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:02 PM.925] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/outfits.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 23 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 31 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 64 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 72 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 80 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 111 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 138 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 174 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 207 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 220 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 259 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 273 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 309 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 323 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 363 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 391 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 425 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 453 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 484 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 502 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 529 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 547 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 581 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 615 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 650 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 677 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.007] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 711 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.007] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 741 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets_outfits.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 11, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 25 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 25, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 32 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 32, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 39, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 47 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 47, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 56 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 56, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 71, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 85 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 85, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 92 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 92, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 100 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 100, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 115, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 129 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 129, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 136 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 136, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 143 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 143, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 151 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 151, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 160 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 160, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 175, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 189 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 189, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 196 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 196, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 204 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 204, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 219, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 233 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 233, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 240 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 240, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 247 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 247, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 255 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 255, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 264 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 264, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 279, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 293 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 293, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 300 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 300, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.010] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 308 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 308, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 403, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 418, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Commander at line 426, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 440, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 461, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 481, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 494 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 494, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 507, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 520 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 520, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 533, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 546 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 546, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 559, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 572 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 572, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 585, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 598 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 598, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 611, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 624 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 624, defaulting to male [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 732 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 764 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 796 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 828 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 951 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 976 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1002 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1028 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1054 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1133 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1160 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1187 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1214 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1241 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1268 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1297 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1330 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1363 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1396 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loaded 10 freemode outfits and 55 preset outfits [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.456] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Ben J. as character [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michelle Meto as character [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.545] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Luis Roldaz as character [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/regions.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.759] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/backup.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.762] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.762] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/agency.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.789] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model taurus [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model fbi1 [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.796] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.796] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/inventory.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.804] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to parse as chance [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.808] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player was in vehicle: False [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.808] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Last selected character was Luis Roldaz, should spawn as last character True [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.808] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loading last selected character Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:32:03 PM.810] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Changing current player character to Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.017] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CopManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PedHistoryManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.022] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerCharacterStatsManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.023] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GamePlayer #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.389] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cached 1305 decorators for index 3 [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.396] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Player Persona voice is: s_m_y_cop_01_white_mini_03 [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.396] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CharacterSelected: 72 [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.396] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Character changed, creating new stats object [5/13/2021 4:32:04 PM.952] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialized telemtry service [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.004] LSPD First Response: We have 3 appartments registered [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 1893 Grapeseed Ave at: X:264.853 Y:-1000.169 Z:-99.058 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 1893 Grapeseed Ave, Interior is 149761 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 0605 Spanish Ave at: X:347.1727 Y:-1001.406 Z:-99.1962 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 0605 Spanish Ave, Interior is 148225 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 2874 Hillcrest at: X:-859.5645 Y:688.7182 Z:152.8571 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.017] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 2874 Hillcrest, Interior is 0 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.017] LSPD First Response: ApartmentManager initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #2 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.023] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #3 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.073] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread DiscordRichPresence #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CheckpointManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ApartmentManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.231] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.233] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SpanishAve0605 #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #2 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Hillcrest2874 #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #3 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread MenuManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.407] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #4 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.413] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #5 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Luis Roldaz for 交互菜单 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #6 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.420] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Luis Roldaz for 警用电台 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.427] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #7 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.429] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Luis Roldaz for 载具选项 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.433] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #8 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.434] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Luis Roldaz for 库存 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.435] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #9 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.437] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Set title to Luis Roldaz for 设置 [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.440] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Saved apt: [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.467] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GrapeseedAve1893 #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.481] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Requested Audio [5/13/2021 4:32:05 PM.491] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CharacterCreation #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.080] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connecting to LSPDFR Sync [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.153] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.153] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/stations.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.173] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 好麦坞警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.173] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 好麦坞警局 (LSPD) at X:638.5 Y:1.75 Z:82.8 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.173] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 梅萨警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.173] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 梅萨警局 (LSPD) at X:826.8 Y:-1290 Z:28.24 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 罗克福德山警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 罗克福德山警局 (LSPD) at X:-561.65 Y:-131.65 Z:38.21 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 威斯普奇警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 威斯普奇警局 (LSPD) at X:-1108.18 Y:-845.18 Z:19.32 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 市中心警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 市中心警局 (LSPD) at X:450.0654 Y:-993.0596 Z:30 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 戴维斯警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 戴维斯警局 (LSSD) at X:360.97 Y:-1584.7 Z:29.29 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 沙滩海岸警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 沙滩海岸警局 (LSSD) at X:1848.73 Y:3689.98 Z:34.27 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 佩立托警局 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 佩立托警局 (LSSD) at X:-448.22 Y:6008.23 Z:31.72 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 海狸布什护林站 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 海狸布什护林站 (SAPR) at X:379.31 Y:792.06 Z:190.41 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 洛圣都机场办事处 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 洛圣都机场办事处 (NOOSE) at X:-864.61 Y:-2408.92 Z:14.03 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] 博林布鲁克监狱 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Added new police station: 博林布鲁克监狱 (SASPA) at X:1846.49 Y:2585.95 Z:45.67 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.180] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component Debug #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.181] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBlips #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.181] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientChases #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.181] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCombatControl #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.181] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameStats #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.182] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientOffDuty #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.182] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientPhotoCamera #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.182] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientGameScripts #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawn #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.184] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameStatsManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.184] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component EvidenceMarkerManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.186] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component GameEventManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:06 PM.186] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.054] LSPD First Response: [INFO] No cached credentials, no user login attempt will be made to LSPDFR Sync. [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.055] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Terminal server version: 0.2 [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.055] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Connected to LSPDFR Sync via session ef3e06dc-e7f5-455e-9d09-7527cc51941d. Enhanced features available. [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.081] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature BaselineTelemetry [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.082] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature LSPDFRSyncOnboarding [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.082] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Server has requested that we enable feature PatreonPauseMenuItem [5/13/2021 4:32:07 PM.504] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Building pathfinding data. Island: False [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.472] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.472] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading node data [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.472] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Done preloading node data [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.474] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBlips #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.489] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientChases #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.489] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabling ambient game police chases [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.495] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Disabled ambient game police chases [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.496] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameStats #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.498] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientOffDuty #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.500] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientPhotoCamera #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:09 PM.501] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientGameScripts #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.649] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawnScenarios #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.649] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameStatsManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.681] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PauseMenu #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.681] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SamTesting #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.681] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimeEventManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.682] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Crime Manager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.682] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseMe #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.682] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread TrafficStopManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.685] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerChaseManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.689] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ScenarioManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyController #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerDutyBehaviorController #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.691] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.694] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PoliceStationInterior #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.697] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #4 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.697] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Debug #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCombatControl #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.701] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientSpawn #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.705] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread EvidenceMarkerManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:10 PM.709] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GameEventManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.733] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.733] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/duty_selection.xml [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.756] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player to lspd from last agency [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.784] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_cop [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Player Persona voice is: s_m_y_cop_01_white_mini_03 [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.793] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_cop [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.814] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting player skin from last skin [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.827] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Player Persona voice is: s_m_y_cop_01_white_mini_03 [5/13/2021 4:32:21 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AgencySelector #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player went on duty. [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.869] LSPD First Response: Folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\plugins\lspdfr [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.902] LSPD First Response: "Boop's Robbery Callouts", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.910] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.915] LSPD First Response: CompuLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.922] LSPD First Response: LeroyCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.928] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.929] LSPD First Response: Megaphone UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.934] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.935] LSPD First Response: RegularCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.938] LSPD First Response: StopThePed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.943] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.945] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.952] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.955] LSPD First Response: UnitedCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.956] LSPD First Response: XScanner, Version=1.0.6795.427, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.957] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Boop_s_Robbery_Callouts.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.957] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CalloutManager.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:22 PM.995] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: CompuLite.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.007] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: LeroyCallouts.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.045] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‌‏‬‫​‎‭‍‫‬‌‏‏‪‌‭‏‪‎‎‮‭‪‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.083] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: Megaphone_UI.Megaphone [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.083] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‬‎‭‎‬‍‬‌‬‪‏‏‭‪‍‬‮‮‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.171] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common verifying update entry for Police SmartRadio [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.204] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: RegularCallouts.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.259] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‫‮‍‌‪‫‌‎‪‪‎‮‭‍‫​‌​‫‮‌‏‪‏‏​‮‬‎‭‎‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.319] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ​‬​‬‎‍‪‏‌‭‭‎‏‬​‭‬​‫‌‪‬‫‫‪‭‮‭‏‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.356] LSPD First Response: Creating Traffic Policer.Main. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.357] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common verifying update entry for Traffic Policer [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.357] LSPD First Response: Done with Traffic Policer.Main. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.357] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UK_Callouts.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.357] LSPD First Response: LOADED PLUGIN [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.357] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‮‎‮‌‪‫‏‫‭‫‌‏‏​‍‎‪‎‏‮‮‭‎‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.396] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: UnitedCallouts.Main [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.439] LSPD First Response: Creating plugin: ‍‮‌​‌‭‭‭‎‬‭‪‭‍‭‮‌‏‭‎‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.489] LSPD First Response: 插件加载成功。 [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.489] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.490] LSPD First Response: Callout Manager by PieRGud successfully loaded. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.490] LSPD First Response: Plugin CompuLite v1.4.9.7 has been initialized. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.490] LSPD First Response: 去值班加载警用电脑 [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.505] LSPD First Response: Leroy Callouts has been initialised. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.505] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load Leroy Callouts. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.505] LSPD First Response: Megaphone UI by Vincentsgm29 2.2.0 has been initialised. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.505] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load Megaphone UI. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.507] PoliceSmartRadio, developed by Albo1125, loaded successfully! [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.507] Special thanks to FinKone for the inspiration and OfficerSquare for the default UI. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.507] Please go on duty to start Police SmartRadio. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.508] LSPD First Response: Plugin RegularCallouts 1.1.4 has been initialised. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.508] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load RegularCallouts. [5/13/2021 4:32:23 PM.511] LSPD First Response: Initializing Config for Regular Callouts [5/13/2021 4:32:24 PM.636] LSPD First Response: Plugin StopThePed v4.9.4.3 has been initialized. [5/13/2021 4:32:24 PM.636] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load StopThePed [5/13/2021 4:32:24 PM.637] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer, developed by Albo1125, has been initialised. [5/13/2021 4:32:24 PM.637] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to start Traffic Policer - Traffic Policer.Initialise done. [5/13/2021 4:32:24 PM.637] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, developed by Bleddyn Welch, has been initialized. [5/13/2021 4:32:24 PM.637] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to start UK Callouts. [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.690] LSPD First Response: Plugin UltimateBackup v1.8.5.3 has been initialized. [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.690] LSPD First Response: Go on duty to fully load UltimateBackup [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.693] LSPD First Response: Loading Config file from UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.795] LSPD First Response: Starting dependency check for XScanner, Version=1.0.6795.427, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.796] LSPD First Response: XScanner: Checking Khorio.Common.dll [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.796] LSPD First Response: XScanner: Khorio_Common: minimal version: 1.5.6769.23925, detected version: 1.5.6792.152 supported [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.799] LSPD First Response: XScanner is loading settings... [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.799] LSPD First Response: XScanner intro sound: INTRO [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.799] LSPD First Response: XScanner outro sound: OUTRO [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.799] LSPD First Response: XScanner playback volume: 2 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.800] LSPD First Response: XScanner LSPDFR scanner patch is enabled [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.857] LSPD First Response: XScanner => Background Scanner Enabled [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.857] LSPD First Response: XScanner => Disabling default ingame background chatter [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.860] LSPD First Response: XScanner => Patching ingame background chatter... [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.860] LSPD First Response: XScanner => Patched [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.875] LSPD First Response: Failed to patch LSPDFR PlayScannerAudio [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.875] LSPD First Response: Failed to patch LSPDFR PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.876] LSPD First Response: We have 2 callouts registered [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.876] LSPD First Response: CalloutManager initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.877] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] WorldEventManager: Allowing up to 1 events [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.887] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new evidence: CrimeEvidenceInPedPossession [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.902] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersonaSearch #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.903] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component StudyStatistics #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.904] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientCharacterManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.905] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientEvidenceManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeOutside Start: 07:30:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 08:00:00 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingToWork Start: 08:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 09:00:00 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage GoingHome Start: 13:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 14:00:00 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] LifeCycleStage HomeInside Start: 14:00:00 End: 00:00:00 does not have an end time defined, set to 07:30:00 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.927] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PersistentCharacterManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.927] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component PlayerInvestigationManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.928] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component WorldPropManager #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.930] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.930] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.931] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Auto started component AmbientTrafficStop #1 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.932] LSPD First Response: In traffic policer duty event handler: True [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.934] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Starting update checks. [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.964] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Not checking for updates until 5/14/2021 1:54:25 PM [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.967] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common.dll starting standard dependency check for Traffic Policer [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.970] LSPD First Response: SCID:/PG.Yy2525.ZQX.JR/ [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.973] LSPD First Response: GAME VERSION: 1.0.2245.0 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.974] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.974] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Bradley Mack [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.975] LSPD First Response: Deserialized Dwayne Johnson [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.978] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common detected RAGEPluginHook version: 1.86 [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.978] LSPD First Response: Dependency check for Traffic Policer successful: True [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.981] LSPD First Response: Registering callout BoopsRobberyCallouts.Callouts.StolenCar [5/13/2021 4:32:25 PM.981] LSPD First Response: Registering callout BoopsRobberyCallouts.Callouts.GasStationRobbery [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.002] LSPD First Response: Found 7 callout plugin(s) with a combined total of 83 callout(s). [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‏‫‬‫‪‍‮‭‌‌‪‌‏‍‭‬‍‏‌‫‮‌‎‫‭‍​‫‬‮‌‬‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‎​‪‌‫‌‮‎‎‭‌​‭‫‎‪​​‎‮‎​​‎‪‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‍‬‭‭‍‫‬‍‎‪‮‌‎‭‭‏‍​‫‍‮‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‫‮‬‭‪‮‫‏‮‬‌‫‍‏‪‬‍​‎‭‬‪‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‪‫‍‎‎‮‪‭‮‏‭​‍‌‭‏‬‬‎‍‎‌‮‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‫‎‬‌‬​‫​‍​‮‌‪‏‌‭​‫‍‬‌‫‏‏‎‍​‪‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‌‬‭‎‎‪‏‭‎‎‍‏‪‭​‌‬‫‌‪​‏‭‏‪‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout LeroyCallouts.Callouts.ElderlyCivilianLost [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‭‍‪​‫‮‌‪‎‎‭‍‭‎‍‍‭‫‪‮​‏‎‬‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‬‭‭‍‭‬‪‭‫‬‬‬‌‎‍‎​​‍‭‍‮​‏​‎‎‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.320] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ​​‎​‎​‫‭‫‪‏‭‎​‎‏‮‏‬​‍‎‪‏‌‬‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:26 PM.420] LSPD First Response: Megaphone UI 2.2.0 has started [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.151] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN.api: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/LSPDFRCNVersion?name=WAYZnj3zhdZ0hF30XX1r6s5hEnzpoSOnwAlYmD7m8qCXpk4T0sj2PyzhuEvItPXHWoxlBaWRKAoouRM0u0FZzDdmcaL0bq2BffUOywPc%2fF35MgWUlQTW5rEQ2EG3MHHmpFljk96nWhMUubXUhdCenNovxMh%2fBvtYEsJWEMWGDdeX1Buy%2fKTdi6IubZYw6Ap5hLIzsDCRMloE0KUKXZAkybAepLb9oyBhQNJzlEXYvAYtPRQ6NBGV1L4dJ9Zc%2f5%2fNAnLHmLyQGdkTuP3WVL%2bLBqbHyjFB6UxarxV%2b9YKO0VkIwHMoV%2bA52o7ot0qGh%2bzJlOYwKdirRsNv02eiCZ2Umw%3d%3d] [ONN0fheGrdgfevz5DbrznECTLttqvVOlAYjepcwQ67fjNuSF6B0Uq6dy6gAGiDq4Z99lH1wXndXLpcbM0qidlDWwdRIPpMjZpC0XHc2WZjXu5M7BEHHdXmbvWmwXP92o3CIDAEB0IWjVgvft1fvj/S+f4kjhteCFkmab0we04/wDWc21nb52z1CuVDNXuLlKw8aNlAgWXkrFyxATzw9hjRsMedzk81kVqnDIW9iekeQzd4Z31mFlOz9199GpBeUFnSc1Py0bNmA4Ot5tOUUZCItTtUav9DWkfiJE1ETvZhgrjjBFNcGWTPYD8gLSBECGKZMuWQMlkkLdZUTy13t2UA==] [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Starting update checks. [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common, developed by Albo1125. Not checking for updates until 5/14/2021 1:54:25 PM [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.264] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common.dll starting standard dependency check for Police SmartRadio [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.271] LSPD First Response: GAME VERSION: 1.0.2245.0 [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.274] LSPD First Response: Albo1125.Common detected RAGEPluginHook version: 1.86 [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.274] LSPD First Response: Dependency check for Police SmartRadio successful: True [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.AccidentOnHighway [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.AnimalCarCrash [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.AssistancePark [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.DomesticDisturbance [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.MissingPerson [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.NoiseDisturbance [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.ParkedCarCrash [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.SearchWarrant [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.TreeOnStreet [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.SuspiciousVehicle [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.BarricadedSuspect [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.RobberyInProgress [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.BrokenVehicle [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.Homicide [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.Scammer [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.AbandondedVehicle [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.PotentialBomb [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.StolenDiplomaticCar [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.TrafficStopAssistance [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.767] LSPD First Response: Registering callout RegularCallouts.Callouts.LostSuspect [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.825] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientTrafficStop #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.825] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.825] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientBehaviorPedOnStreet #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.825] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersonaSearch #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.830] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Ambient #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.845] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ArrestManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.847] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.852] LSPD First Response: Refreshing audio cache... [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.878] LSPD First Response: Audio cache refreshed, 1042 files cached [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.894] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldEventManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.903] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread BoundlessInformant #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.904] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerSuspectTransportManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread StudyStatistics #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientCharacterManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.915] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread AmbientEvidenceManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.916] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PersistentCharacterManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.917] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerInvestigationManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.918] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread WorldPropManager #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.919] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer is not in beta. [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.924] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer.Mainloop started [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.924] LSPD First Response: Loading Traffic Policer settings... [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‌​‮‎‪‌‬‫‭‫‮‭‏‮‬‪‭‬‍‎‍‌‌​​‭‎‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‌​‮‎‪‌‬‫‭‫‮‭‏‮‬‪‭‬‍‎‍‌‌​​‭‎‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‌​‮‎‪‌‬‫‭‫‮‭‏‮‬‪‭‬‍‎‍‌‌​​‭‎‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‬‬‏‍‍‏‫‍‎‫‍‭‭‫​‪‫‪​‮‭‏‫‫‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‬‬‏‍‍‏‫‍‎‫‍‭‭‫​‪‫‪​‮‭‏‫‫‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‎​‏‏‌‌‍‪‍‬‫‪​‬‮‍‪‭‫‬‏‫‎‌‌​‪‪‫‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.955] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‎​‏‏‌‌‍‪‍‬‫‪​‬‮‍‪‭‫‬‏‫‎‌‌​‪‪‫‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.956] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer by Albo1125 has been loaded successfully! [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.974] LSPD First Response: [MEGAPHONE UI] Menu initialisation ended [5/13/2021 4:32:27 PM.976] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio, developed by Albo1125, has been loaded successfully! [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.443] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio queue created. Waiting... [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.450] LSPD First Response: Setting Display position to BottomRight [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.450] LSPD First Response: 1700:603 [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.494] LSPD First Response: Allbuttons ln: 20 [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.526] LSPD First Response: Allbuttons ln: 20 [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.526] LSPD First Response: Police SmartRadio is done loading. Button actions ready to be added. [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.533] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to pit [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.535] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for PoliceSmartRadio to pit successful. [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.535] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to platecheck [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.535] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for PoliceSmartRadio to platecheck successful. [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.535] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to panic [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.535] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for PoliceSmartRadio to panic successful. [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.535] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to pedcheck [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.536] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for PoliceSmartRadio to pedcheck successful. [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.536] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to endcall [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.536] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for PoliceSmartRadio to endcall successful. [5/13/2021 4:32:28 PM.536] LSPD First Response: All PoliceSmartRadio default buttons have been assigned actions. [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.232] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CrimesMenu #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.251] LSPD First Response: Traffic Policer Speed Checker started. [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.255] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio done loading. Dequeueing actions... (0) [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.Assault [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.AssaultOnOfficer [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.Brokendownveh [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.RTC [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DrugBust [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.StolenVehicle [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.KnifeCrime [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DangerousDriving [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.LargeFight [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.SearchAndArrest [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DeadBody [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.HouseRaid [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.612] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UK_Callouts.Callouts.DomesticDisp [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.667] LSPD First Response: UB: DEFAULT REGIONS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.669] LSPD First Response: UB: CUSTOM REGIONS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.674] LSPD First Response: UB: SPECIAL UNITS FILE IS SUCCESSFULLY LOADED [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.722] LSPD First Response: UK Callouts, developed by Bleddyn Welch, has been loaded successfully! [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] ================================================== UnitedCallouts =================================================== [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.DrugDeal [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.StolenTruck [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.StolenBus [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.KillerClownWasSeen [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‌‬​‏‮‎‎​‍‏‫​‌‮‏‎‍‮‌‪‎‪‫‬‎‌‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ​‪‭‌‌‮‎‎‏‮‪‎‫‫‌‌‍‪‭‌‍‮‫‪‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‬‫​‪‍‎‌‍​‪‪‏‏‎‌‬‬‪‬‏‪‭‭‭‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‌‭‎‎‫‪‏‪‮‭​‍‍‮‎‪‎‏‬‫‍‌​‮‍‏‏‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.PersonWithKnife [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‎‫​‍‌‪‬‬‭‫‌‌‏‭‭​‬‫‍‮‭‍‫​‫‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ArrestWarrant [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.troublemaker [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ArmoredPerson [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ShotsFired [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.Bicycle [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.WelfareCheck [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.K9Backup [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.store [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.TrafficBackup [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout ‮‫‭​​‪‍‏‪​‮‬‭‏‍‏​‪‮‪‮‏‮ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.JewelryRobbery [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] LSPD First Response: Registering callout UnitedCallouts.Callouts.ATMActivity [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [LOG]: All callouts from the UnitedCallouts.ini loaded succesfully. [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] ================================================== UnitedCallouts =================================================== [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] =============================================== UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 ================================================ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [LOG]: Callouts and settings loaded succesfully. [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.744] [LOG]: The config file loaded succesfully. [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.745] [VERSION]: Detected Version: [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.745] [LOG]: Checking for newest version. [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.745] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.745] =============================================== UnitedCallouts by sEbi3 ================================================ [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.745] [5/13/2021 4:32:29 PM.899] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVersion?ver=cnp7JGvIdC01nyqMGl6hPJl7Xeo4ybno2ha64KX1FdpW%2fk4n%2bYmiIFp7Th5MZndzc7dJc6JPn%2bQej2ZBdurl%2fXiKABG%2fuo9cF%2fFG97d7vIbIvsW70RTwWgHjLUHGahEz6tofi7eoP%2fufUA%2bQgDvLT1mB7GTJpAY77kRlee5OmNL5RF85TnnegTKOxj91sKE1a7pqD4W%2bOsPaVFla8drZTFwmJV8ByMfCdMsps%2frS0oUKqYW6oG1mCInU%2fLm045gqHweZh%2fCiNj7fp9cITsOV2YQ%2fXYNbF5EDRf2NKXPPEPx9hLMAQVMSqlR1gH%2b7Tb0QghcOpEsM7PKLRd1jgTspXA%3d%3d] [svzS5Gy8v2i0aD9YtxOnYf8V7S2sOLRYVaO5KSQM0UpQohNOGkxv+3OYey+BFMCbUN5Oh39E7p7n2V2wCFnhUZp3yDKHva7mea5GS21qlykN4fR77cNVgQUlnuxQ/TE+jH2uHi7eoF0BvIZeWouq2sfKkOsF2eCf4eXZm2hUaB3lr5cEpdhZJUdL/TAtqDZdv14Tf9hcqL5PuUAbnv004qxaChRzjIHQfY6KHsJIlV4/F2Zrd15g5iVLERwPdRM+WZ4AuFCKgkrLSectpLjIdpL7UAtZNvVu6ENw+Ex/J5pi+mPJlR/rTLh0xE78PHBTmkNvlicvFrmivWNiC7odLA==] [5/13/2021 4:32:30 PM.498] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVersion?ver=OLX8qIDv1jTVTq97wKRXqV%2fnl9X8z9COFk%2bGjwyd9Y8sfzCZYjYk3Wjp3a6RaZU38FTc4X3MMwVvI%2brM4GYby2FpRDCbzBT9l5dwfy%2bXqs8dJsIQffU69RPrqpO8YawvW5B%2baqTWbMFCaq20CPlqWmrghc4bARxh%2f0DelMun6q0xUkvYugeSR5kNcsOWyGvpxeUoJyD%2bjwtQxH%2bOTFEIrHutdtoICTePRTirxbG9YIDezTgtV%2f5Zsh01M4%2byTOfnDLE50QdrUUhIh%2flpYPHHIZUNiFFuJ5f8kXS5xiUlUhwgib%2bA0IUJ2Ts38TwuHxLZU4VUkR3o6a%2b4grd%2ffE9lNA%3d%3d] [bRqo0eobVw0E7Syt4N8crdysGI5fmjGoRAPOVU+tiYSUMkd+qWGabrLXcNqQJ6kjFt6+iq+8iKm6GRqpgTXhLgxQTYNDdhYHlXiuO6aFk4gmdmrj+k4rjQ2xYoKfhbXXtM5UN8CuUktevCf6sBWQOnFP/WNbs6MXccSg850SOvcX6FKJhQgJ+ACFVySgzqvX/sdNl48bVvGTJhoAWZGkmYivZEJ29eD5Qy2/xNoLZB9TpVgSDrxC6yhTOJC5kUooFDtvD7a+/nhXtEWrCZdh7NqgpDXN0ZeOPsbpw2O5hhJm1a7NXrAdxHIzr5cyIfBQM5Rgq/u+A7HhyLcrMytb4A==] [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.002] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] we're on the lspdfr page [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.002] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] 7FF71E41B3E8 [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.416] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] disableScriptedInput() [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] KILL stats page [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] request settings page [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.493] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] load settings gfx [5/13/2021 4:33:01 PM.640] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] lspdfr page finalizalation [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.155] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] navigated away later on after load [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.310] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Citations.xml has been successfully loaded [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.316] LSPD First Response: CompuLite: Charges.xml has been successfully loaded [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.364] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to transport [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.364] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for StopThePed to transport successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.364] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to coroner [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.364] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for StopThePed to coroner successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.364] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to tow [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.365] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for StopThePed to tow successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.365] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to insurance [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.365] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for StopThePed to insurance successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.365] LSPD First Response: StopThePed requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to animal [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.368] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for StopThePed to animal successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.372] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to trafficstop [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to trafficstop successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to felonystop [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to felonystop successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to k9backup [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to k9backup successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to spikestrips [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to spikestrips successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to roadblock [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to roadblock successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to female [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to female successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to panic [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to panic successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to groupbackup [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.374] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to groupbackup successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.374] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to ambulance [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.374] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to ambulance successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.374] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup requesting a PoliceSmartRadio action to be added to firedept [5/13/2021 4:33:03 PM.374] LSPD First Response: PoliceSmartRadio: Adding action for UltimateBackup to firedept successful. [5/13/2021 4:33:05 PM.522] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-绾湡澶ч亾 [5/13/2021 4:33:05 PM.525] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading bhpdcv1 [5/13/2021 4:33:05 PM.526] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:33:05 PM.553] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading bhpdcv1 [5/13/2021 4:33:05 PM.629] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPCustom?ver=peap0E0nGaYyZ%2bK%2fAxxChW703vRF42nBVumy1Gb1WZ3FGolSg0olFWCowOTuYBLptmldPWeTD1R91K%2fuhjTLke8HyQ9To8etYzd97VXsN8WK%2bQllWb6W8vuGl5b1xiUp28t0n98ALWN4m%2bYk3oyFecrShRFjY3crErDhNYufzGtY3HaBY1keZvPHz40hsewTH1SI%2bEsC2KJHFFIbgKaz7%2fGVJ0vIaFGwOv4J1QVc1f4V2EzkfUxMEn%2bM%2bW01yaashWWTs13mlZjrMoV5OSUo%2bP8tYBFeFCW9uH104LUuxGUF8YVQH6dhVWB753ACJapSgQ6nDnuVmAzZ8X9mU5f%2fcg%3d%3d] [fa6wkUB6mtGXq/oC5hySNzntfQ5+PM1dGXna32tQQobkF2TkOOLYXKznekmjA/xOeX8P3CQ7j51vF7+1GBkHLc6xbOx2tC5sn4a7lhcgl6rkHMFv5IKhwM9gf9GYZT57l2MXM705IeHM5YNo51giAY+qYrGtvAjrbTapxXnRpTMsf7p2T0usIIV+iMGRyM/JNQPV2PGbtY/yYyBcLOoVpxBN5BXKwuy9mRtKURc+VBdKQi2DZxPYe9yVbUHjNFrNSrQFT5IP34/UTtU3/BHMVBhaDsnYX56fDSkm/hYudZM3GoEvO3hQXj5EdKzfx0sKPUQq2xA6hXkpbRiVY1sDhg==] [5/13/2021 4:33:05 PM.651] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBCustom?ver=E%2f3ozxTtqYyn9gXyMTJ%2bMMjBTbF1P9TGHdo0bqy%2fkSBfnab0Jf2Fq1lxJq%2bgpDEcwJAcThnGcF525AsUqm1rh5gWP8fly785QC%2fBggbz%2biWCelCq901jpp8CyUy0Xpf2%2f5kmS745Ou%2bgtx1GhUR2AYxTpQgD7nNsNyPrEZTiR6LV5CyUiKCjrQmve543CVVUOpgmlbDlkDjOcKR5PYEqvSpUh5tNH6iSZsCTl3VgJ%2bnNa2lvnpxt7dEsFV5XjAP8B2tXYMMbhSEAiIQBvQ9vLl5d4X%2b6CrFp8iR72Rm%2fw52owBldanZRpqsr924rZOoCe9rlRTClOgEFyHNgFVSruw%3d%3d] [gbODPT/ooBtOM9OKxB5oFfpmyCXrBLcPHZJyAjelSYw93zHm/EM67OTsdjysv+uh/14q33hrThTOtqoJaBsUYldE2thdMtAJ6Vp1cMtc4EjAP18eww3SDpAy40isq8Y1dVxnvMFcIef4KtlPTxLbb0Kt29CU3E1ydC3lFicftcM7IXifvy4HC5VJx9C41wqWmegXSW6RgQnCzR51BXHTjKFhvkSaY0oSw3Jc86N3GAjYdBHUq9fB0FXsfDeqw8ldER0NRFIK+zGoSk+7/TBRYslh6nLqbOuyALssBTqPDZDnT2h6/JSLW1MMhta7aK+ALaKcGebPjM6OMkk1DZXc9Q==] [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.116] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created bhpdcv1 at X:59.08762 Y:-1374.404 Z:29.94906 [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.147] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.155] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Leeroy Jenkins (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.244] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.250] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mike Perry (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:33:06 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: bhpdcv1 [5/13/2021 4:33:08 PM.259] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [5/13/2021 4:33:08 PM.259] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [5/13/2021 4:33:08 PM.260] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #1 [5/13/2021 4:33:08 PM.293] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:33:10 PM.674] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVerifyCode?code=be0%2foAl2A7yfre7mFy%2fHcAsHrtJ52v5nschaSVBu8rcJUFh7%2bNWqPgOddw16Q0TGoNlptNB7OkN5fQYh%2b2TqJw843vvCbpUi0zAFJ3omGjwtlbl2iF2SAhOgfnJvkSKGySak9f%2bq3jk0IR5dV0DlkgEA6OhyGb0wH5gxA8AMoSdu1uUoQWDul5PqwPgkXhGVcRRKPXu0LXu4M2d7Jgj2csOf2vepp0fteiIJD%2fj8j5Da6yMXjlD%2fYtZvqjP7u6cWCfts%2buEKs%2byD%2fybTdQnKibi7dm%2b446Da8BIj855F1rQAnSiB9TIfwWEA8epaZPSDgSKeW4lh6wad2PRXsB5jfw%3d%3d&ver=R3kYZjwtenS6Wl%2fTDpkbq84JQuMasf5xVZ1YJci%2fIeKg%2bPzkNWOWlaIAuL8QaZBTRwDWMXZLUTR2%2ft5Y6OZaAB2I8b4BAwqNdbROr8W84hcXU9Guu%2bdWr3JzBXGMzLfRouwoTX1EBfIBhnn8zkp5%2fZ%2bTV%2fFp68Fl9tNI92Xc7ywHZblat0fOZe2TVeXZVsMCbGBixqGHpihWjywQ64DbjRzucKHqqIWfWDdoIZs9XAc0wkAxcE0zxJIK0jTb4mBkD4bP4QJ83zrKXrj7gz1shydp0y94rttFs3eERqFi8lDzw8PmZtqv7rVRgTeGWNBdujQw1PK46%2bYB2D7Y%2b5080Q%3d%3d] [m7wItbOIgcOl6D8/wQQP7+Q6LTSp7XaBu2PDOqXooNsiawMXptV6skG9LnigwyXokgui1596qXGqU80bYviBjXXz1zuaRdcL6fMqJBLB43fWSOrn/itRRociAN3fSnD92RIO0YcwLU5YowABTaM2GJV8C6a+DFI6ql3kXyppj3FHRAhCr9b1bbnSi5FHEijPF8BmZi8UT9Sb0YYoJnYxkK/7gBOAymLUIB7mZg+Ym9j+m8bIWUKKIeAXu+uBBz0r77PmE06y3wEFDZzsa3cvVt49XFaNlN4P5BKfXXLSnxXS5VmaKBBhMLkAIoxILU1HJwTL4obqEiH8fKVRg4y5fg==] [5/13/2021 4:33:10 PM.698] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVerifyCode?code=lsvtcdhKn%2f2mM8WyXicWGDU73CHjIau7%2fe2eiXiLdVwhAuVmhYoi0Wbj9fK8ZJCa5Aiu0XuWr%2fA0dVTgmXxjOiB%2bJSUkI5G1uvAdG08RQvzyK4cvy6sBrQ%2f43GuVsgv%2feNm5P0CVTHdzE%2bRRZTdG67zSm%2fCWix1CPiionuz7Mk7U1sCo3aLKeG0aRXSZH8LYmMUeGarIy04NV0dPXLy2%2bIRgpyMOrjuMzMXkACRbDPWVMSb5nH36I%2bHxIBZhKhc1M0cqLYiD7V7zjIIoUGi4aKLitVOGKs%2fQ05i1OU8m2UC0oHNEwRqouqyOX6Jh7ldaUB5B5RzXUK%2f7NcW74OCDmg%3d%3d&ver=kU88qzsQ%2fF4FpkdSSz%2f6jmELI6uLJgB0Zthv7jN7tAWrgrvb1mn4PdPRYA%2bvh5BceQ%2bCkfYxFu7IOgEpdiEpsFyM2NYE9qqINedixiX83t7cmm3BnecwSTgjXDY7eI0OLt0Rh9ga2t9saHwp%2bf73P%2fpFe6lJgSKBX%2fW7flwZMmBS4TvJ8BRhG%2fXgLPzybOQisDu1kGbQYopJ22UKWiWBodKxdqKFx%2fdcFkpQwLUhjbYRIWddmzCi2rXfZaWp6Z9%2f2%2brSWeVt9MtbJYtv%2fikJOy4CD8TlllJF9N%2bhhsH81S5VsBQJrwAdeM%2bpxlom%2feZsr1NyzLm40rMeYrTvyX11vQ%3d%3d] [pIP1qKjULniMBz4rysvXf++s1dct5jGKs/RknrBHiVMVAjeZLgOSorY8frRFZjYUByjkWlj/SYIywZRwSWT+HHn0GyzNxhJLcWcqj14HzmjPIupM2xy19q/c234ongf7gaDydyy0jfKsjKFM1yul12ju+yWP6TlLSJJ5IxteHCoywskmzCs5qsahFLUDIqt8hGmdgzWL/Lfp/rMwYCpSM+hj/SdG3oy/LO+ZcN6lS9ZpuSQrQXVA57c3N6eeCTbCjerWWQh0t+4q7tAdlEm7uZX4Y9gPZsP3DGm8CO518wHbQZFZOSNQM5fPa4aUkJa40j6n42SLufCWgHFvx7CJzQ==] [5/13/2021 4:33:15 PM.456] LSPD First Response: Creating RevEngineWhenStationary event [5/13/2021 4:33:50 PM.286] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: A_M_Y_STLAT_01 [5/13/2021 4:33:55 PM.518] LSPD First Response: Creating drunk driver event [5/13/2021 4:33:55 PM.646] LSPD First Response: Setting alcohol levels [5/13/2021 4:34:00 PM.456] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Dwayne Johnson [5/13/2021 4:34:00 PM.460] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.253] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading hwaycar [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.253] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_HWAYCOP_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.314] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading hwaycar [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.742] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created hwaycar at X:132.846 Y:-1381.53 Z:29.77806 [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.776] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_HWAYCOP_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.777] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_hwaycop_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cooper Harris (S_M_Y_HWAYCOP_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:34:26 PM.809] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: hwaycar [5/13/2021 4:34:28 PM.307] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [5/13/2021 4:34:30 PM.480] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.262] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-楹﹀厠鍞愮撼琛? [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading vcsdcv1 [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.262] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.329] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading vcsdcv1 [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.567] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created vcsdcv1 at X:159.3995 Y:-1587.427 Z:29.80723 [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.789] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.790] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.791] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Frank Mason (S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:34:36 PM.827] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: vcsdcv1 [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created sheriff at X:351.3006 Y:-1556.711 Z:29.24393 [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientStationSpawn: Added SHERIFF at 戴维斯警局 [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.843] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_F_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.844] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_f_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.845] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Daniel Uniton (S_F_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.976] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.982] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.984] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.985] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jam Cranston (S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.985] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.986] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.986] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.987] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Davon Greene (S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:34:46 PM.987] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:34:50 PM.270] LSPD First Response: Creating drug driver event [5/13/2021 4:34:50 PM.272] LSPD First Response: Setting drug levels [5/13/2021 4:34:56 PM.357] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-鍗℃.澶ц [5/13/2021 4:34:56 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdcharger1 [5/13/2021 4:34:56 PM.357] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:34:56 PM.439] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdcharger1 [5/13/2021 4:34:56 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created lapdcharger1 at X:342.9351 Y:-1900.497 Z:25.84277 [5/13/2021 4:34:56 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: lapdcharger1 [5/13/2021 4:34:57 PM.032] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #5 initialized [5/13/2021 4:34:59 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Marker #5 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:34:59 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Marker #5) [5/13/2021 4:34:59 PM.819] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #5 has been shut down [5/13/2021 4:35:00 PM.380] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:00 PM.817] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [5/13/2021 4:35:03 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.022] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #1 reports that it can be freed [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.211] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from StealCar #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from StealCar #1 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (StealCar #1) [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.213] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #1 has ended [5/13/2021 4:35:04 PM.236] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Matt Oakley has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:35:05 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.386] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-鍗℃.澶ц [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.386] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.386] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing spawned suspect [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.456] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.456] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.458] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.458] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Dwayne Johnson [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.459] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [5/13/2021 4:35:06 PM.491] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.094] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created lapdfpiu1 at X:330.2654 Y:-1921.851 Z:25.44449 [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.094] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.127] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.133] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.140] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alonzo Moriani (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.171] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.179] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.184] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ben Johnston (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.218] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: lapdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:35:07 PM.899] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:09 PM.117] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from PoliceStation #6 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (PoliceStation #6) [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.584] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Davon Greene has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.584] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Daniel Uniton has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:35:18 PM.584] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jam Cranston has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:35:19 PM.798] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [5/13/2021 4:35:23 PM.219] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:24 PM.111] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:24 PM.452] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:24 PM.708] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:24 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:25 PM.757] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:26 PM.298] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:26 PM.475] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-杞︽墭閭﹀叕鍥ぇ閬? [5/13/2021 4:35:26 PM.475] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [5/13/2021 4:35:26 PM.475] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:26 PM.545] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [5/13/2021 4:35:27 PM.185] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:-15.22521 Y:-2039.464 Z:19.21907 [5/13/2021 4:35:27 PM.185] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [5/13/2021 4:35:27 PM.206] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alex Hall (G_M_Y_BALLAORIG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:28 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:29 PM.522] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.376] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.463] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.515] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.652] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.681] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.850] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Gabriel Jensen (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:30 PM.878] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:31 PM.312] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:31 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Danny Shade (A_M_M_POLYNESIAN_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:31 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bradley Colburn (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:31 PM.704] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:31 PM.760] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:31 PM.902] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:32 PM.322] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:32 PM.323] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:33 PM.212] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:33 PM.450] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:33 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bradley Colburn (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:33 PM.660] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:33 PM.979] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jakob Makorov (A_M_Y_STLAT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:34 PM.365] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:34 PM.479] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bradley Colburn (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:34 PM.810] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:35 PM.024] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:35 PM.220] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:35 PM.545] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.347] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.489] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-鍗℃.澶ц [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.489] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.489] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.567] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE2 [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.922] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police2 at X:355.8572 Y:-1937.753 Z:25.26762 [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.926] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.926] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.972] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.981] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:35:36 PM.989] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Eli Ejupi (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.029] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.036] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alex Plasma (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.071] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police2 [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.443] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.443] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.590] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.590] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:37 PM.965] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:38 PM.004] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:38 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bradley Colburn (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:38 PM.521] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:38 PM.521] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:39 PM.005] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:40 PM.882] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:41 PM.376] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:41 PM.865] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:42 PM.199] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:42 PM.733] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:43 PM.612] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:43 PM.697] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:43 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:43 PM.992] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:44 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:44 PM.129] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:44 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:44 PM.653] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:45 PM.277] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:45 PM.277] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Matthew Bunting (S_M_M_TRUCKER_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:45 PM.668] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:46 PM.676] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy killed by Ian Grove [5/13/2021 4:35:46 PM.678] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Murphy (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:48 PM.339] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalPatrol [5/13/2021 4:35:48 PM.341] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: RANCHO [5/13/2021 4:35:48 PM.341] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [5/13/2021 4:35:49 PM.034] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalPatrol [5/13/2021 4:35:49 PM.034] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: RANCHO [5/13/2021 4:35:49 PM.034] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [5/13/2021 4:35:49 PM.773] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalPatrol [5/13/2021 4:35:49 PM.773] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: RANCHO [5/13/2021 4:35:49 PM.773] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [5/13/2021 4:35:51 PM.325] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:35:51 PM.867] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:35:52 PM.619] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:35:53 PM.086] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:35:53 PM.373] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:35:53 PM.605] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:35:53 PM.605] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [5/13/2021 4:35:53 PM.685] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:35:53 PM.998] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.077] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.322] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.347] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.486] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.795] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.798] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:35:54 PM.969] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.289] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.403] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.480] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.507] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.586] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.738] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:55 PM.902] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:56 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:35:56 PM.006] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:56 PM.531] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:56 PM.778] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:56 PM.842] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:58 PM.070] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:35:58 PM.538] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:58 PM.848] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_閬撳路浼︽暒琛? [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.170] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.534] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.784] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.863] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.907] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: LocalSWAT [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.907] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: RANCHO [5/13/2021 4:35:59 PM.907] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [5/13/2021 4:36:00 PM.202] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:01 PM.174] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:01 PM.286] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:01 PM.286] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:01 PM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.057] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.136] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.217] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.245] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.472] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.472] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Douglas (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.768] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.769] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.820] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.988] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:02 PM.988] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:03 PM.080] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [5/13/2021 4:36:03 PM.080] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [5/13/2021 4:36:03 PM.287] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:03 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.082] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: NooseSWAT [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.083] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: RANCHO [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.083] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.393] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.547] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.547] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jessie White (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.755] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:04 PM.970] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:05 PM.275] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:05 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:05 PM.736] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:05 PM.998] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.025] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.406] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.432] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.510] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.568] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:06 PM.910] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.101] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopPlayRadioAction: Timed out [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.101] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.104] LSPD First Response: Creating Speeder Event [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.240] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.346] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.694] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.727] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.794] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders killed by Ryan Burbickk [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kenny Sniders (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:07 PM.934] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.049] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.129] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Billy Boys (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.319] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.642] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Billy Boys (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.696] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.697] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player is close, starting pursuit [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new chase [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.702] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to ChaseHost #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.723] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.755] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting chase [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.755] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseHost #1 initialized [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Found new close chase [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.821] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.893] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:36:08 PM.893] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:36:09 PM.478] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:09 PM.590] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:10 PM.056] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:10 PM.563] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.033] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.034] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.109] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.276] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.484] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.545] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.813] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:11 PM.899] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:12 PM.114] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:12 PM.669] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:12 PM.800] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:12 PM.801] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:13 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:13 PM.484] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [5/13/2021 4:36:13 PM.585] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:14 PM.127] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:14 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:14 PM.261] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:14 PM.617] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:14 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:14 PM.877] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:15 PM.123] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:15 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:15 PM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:16 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:16 PM.326] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Joining closest chase [5/13/2021 4:36:16 PM.331] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Pursuit menu was reset. [5/13/2021 4:36:16 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:16 PM.658] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:16 PM.789] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.114] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.167] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.193] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.271] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.271] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.431] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.669] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.670] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.734] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:17 PM.978] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:18 PM.056] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:18 PM.186] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:18 PM.472] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:18 PM.554] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:18 PM.619] LSPD First Response: STP: APPLIED REALISTIC PIT MANEUVER PHYSICS ON SCHAFTER2 [5/13/2021 4:36:19 PM.502] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Billy Boys (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:19 PM.717] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:19 PM.999] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:20 PM.747] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:20 PM.799] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:20 PM.959] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:21 PM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:21 PM.788] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson killed by Des Brogan [5/13/2021 4:36:21 PM.789] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Artur Johnson (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:22 PM.747] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:23 PM.328] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:23 PM.839] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:25 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:25 PM.906] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect stuck, trying to reverse [5/13/2021 4:36:26 PM.059] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:26 PM.162] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:26 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:26 PM.201] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual regained event fired [5/13/2021 4:36:26 PM.424] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:26 PM.942] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:27 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:27 PM.762] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cospe Gaspero (A_M_M_FATLATIN_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:27 PM.968] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.050] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.184] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.243] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.323] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.384] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.479] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Moore (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.724] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:28 PM.946] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDY POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:29 PM.084] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:36:29 PM.213] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:29 PM.217] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:29 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:29 PM.639] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:29 PM.949] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.178] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.374] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.426] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.523] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.555] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO PERIMITER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.685] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.766] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:30 PM.877] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:31 PM.276] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost event fired [5/13/2021 4:36:31 PM.577] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:36:31 PM.770] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:32 PM.053] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect stuck, trying to reverse [5/13/2021 4:36:32 PM.508] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:32 PM.534] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:32 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect stuck, leaving vehicle [5/13/2021 4:36:32 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:32 PM.877] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.063] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.064] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect stuck, leaving vehicle [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cesar Alvarez (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.577] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Cesar Alvarez reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.579] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.602] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cesar Alvarez now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.632] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting EvadeCopsInVehicle: TaskEvadeCopsAdvInVehicle still active [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskEvadeCopsAdvInVehicle::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.643] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Josh Keeran (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Josh Keeran reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.680] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Josh Keeran now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.706] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jimmy Clancy (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Jimmy Clancy reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.707] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.735] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Alexander Carter reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.762] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Shawn Peter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Shawn Peter reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.792] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jimmy Clancy now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Shawn Peter now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.823] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.824] LSPD First Response: STP: REMOVED REALISTIC PIT MANEUVER PHYSICS ON SCHAFTER2 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mason Drake (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Mason Drake reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.852] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.891] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Mason Drake now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Franco (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Chris Franco reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.947] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:33 PM.983] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Took ownership of cop for chase [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Added cop without proper cop data [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Xavier Dixon (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.020] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop Xavier Dixon reassigned to Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop added to chase [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter TaseSuspect [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.050] LSPD First Response: UB: PURSUIT DETECTED AND JOINING >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Franco now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Xavier Dixon now monitoring Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.224] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.314] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter TaseSuspect True [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.314] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.341] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.555] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.581] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter TaseSuspect True [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.609] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.610] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Report Voice: [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.720] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.820] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.820] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.820] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.847] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter TaseSuspect True [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.847] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [5/13/2021 4:36:34 PM.959] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.094] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.094] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.119] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter TaseSuspect True [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.119] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.263] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.381] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter TaseSuspect True [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.381] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] PunchSuspectCleanUpAction [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.463] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Surrender 2? [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.597] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.632] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.632] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual regained event fired [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.686] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove killed by Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.687] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ian Grove (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.693] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at Spine1. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.693] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.999] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:35 PM.999] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jimmy Clancy (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.000] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.001] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.002] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.101] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.508] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jimmy Clancy (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.832] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.931] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting EvadeCopsInVehicle: Aborting main task [5/13/2021 4:36:36 PM.931] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskEvadeCopsAdvInVehicle::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:36:37 PM.051] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:36:37 PM.581] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Franco (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:37 PM.581] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Josh Keeran (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:37 PM.604] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Shawn Peter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.060] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.086] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.086] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Xavier Dixon (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.172] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.511] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.566] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:36:38 PM.774] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:40 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cesar Alvarez (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:40 PM.686] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Josh Keeran (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:36:41 PM.204] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Josh Keeran (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:43 PM.968] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:44 PM.299] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Alexander Carter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:36:45 PM.847] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jimmy Clancy (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) entered combat with target: Cory Hutchison (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) [5/13/2021 4:36:46 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jimmy Clancy (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:36:46 PM.393] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:36:47 PM.748] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:36:49 PM.661] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:36:51 PM.223] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:36:54 PM.556] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Xavier Dixon (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:37:02 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopBustPed: Busting done [5/13/2021 4:37:02 PM.996] ABORT BUST [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.013] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChasePed: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopChasePedAdv::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removed ped chase strategy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost event fired [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Suspect left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.015] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from ChaseHost #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost: Lost control over Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SuspectTransportManager::AddSuspect: Removed from chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.017] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Mason Drake [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SuspectTransportManager::AddSuspect: Removed from chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.035] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] No nearby vehicle found for suspect transport, requesting new transport unit [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.035] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Issuing backup request for prisoner transport [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.044] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICET [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.044] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.079] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] No more fleeing suspects, ending chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.083] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ending chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Cesar Alvarez [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Josh Keeran [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Jimmy Clancy [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.084] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Alexander Carter [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Shawn Peter [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Chris Franco [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from Chase #1 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing cop: Xavier Dixon [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #1: Cop left chase [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cop freed [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.087] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread ChaseHost #1 to abort: Chase has ended [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.088] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from ChaseHost #1 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.088] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (ChaseHost #1) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.088] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB is ending already [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] LSPD First Response: at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.GsUSkBatteECnKRrMwNQWzAEYFkr() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at vjuOepwJwJFQZQKNJjLuVHOeRCZF.JcdQFDqHlPFDjlvVCbEHkvjCZhGEA() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.GsUSkBatteECnKRrMwNQWzAEYFkr() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at TtgKeUpYQSVjfhMvomIAaYqrdose.pFKXalYMEPZKrjpcmXazZwkuubUu(String ) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at vjuOepwJwJFQZQKNJjLuVHOeRCZF.VZShGWxCDoSoYzMWDVVpxKhcrIpu(RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB ) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at System.Action`1.Invoke(T obj) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB.JcdQFDqHlPFDjlvVCbEHkvjCZhGEA() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.GsUSkBatteECnKRrMwNQWzAEYFkr() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB.syHLdcumyNcVpzikGzGbIPpHIIvEA() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at aoDxpyXlsSBkIYZEKncPdkHLNBvo.syHLdcumyNcVpzikGzGbIPpHIIvEA() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at pfQHvQiyMFdbiUyoeIRVmrsuqeKdb.RsTEWkiRiEJEtmsfUJgYCxuxsCVWA() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at Rage.GameFiber.Main() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.094] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Pursuit has ended, finishing stage [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Cory Hutchison [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Chase #1 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Chase #1) [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jimmy Clancy has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.096] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Shawn Peter has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Alexander Carter has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Cesar Alvarez has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Chris Franco has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Xavier Dixon has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Josh Keeran has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.131] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fake-Thread ChaseHost #1 has been shut down [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cesar Alvarez (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Franco (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.450] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Josh Keeran (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.475] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Shawn Peter (S_M_Y_SWAT_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.849] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ProcessTransportUnit: No suspects assigned [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] SuspectTransportManager::Process: Suspect in custody [5/13/2021 4:37:03 PM.887] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Prisoner transport done [5/13/2021 4:37:04 PM.572] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-淇″彿琛? [5/13/2021 4:37:04 PM.572] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading bhpdtahoe1 [5/13/2021 4:37:04 PM.572] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:04 PM.633] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading bhpdtahoe1 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.040] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created bhpdtahoe1 at X:329.5482 Y:-2461.896 Z:6.939232 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.041] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: bhpdtahoe1 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.814] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.814] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.862] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.862] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.911] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.911] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.958] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:37:05 PM.958] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED PURSUIT >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:37:07 PM.467] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:37:07 PM.663] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:37:09 PM.939] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:37:10 PM.065] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:37:11 PM.864] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.169] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Using new link spawn [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.560] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICET [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.561] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created policet at X:138.25 Y:-2024.25 Z:17.375 [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.562] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.568] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: HighwayPatrol (lspd) [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.570] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_cop [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.570] LSPD First Response: [WARN] GetOutfitVariation: Failed to find outfit lspd_cop [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.575] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Felix McWeen (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.600] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to BackupManager #1 (Gameplay) [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.601] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from BackupManager #1 (Gameplay) [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.601] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to SuspectTransportManager #1 (Blocker) [5/13/2021 4:37:12 PM.670] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:37:13 PM.997] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Added stopped ped: S_M_Y_SWAT_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:14 PM.598] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-瑭瑰鏂暒琛? [5/13/2021 4:37:14 PM.598] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [5/13/2021 4:37:14 PM.598] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:14 PM.650] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE3 [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.011] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police3 at X:329.7238 Y:-1966.259 Z:24.85849 [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.048] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.055] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jack Calahan (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.077] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.085] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_m_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.092] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Carlos Jackson (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:37:15 PM.116] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police3 [5/13/2021 4:37:16 PM.630] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:37:18 PM.113] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:37:21 PM.666] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:37:24 PM.427] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:37:28 PM.441] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction Initialize() [5/13/2021 4:37:29 PM.686] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_閬撳路浼︽暒琛? [5/13/2021 4:37:30 PM.303] LSPD First Response: UB: REQUESTED TYPE: PoliceTransport [5/13/2021 4:37:30 PM.303] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED ZONE: RANCHO [5/13/2021 4:37:30 PM.303] LSPD First Response: UB: DETECTED COUNTY: LosSantosCity [5/13/2021 4:37:32 PM.499] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopPlayRadioAction: Timed out [5/13/2021 4:37:32 PM.499] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskCopPlayRadioAction aborted [5/13/2021 4:37:38 PM.098] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 259 seconds since the last callout [5/13/2021 4:37:38 PM.102] LSPD First Response: Creating StolenCar from BoopsRobberyCallouts.Callouts.StolenCar, "Boop's Robbery Callouts", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:37:38 PM.105] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #1 [5/13/2021 4:37:38 PM.114] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_澶Ц缇婄緮澶Ц [5/13/2021 4:37:38 PM.118] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-澶ц缇婄緮澶ц [5/13/2021 4:37:39 PM.707] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-钃濅笜澶ч亾 [5/13/2021 4:37:39 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [5/13/2021 4:37:39 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:39 PM.797] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading POLICE [5/13/2021 4:37:40 PM.458] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created police at X:492.2059 Y:-2066.703 Z:25.61566 [5/13/2021 4:37:40 PM.458] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: police [5/13/2021 4:37:44 PM.765] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-閬撳路浼︽暒琛? [5/13/2021 4:37:44 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading hwaycar3 [5/13/2021 4:37:44 PM.765] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:44 PM.839] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading hwaycar3 [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.451] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created hwaycar3 at X:186.3605 Y:-2051.417 Z:19.15019 [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.491] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.499] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cached 1316 decorators for index 4 [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.549] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.591] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_F_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.599] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created mp_f_freemode_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.606] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:37:45 PM.641] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: hwaycar3 [5/13/2021 4:37:53 PM.156] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [5/13/2021 4:37:53 PM.160] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Dwayne Johnson [5/13/2021 4:37:53 PM.160] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [5/13/2021 4:37:53 PM.218] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New cop added without cop data! [5/13/2021 4:37:53 PM.219] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Christian Dugan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:38:00 PM.359] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [5/13/2021 4:38:00 PM.518] LSPD First Response: STP: RELEASE PED FROM STOP [5/13/2021 4:38:02 PM.524] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING BACK FROM GUARD POS TO STANDBY POS STP >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:38:07 PM.277] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:38:08 PM.217] LSPD First Response: UB: IN PERIMETER POSITION >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:38:20 PM.236] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:38:20 PM.416] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:38:20 PM.446] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:38:20 PM.626] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:38:20 PM.806] LSPD First Response: UB: UNIT FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-1 | TOTAL ACTIVE UNIT >> 1 [5/13/2021 4:38:28 PM.584] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:38:28 PM.767] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:38:28 PM.985] LSPD First Response: UB: RETURNING TO VEHICLE >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:38:29 PM.158] LSPD First Response: UB: UNIT FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 | TOTAL ACTIVE UNIT >> 0 [5/13/2021 4:38:30 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [5/13/2021 4:38:30 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event Agitation [5/13/2021 4:38:30 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: Agitation #1 [5/13/2021 4:38:30 PM.784] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to set up Agitation #1 [5/13/2021 4:38:30 PM.785] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Agitation #1 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:38:30 PM.785] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Agitation #1) [5/13/2021 4:38:34 PM.569] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPCustom?ver=N5ZGPRpktZNO6kyKum5s%2bRq%2fJpfUVUsRRvN3L5xkOikPf78nkDOtnMP0F32Ah9M54mvFRZbu5BgoXapR5K2QVV0nZQOdnQO%2fAPuR2R74SXJ9ZfL2lz2uoK0H%2bafinvsB8G9la79Agckjxw1SsvVjpW9AyaBHpcdhkaBjTnGRJ1JomxTV6H%2fT8uVDLy%2fF6EdgQQMM6iWkI0hk%2buvFHtKA8cieiZ1ZjLwgQSpJvhRmFCyWoOiGeMeqwbRWxwdgl%2fUfUU%2fqzOLFjOLIVnV%2f63UHlvz8HQRYJUuaE%2fI2L%2bU9APhj%2fmhEVFhwiHI2sZcngAhU%2b3iul15FIqkmuKM8FNCiNg%3d%3d] [AXkQEkjKLwsCwU0CK2D/W/Ao2qFcn6ndd0Gwo763AUv/ojNgQVYfiSFxZVn+GHdX5tux6o2vvXQW6/T+t9av/Ob9ElxBuqy+yr3aJOMUsFrNaZS6mBqhGQBfNxcTapV6593rp4LXReTpGV3BuXNjroRr4szOVhWkN9AFiP15t9cvgmpUtuR7J8ywDbvc/CEghRf0QvUSk289yfp/NHZaeFLYUSBloM30m7JLqXTZfw3ki5YhDB5U+DqGmBlzBx82FRiZu4cyiJDRc42YED66U2wbGB/DSnE7Zk8lA4/e++ant0DBS+js/vuxy+TFV5wq1oSjJv6N5MTST7PE3EeEDg==] [5/13/2021 4:38:34 PM.584] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBCustom?ver=UOz5CJGNlculvN3eSkNizmz45SxCS0b0pa5XKmPzCmjpRSZd3WhiT56SctlrD%2bnsNj1HRJnc%2fMI3SqsTlsTtwzWPtD4Po1caL4TscoQDfwdiBwv6aH%2bwPxP1Ps7t3WC4XMQeQ2Kxg49N4ak6VhoR7c38P4Axunj9ukV6tThMMMrqePtg01YG0tlasYHqBTR7E4T%2fI7nb%2f1OQ%2bAkTQdpjCU0GTG6a6W7Q4SZs48hqWMFzZc3e2t%2f861y92jxjLtXXzJp3UX1BaLinnfUJ8OZ1CpQRjQSlOq%2fjHsmUceLoDQ4pDUrf2WwrcdEiHpNS3AYs145%2fAnJ3kPcyc04Nj9eBkA%3d%3d] [Ix5tLFWniH+5I7Cub3per+m+4vSqHkJxz22Up9JPHYabL304BE7sB2DreO4AeYD9pTu9xsDniWmU0DCZmc64coSTdsU2K/IPIcfKQ7oIZNvsszDPXiFfqjMY/SZgszrgZTaO+sq4nRuklvHjiIceouy/ED8LeMSCmi0kX3GdaEyJOy4f+Eu39hK6hRcibB2n43iIQkN95R48nw1ecAC1ODIhWLgNdCLCR5S0vyccObkUxz3WeeKTZe03CdscIJg3PCZWKSy0nGljN9sipdXy3C9uViYYJmP+t0Kv2o8LQb34Itwr3X0GeqFZGQk9EjLxKhoDXDRIlmLZJe7qXBVzNg==] [5/13/2021 4:38:35 PM.733] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [5/13/2021 4:38:39 PM.273] LSPD First Response: StopThePed: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/STPVerifyCode?code=IVRx57OpRdJzfVn8RCtZvzuj7oQf1Oxf2826AOGLm%2bGYw%2buQdj%2bDkkwism05cuQ9JGLzBMULpataG%2bb5bxRpdC94DRHvbypvOnmz7YHomSl20OzDvjddtzFkjxgp6EzvBWXc3f%2by1589TLhSbohYg8DZG8uz3z9GjrRN%2beOBB2ndSV7SoKseUDm9ORS8FHlSC9ULPjyNMEH9%2bmcUyFaFWBNFD3SMdgKEymPT2WkaQnI1BetNqWg2gdcWfHVIRX%2fsgS8kg9ucMEpUiflNZbYqLuLiKdp8V53xA1NoPFGI4OSSOT5Rb97ksm%2fO39SRkxhY6ecOiGFksliTl84ShblEQg%3d%3d&ver=XwXdBVf60%2f68qr2jvg8Po1NenCiB5tC3Ahkb%2fxwPvf3znyoRpVfv%2f24c9lAXBexrJM%2bGoupJ9Bg8k53k2X0b26mzxqpy7oZ3zq2DxoBmfnxff1CUZMORfEz%2bdleJElyiu0jFgSQcm5iSfMb3Sf8PzDQb1i7LcMY8qOhMYsEVg%2frMqGadg%2bWkhSD%2bkjFW2YKNwb74IzMYTBRZi1PwDRFHsVv2K0yZ7QDBAjsEj%2bMXNWIJps4Pa%2bLi%2fkN8gxvEmEi6JqTZrUvSJyrAjJ9rd%2bRdpvhEI4vLvRExH9eiGnCT67qXbxkNRZEFuV2%2bhOfo1SkkwD2EyWuX5l3ThzN2p1B4%2bQ%3d%3d] [hc4gnjWZX3ymKThLquFGUAgG8TETEd5xR2xebhyplYQrxN8NJwc1gs5OxhmqCGLaM/tY2TyOC0JAsIbiH7Iq5SAtm/0k5D3tbtQM/rBKVtS+WLkV0SHL8FmKCF1tDsklDbO6ys1tom7Y0+7Xbtste5FmsbhLgmqnme2s+Qhg0JucenX47S3TRf/vFI/xmjAT+o0L+EWsXDTJMUG6FOlZfG7oI58FoxiMOz+G2ibAFEm6kGOHwNfIADY92/a7AFLVnetw9OJLow9RdUydrMFgn5IBRzGX6/1HK9W4T/KqzIfSc0Zg0hDxWJUf8KabKXz6Kk4OwqM/tW65i33zpTBwiw==] [5/13/2021 4:38:39 PM.279] LSPD First Response: UltimateBackup: Web 请求 [https://api.lspdfrcn.com/v1/UBVerifyCode?code=Eg26lDXPlNsHp7crOmrgohygcEAENUObGCAZs%2bGhJbyMPhPafHfJ0meWuB3J0lx4hCdFjJVQScEUHMHFmj5S2CR8m1BEZ86eKDUpZlnFRm4A6CeXsltJmReDb1vAyyh5ZOWvM3b4cXnULJMjchh08DEi8mozjgUHgQ2X8E5lZmLMUKivgJRDltVJoKIdwCFZPO%2b6ZW8adbqZxhP4bGvHGR7aO4QlvxnlUEXOxEZ%2bCk8j%2bThi6Pa7qWPgkXJ5LWmcYK58RNOT27OYrZnaJ6JKCaS8wAIxReyI%2bxTe3Jl2Z4xb4U%2f3ty%2f8m%2f4w4gnoBtjm3wZFTXg6Mda6OnhufagRwQ%3d%3d&ver=WkPlpRw87yh9OPEpgSvwBAL9936a7Rsanvzjk4r2Esol%2brbh%2f4i%2fGmPtD8GKnzl2o%2faLkcJ1g2SgzWnL6SIqpTJbx6%2f0t5QQpjD51iQJv8jFbjELeNYBkHZo00DzhJOhJjS3%2b8RZJ01cD5xnu27RU8Jci1WDIiDZfqJ4mXtufgYR9F9tLDfjQJKGxZ8vIZIErOzv2j1xIRti%2fp9R4iI9gSDKKyuxjEmP%2fswY1GNMAuvAGMNRCYR%2fre9V032%2f%2bdJdA4SwtvSd%2f1v7XdxvuToli%2bblIReGY9D1sjgj9wyEsoHVMUuLzI9aVQYwIKzNplieqmWo%2bnhsbltl33Ykyv9O2w%3d%3d] [kAl0vgoGiV3+9vPYdIcpshrkPj+hc37ZmZlX6dSYLhBfcQCQoDTpy08hl6wDVaEhn7nqQASIMeUYkDOiz59w8SDtK/Ps/pDgwJUovpXTdJ1lLg2ik+JtHI8uJfio7aErim7dC+6lxfCkUTsIh832MT4I6yWU0f9KrS/OHYctLlqd3viGHEV+A55tKLBK5VyERm5CMUzFEytINOV+MCLx7KpREPOEmW64cGGQXg+WQBXaFx8t0x0kYpS9x42z35S6llUXt+B+gm0Zb7zvnU6rZ6IoqYn5Wc3p17W9T6SX7MEM/ckVcq3aW6tUSPGOU3iTVcdJkvuV+9yNxzSphrItXw==] [5/13/2021 4:38:50 PM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [5/13/2021 4:38:52 PM.739] LSPD First Response: Creating RevEngineWhenStationary event [5/13/2021 4:38:55 PM.210] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:55 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:56 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:56 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:56 PM.675] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:38:57 PM.459] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:57 PM.832] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) [5/13/2021 4:38:58 PM.218] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.004] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.074] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.254] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.382] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.413] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.450] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.788] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.790] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:38:59 PM.962] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.040] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.074] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.148] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.268] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.309] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.343] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.813] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Isaac Lindberger (A_M_Y_GENSTREET_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.814] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.816] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.967] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:00 PM.967] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:01 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:01 PM.268] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:01 PM.340] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:01 PM.609] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting AnimatedSwitchWeapon: Animation stopped. [5/13/2021 4:39:01 PM.853] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.022] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.055] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.246] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.247] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.284] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.481] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.720] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.786] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:02 PM.886] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.114] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.402] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Marco Antonio killed by Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.402] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Marco Antonio (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.403] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at Neck. Could see player: False [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.403] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.576] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.919] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:03 PM.920] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.024] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.449] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.770] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.977] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bella Staglioni (A_F_M_SOUCENT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.978] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Hit and run was invalid [5/13/2021 4:39:04 PM.979] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:05 PM.077] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:05 PM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:05 PM.512] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:06 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Billy Boys (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:06 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:06 PM.078] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:06 PM.245] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:06 PM.573] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:06 PM.574] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at LeftFoot. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:39:07 PM.183] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:07 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:07 PM.385] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:07 PM.571] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:07 PM.618] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:07 PM.912] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.153] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.155] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Billy Boys (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.156] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.157] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.350] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.391] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.510] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-1 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.782] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:08 PM.792] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-1 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:39:09 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:09 PM.061] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-1 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:39:09 PM.130] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:09 PM.232] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:09 PM.616] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:09 PM.712] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.081] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.382] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.382] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.679] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.717] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:10 PM.748] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.199] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Kiera Kies (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Chesterfield (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo killed by Ryan Burbickk [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rachele Russo (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.496] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.496] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.543] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-1 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.743] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] David Hardy (A_M_Y_STLAT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.744] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Chesterfield (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.850] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:11 PM.882] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.258] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.259] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.427] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.428] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.463] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.788] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.793] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.893] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:12 PM.925] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.196] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.296] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.299] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.763] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.795] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.828] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.829] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.830] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Joey Leone (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.831] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:13 PM.832] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:14 PM.018] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:14 PM.116] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:14 PM.332] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:14 PM.335] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:14 PM.399] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.062] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.126] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.292] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.525] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.682] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.715] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.817] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.884] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Billy Boys (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Yasmine Starkey (A_F_M_SOUCENT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.885] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:15 PM.980] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.150] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.362] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Max Dwayne (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.395] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.396] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.396] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.548] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.799] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.915] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:16 PM.916] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:17 PM.062] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:17 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:17 PM.567] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:17 PM.603] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:17 PM.954] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Heinz Goatse (S_M_M_STRVEND_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.054] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.123] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.188] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.252] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.288] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.807] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.807] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.905] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:18 PM.972] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.041] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.137] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.205] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.491] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.493] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] John Rodriges (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.530] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.707] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.863] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.931] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.991] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.992] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Coby Wilson (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:19 PM.994] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.358] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.584] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.585] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at RightThigh. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at Spine1. Could see player: False [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.746] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:20 PM.886] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.111] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.488] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.563] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.667] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.667] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.701] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.732] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:21 PM.767] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.102] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.103] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.136] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.603] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] John Irons (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.608] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.640] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:22 PM.673] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:23 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:23 PM.201] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:23 PM.350] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:23 PM.649] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:23 PM.652] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:23 PM.738] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.166] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Des Brogan (S_M_Y_COP_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.167] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Kiera Kies (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.304] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.305] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.305] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Yasmine Starkey has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] John Irons (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:24 PM.682] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:25 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:25 PM.702] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:25 PM.730] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:25 PM.850] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:25 PM.850] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:25 PM.986] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-3 [5/13/2021 4:39:26 PM.224] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:26 PM.225] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:26 PM.254] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:26 PM.353] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:26 PM.566] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:26 PM.727] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.234] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.297] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.360] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.360] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.360] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jimmy Hesher has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.762] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:27 PM.879] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.028] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.205] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.235] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.265] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.297] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.439] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.499] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.779] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.780] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.781] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox killed by Ryan Burbickk [5/13/2021 4:39:28 PM.782] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Miranda Fox (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.164] LSPD First Response: UB: ABOUT TO BE DISMISSED >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.187] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.217] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.276] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.306] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.307] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk killed by Bruce Cochello [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.307] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ryan Burbickk (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.394] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.406] LSPD First Response: UB: PARNER FULLY DISMISSED >> Partner-2 [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.488] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black killed by Elizabeth Murray [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.489] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dejay Black (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.546] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:29 PM.699] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.319] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-2 [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.319] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-1 [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.350] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.724] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.755] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:30 PM.903] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:31 PM.375] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.014] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.104] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.104] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.167] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.168] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.168] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Chloe Wilkinson has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.226] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.291] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.326] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.419] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.419] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.420] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.658] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.748] LSPD First Response: UB: BUDDY FULLY DISMISSED >> OSB-0 PAX-0 [5/13/2021 4:39:32 PM.926] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.443] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.474] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.708] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.739] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] A new world event should be started [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.739] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting world event StealCar [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.739] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Setting up world event: StealCar #2 [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.860] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.926] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.963] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward killed by John Irons [5/13/2021 4:39:33 PM.963] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Randy Ward (G_M_Y_FAMCA_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:34 PM.478] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to StealCar #2 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:34 PM.740] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:34 PM.768] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:34 PM.912] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:35 PM.009] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:35 PM.507] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos killed by Des Brogan [5/13/2021 4:39:35 PM.507] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Amora Santos (G_F_Y_VAGOS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:35 PM.775] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:36 PM.141] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:36 PM.299] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:36 PM.542] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:36 PM.635] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:37 PM.608] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:37 PM.812] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:38 PM.095] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:38 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:38 PM.606] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:39 PM.444] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:39 PM.474] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:39 PM.652] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper killed by Des Brogan [5/13/2021 4:39:39 PM.653] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adam Cooper (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:39 PM.878] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:40 PM.080] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:40 PM.110] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:40 PM.692] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: John Irons (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:41 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:41 PM.201] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with RunOverByCar at Spine3. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:39:41 PM.230] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Elizabeth Murray (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:41 PM.992] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:42 PM.275] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bruce Cochello killed by Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:39:42 PM.275] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Bruce Cochello (A_M_Y_MEXTHUG_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:42 PM.277] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with RunOverByCar at Head. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:39:42 PM.277] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [5/13/2021 4:39:42 PM.800] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] George Basil (A_M_Y_VINEWOOD_02) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:44 PM.464] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:46 PM.668] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:46 PM.735] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:47 PM.776] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:48 PM.097] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) entered combat with target: John Irons (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) [5/13/2021 4:39:48 PM.938] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:49 PM.121] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:49 PM.445] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Combat target is shooting at us, returning fire [5/13/2021 4:39:49 PM.511] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:49 PM.578] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:49 PM.685] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] John Irons (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:50 PM.043] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:50 PM.275] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:50 PM.354] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:39:50 PM.355] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:50 PM.422] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:50 PM.453] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:51 PM.226] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] James Price (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:52 PM.271] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] John Irons (G_M_M_MEXBOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:52 PM.799] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Maria Monia (MP_F_FREEMODE_01) left combat. [5/13/2021 4:39:54 PM.861] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Andrew Scapes (A_M_Y_SOUCENT_02) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:54 PM.861] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Hit and run was invalid [5/13/2021 4:39:54 PM.862] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Dillion Silverfish (A_M_Y_STLAT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:39:54 PM.935] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:39:54 PM.935] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:39:55 PM.988] LSPD First Response: Creating Street Race Event [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.161] LSPD First Response: Set HEXER license plate to 42BVH586 [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.333] LSPD First Response: Set DUKES license plate to 80MVS347 [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.539] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.581] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.626] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.670] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.713] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.743] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.812] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.844] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.878] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.911] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:56 PM.974] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:57 PM.008] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:57 PM.039] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:57 PM.070] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:57 PM.135] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:57 PM.727] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:39:58 PM.892] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:39:58 PM.892] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:39:58 PM.892] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped James Benedict has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:39:59 PM.977] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:00 PM.019] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:00 PM.292] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:00 PM.464] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:00 PM.500] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:01 PM.083] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:01 PM.533] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.627] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Freeing spawned suspect [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.840] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Dwayne Johnson [5/13/2021 4:40:03 PM.841] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [5/13/2021 4:40:06 PM.082] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:40:06 PM.236] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:40:09 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:40:09 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:40:09 PM.933] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Jesse Johnson has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:40:11 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:40:11 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:40:11 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Larson Smalls has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:40:15 PM.603] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [5/13/2021 4:40:22 PM.447] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:40:24 PM.306] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:40:32 PM.392] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:40:33 PM.390] LSPD First Response: UB: GUARDING THE SUSPECT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:40:34 PM.854] LSPD First Response: UB: MOVING TO GUARD THE SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:40:48 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Launching new encounter for Bradley Mack [5/13/2021 4:40:48 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New stage is: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle [5/13/2021 4:40:50 PM.657] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Spawned suspect vehicle [5/13/2021 4:40:55 PM.165] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] It has been 180 seconds since the last callout [5/13/2021 4:40:55 PM.166] LSPD First Response: Creating ParkedCarCrash from RegularCallouts.Callouts.ParkedCarCrash, RegularCallouts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [5/13/2021 4:40:55 PM.167] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Callout created: #2 [5/13/2021 4:40:55 PM.180] LSPD First Response: GetAudioFileForAction: No file found for: STREET_甯冪綏濂囧ぇ琛? [5/13/2021 4:40:55 PM.181] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-甯冪綏濂囧ぇ琛? [5/13/2021 4:41:02 PM.159] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:03 PM.404] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:03 PM.743] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Heinz Goatse (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:04 PM.041] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:04 PM.072] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:04 PM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Heinz Goatse (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:04 PM.680] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:05 PM.541] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:06 PM.025] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:06 PM.307] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Heinz Goatse (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:06 PM.998] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:07 PM.228] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:07 PM.415] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:07 PM.477] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:07 PM.881] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Heinz Goatse (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:07 PM.979] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:08 PM.087] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [5/13/2021 4:41:08 PM.089] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] User accepted callout [5/13/2021 4:41:16 PM.749] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-缃椾紛娲涙枃鏂潶澶ч亾 [5/13/2021 4:41:16 PM.749] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:41:16 PM.749] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:41:16 PM.842] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:41:17 PM.410] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created lapdfpiu1 at X:397.9862 Y:-1735.606 Z:29.78875 [5/13/2021 4:41:17 PM.410] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: lapdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:41:26 PM.778] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:41:26 PM.803] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-缃椾紛娲涙枃鏂潶澶ч亾 [5/13/2021 4:41:26 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [5/13/2021 4:41:26 PM.803] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:41:26 PM.900] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading SHERIFF [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.273] LSPD First Response: UB: BACKUP IS MOVING TO STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.301] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created sheriff at X:222.385 Y:-1903.192 Z:25.84591 [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.335] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.336] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.338] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Charles Miller (S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.376] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: CityPolice () [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.379] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Brad Sims (S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:41:27 PM.411] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: sheriff [5/13/2021 4:41:30 PM.492] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:41:33 PM.046] LSPD First Response: UB: IN STANDBY POSITION >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:41:43 PM.977] LSPD First Response: STP: POLICE TRANSPORT IS FULLY DISMISSED [5/13/2021 4:41:45 PM.882] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:41:46 PM.020] LSPD First Response: UB: FIGHTING COMBAT SUSPECT >> Partner-1 [5/13/2021 4:41:46 PM.662] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:41:46 PM.797] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:41:47 PM.092] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:41:47 PM.223] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:47 PM.626] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:41:47 PM.961] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:48 PM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:49 PM.718] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:50 PM.040] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Coby Wilson (A_M_M_OG_BOSS_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:50 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:50 PM.253] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:41:50 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:50 PM.377] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:51 PM.061] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:51 PM.276] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:51 PM.937] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:52 PM.068] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:52 PM.250] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:52 PM.554] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:52 PM.625] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:52 PM.627] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:52 PM.804] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:53 PM.232] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:53 PM.359] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:53 PM.520] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:53 PM.695] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:55 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:55 PM.370] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:56 PM.296] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:58 PM.344] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:41:58 PM.873] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:59 PM.461] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:59 PM.690] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:41:59 PM.809] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:00 PM.599] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:00 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:01 PM.919] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-缃椾紛娲涙枃鏂潶澶ч亾 [5/13/2021 4:42:01 PM.919] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdfpiu2 [5/13/2021 4:42:01 PM.919] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:42:02 PM.042] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading lapdfpiu2 [5/13/2021 4:42:02 PM.695] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created lapdfpiu2 at X:402.2752 Y:-1689.74 Z:29.81853 [5/13/2021 4:42:02 PM.695] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: lapdfpiu2 [5/13/2021 4:42:02 PM.696] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:03 PM.182] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:03 PM.215] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong killed by Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:42:03 PM.215] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Louis Armstrong (G_M_Y_FAMFOR_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:03 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at SpineRoot. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:03 PM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player is close, starting pursuit [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created new chase [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to ChaseHost #2 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect added to chase [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.485] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Starting chase [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.485] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ChaseHost #2 initialized [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.550] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player now monitoring Bradley Mack [5/13/2021 4:42:04 PM.767] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Found new close chase [5/13/2021 4:42:05 PM.586] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invoking PedGainedVisual [5/13/2021 4:42:05 PM.811] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Joining closest chase [5/13/2021 4:42:05 PM.815] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Pursuit menu was reset. [5/13/2021 4:42:06 PM.603] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokePedRegainedVisualOfSuspectEvent [5/13/2021 4:42:06 PM.603] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual regained event fired [5/13/2021 4:42:07 PM.226] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:42:07 PM.609] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost event fired [5/13/2021 4:42:07 PM.977] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:42:13 PM.296] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:16 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:42:16 PM.552] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:42:18 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading vcsdtahoe1 [5/13/2021 4:42:18 PM.913] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created vcsdtahoe1 at X:351.3006 Y:-1556.711 Z:29.24393 [5/13/2021 4:42:18 PM.914] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientStationSpawn: Added vcsdtahoe1 at 戴维斯警局 [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.523] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.524] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_m_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.525] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Chris Douglas (S_M_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.526] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.717] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading S_F_Y_SHERIFF_01 [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.718] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] New ped created s_f_y_sheriff_01 (PedType: 6), Agency: Custom () [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.719] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Rose Hammer (S_F_Y_SHERIFF_01) was set as a cop [5/13/2021 4:42:19 PM.719] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Assigned ped to PoliceStation #6 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:42:20 PM.131] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:20 PM.131] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:21 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from AmbientBehaviorShotsFired #1 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:42:21 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting FleeScene: Ped released [5/13/2021 4:42:21 PM.047] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Duncan Winn has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:42:22 PM.236] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:22 PM.334] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:22 PM.883] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:23 PM.053] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:23 PM.414] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jay Daddy (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:23 PM.415] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at RightForearm. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:23 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jay Daddy (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:23 PM.944] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at RightClavicle. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:24 PM.448] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:25 PM.484] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jay Daddy (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:25 PM.485] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at LeftThigh. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:25 PM.584] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:25 PM.684] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:25 PM.990] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:27 PM.965] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:28 PM.954] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:28 PM.983] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:29 PM.188] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:29 PM.352] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:29 PM.700] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:30 PM.045] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:30 PM.156] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:30 PM.293] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:30 PM.388] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:30 PM.640] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:31 PM.674] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Joffrey Baratheon (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:31 PM.675] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with RunOverByCar at LeftThigh. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:31 PM.739] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.073] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.107] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.271] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.306] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.733] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:32 PM.869] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:33 PM.195] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:33 PM.229] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:33 PM.270] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:33 PM.773] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jay Daddy (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:33 PM.774] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with RunOverByCar at LeftThigh. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:34 PM.801] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Visual lost longer [5/13/2021 4:42:35 PM.914] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:36 PM.331] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Extended route by 20 [5/13/2021 4:42:37 PM.032] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:37 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jacob Paul killed by Luis Roldaz [5/13/2021 4:42:37 PM.378] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Jacob Paul (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:37 PM.379] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at Head. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:37 PM.379] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Damage killed ped [5/13/2021 4:42:37 PM.908] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:38 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:38 PM.559] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:38 PM.940] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:39 PM.465] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:39 PM.978] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:40 PM.497] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:40 PM.941] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Joffrey Baratheon (G_M_Y_BALLASOUT_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:40 PM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped damaged by player with Pistol at Spine3. Could see player: True [5/13/2021 4:42:41 PM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:41 PM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:42 PM.506] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:42 PM.948] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:43 PM.012] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:43 PM.076] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:43 PM.304] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:43 PM.335] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed civilian to shoot [5/13/2021 4:42:43 PM.577] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.087] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting CopChaseVisualCheck: Cop dead [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.087] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Luis Roldaz (MP_M_FREEMODE_01) was damaged. [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.187] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ShutdownRunningComponentsAfterPlayerDeath [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.189] LSPD First Response: EndCurrentCallout: Finishing... [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Cleaning UI [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.191] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from #2 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.192] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned ( #2) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.193] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting EvadeCops: Freeing suspect [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.193] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Aborting EvadeCopsInVehicle: Aborting main task [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] TaskEvadeCopsAdvInVehicle::OnAbort [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost #2: Suspect left chase [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from ChaseHost #2 (GameplayMandatory) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ChaseHost: Lost control over Bradley Mack [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.194] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Suspect freed [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.196] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ending chase [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Asked thread ChaseHost #2 to abort: Chase has ended [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from ChaseHost #2 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (ChaseHost #2) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB is ending already [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.GsUSkBatteECnKRrMwNQWzAEYFkr() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at vjuOepwJwJFQZQKNJjLuVHOeRCZF.JcdQFDqHlPFDjlvVCbEHkvjCZhGEA() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.GsUSkBatteECnKRrMwNQWzAEYFkr() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at TtgKeUpYQSVjfhMvomIAaYqrdose.pFKXalYMEPZKrjpcmXazZwkuubUu(String ) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at vjuOepwJwJFQZQKNJjLuVHOeRCZF.VZShGWxCDoSoYzMWDVVpxKhcrIpu(RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB ) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at System.Action`1.Invoke(T obj) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB.JcdQFDqHlPFDjlvVCbEHkvjCZhGEA() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at LSPD_First_Response.Engine.BaseComponent.GsUSkBatteECnKRrMwNQWzAEYFkr() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at RzWEhBhkmNBttgtpangbaowpagrcB.fCXdlegRcCsOrhoDKyUDgLadjHwDA(Boolean ) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at qTwsXdknHjjQmFlBamyhxdZiVkbW.EOXQBilOybbAfUyyCAgPfIEmFoQw() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at qTwsXdknHjjQmFlBamyhxdZiVkbW.aWyduPbhZgrkTBGsPGNmVRiattyf() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at qTwsXdknHjjQmFlBamyhxdZiVkbW.syHLdcumyNcVpzikGzGbIPpHIIvEA() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at TtgKeUpYQSVjfhMvomIAaYqrdose.RsTEWkiRiEJEtmsfUJgYCxuxsCVWA() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at Rage.GameFiber.Main() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Pursuit has ended, finishing stage [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] InvokeFinished: Stage CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] StageOnFinished [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle finished [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CurrentStage_Finished: CrimeStageEncounterInVehicle was final stage [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing crime Cold cases [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finishing all logic for Bradley Mack [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Crime finished [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from Chase #2 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.198] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (Chase #2) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.199] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Fake-Thread ChaseHost #2 has been shut down [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Bradley Mack has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Scenario ScenarioChaseSuspectLost #1 asked to abort: Suspect ceased to exist [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from ScenarioChaseSuspectLost #1 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (ScenarioChaseSuspectLost #1) [5/13/2021 4:42:44 PM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Scenario ScenarioChaseSuspectLost #1 aborted [5/13/2021 4:42:46 PM.534] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Allowed non-ambient ped to shoot due to flag [5/13/2021 4:42:54 PM.031] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #2 reports that it can be freed [5/13/2021 4:42:54 PM.031] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Removing ped from StealCar #2 (Ambient) [5/13/2021 4:42:54 PM.031] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Released 0 entities from StealCar #2 Content Manager [5/13/2021 4:42:54 PM.031] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Instance cleaned (StealCar #2) [5/13/2021 4:42:54 PM.031] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] World event StealCar #2 has ended [5/13/2021 4:42:54 PM.054] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Ped Kellicia Diaz has become idle again [5/13/2021 4:42:55 PM.059] LSPD First Response: Added ambient event fibers to cleanup [5/13/2021 4:42:55 PM.415] LSPD First Response: LSPDFRCN:道路判断-鏂崜璐濆埄澶ц [5/13/2021 4:42:55 PM.416] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading bhpdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:42:55 PM.416] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading MP_M_FREEMODE_01 [5/13/2021 4:42:55 PM.589] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Preloading bhpdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:42:56 PM.434] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Created bhpdfpiu1 at X:31.64901 Y:-1555.171 Z:29.85963 [5/13/2021 4:42:56 PM.434] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] AmbientSpawn - spawned: bhpdfpiu1 [5/13/2021 4:42:56 PM.488] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-0 [5/13/2021 4:42:56 PM.524] LSPD First Response: UB: FINISHED COMBAT >> Partner-1