3/11/2021 5:18:44 PM.715] LSPD First Response: UB: ATTENTION!!! RPH cannot spawn any vehicles or peds. Please make sure your model is valid
[3/11/2021 5:18:44 PM.715] LSPD First Response: UB: If this only happens on certain areas, It might be caused by 'Bermuda Triangle' bug. Try to reinstall GTA V to fix the issue.
[3/11/2021 5:18:44 PM.715] LSPD First Response: UB All Police Buddy are failed to be spawned during preparation
3/11/2021 5:18:44 PM.715] LSPD First Response: UB: ATTENTION!!! RPH cannot spawn any vehicles or peds. Please make sure your model is valid
[3/11/2021 5:18:44 PM.715] LSPD First Response: UB: If this only happens on certain areas, It might be caused by 'Bermuda Triangle' bug. Try to reinstall GTA V to fix the issue.
[3/11/2021 5:18:44 PM.715] LSPD First Response: UB All Police Buddy are failed to be spawned during preparation