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  1. 版本 1.0.0


    安装NT修改器后刷车方法; F5调出菜单 载具-DLC车包-圣安地列斯州警察(阿肯色州风格) 车包内车型: 2011福特 维多利亚皇冠 2014道奇 充电器 2018道奇 充电器 2018道奇 杜兰戈 2018福特 金牛座 2018雪佛兰 太浩 2020福特 探险者
  2. 版本 2.0


    路径见文件内 以下内容为翻译软件直译!本人部分修改明显错误 您是否想要成为一名光荣且优秀的警察?那么黄金海岸公共安全可能是你的工作!曾经只在布莱恩县和帕莱托湾看到,汽车盗窃,猥亵曝光和公众对无家可归者的仇恨的增加使GCPS现在能够在整个洛斯桑托斯县巡逻大量私人财产。想冒着生命危险保护戴维斯已倒闭的带状购物中心吗?现在你可以了! 要求: SSLA V2:https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/sirensetting-limit-adjuster 游戏配置:https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/gta-5-gameconfig-300-cars 如果没有这些,您可能会遇到游戏崩溃或故障。 推荐/可选: 动态照明系统:https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/scripts/29261-dynamic-lighting-system/ 这个模组是一个传说友好的车辆包,旨在准确代表阿纳海姆和洛杉矶县地区的南海岸公共安全 ------------------------------------------------------------- 所包含战车的生成代码如下: gcstanier - 炸弹探测 K-9 斯坦尼尔 gcstanier2 - 巡逻斯坦尼尔 gcscoutII - 主管侦察兵II ------------------------------------------------------------- 两个斯坦尼尔都包括上下变体的聚光灯,所有车辆的独特舞台照明,以及工作交通顾问和场景照明。(工作舞台灯光、交通顾问和场景光照需要 DLS。下载中包含配置和说明)。YMAP 中标志位置的地图在此模组页面的最后一个屏幕截图上。注意:SCOUT 使用 20 个以上的警报器,需要 SSLA V2 ------------------------------------------------------------- 细节: 车辆 斯坦尼尔: R星游戏 - 基本瓦皮德斯坦尼尔模型 雅各布马特 - 模型改进,修复,编译,09-11钢轮辋 实际上有毒 - 模型改进,可绘制的内部,映射,自定义选项编译,轮辋编辑,反向灯光编辑 安德伍德军官 - 98-08 SAP 风格门饰板 Vx5 电压 - 可绘制的内部纹理 11约翰11 - 旧中锋盖,09-11轮毂盖 克里兹比 - 错误测试 杜蒂斯 - 错误测试 侦察兵二:R星游戏 - 模型零件和纹理 实际上有毒 - 尺寸校正,前端和后端编辑,LOD,后Nacho模型修复,后Maate改进 11约翰11 - 门锁和后窗雨刷器 艾伦肯尼迪 - 福特拦截器式轮辋 Nacho - 增加多边形数量,改善多边形流量,法线修复,错误修复 雅各布马特 - 破折号改造、外观改进、新模板、后纳乔模型修复 ------------------------------------------------------------- 设备/等 中控台,交通顾问控制器,收音机,聚光灯,推杆,镜子LED模块,圆顶灯,Lorified Liberty I和II灯条,Kabel分区,警报器盒,带支架的木马MDT,侦察兵II行车记录仪,Meinmacht警报器控制器,交通管理器TA 杜蒂斯:侦察控制台中的安全带 11约翰11:天线,MDT 雅各布马特:行车记录仪、K-9 装备、荣耀的勇气 Argg:涂装,2D资产,标志,EUP,MDT屏幕,镜子公园调度办公室 Rockwl:车辆组装,DLS配置,DLC包组装,Carcols,自定义Ymap,屏幕截图 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原文如下: Gold Coast Public Safety [Add-On | DLS] 2.0 Do you want all the prestige and equipment of an LEO, with a quarter of the powers, and ten times the amount of paperwork if you discharge your firearm? Then Gold Coast Public Safety may be the job for you! Once only seen in Blaine County and Paleto Bay, an uptick in car thefts, indecent exposures and public hate for the homeless has enabled GCPS to now patrol a plethora of private properties all throughout Los Santos County. Want to risk your life protecting defunct strip malls in Davis? Now you can! Want to be bored out of your mind running code to 20+ properties across the city just to shine a spotlight down an empty alley? Now you can! With a ten-year old fleet of retired Del Perro Police cruisers fitted with last year’s top of the line equipment; you can almost call yourself a fully-fledged police officer! (Until the real cops show up to charge you for putting a homeless woman in handcuffs) So sign up today, spend your life savings on ridiculously excessive gear you’ll never use, and ride around in style until the 200,000 miles on your Stanier finally catches up with it! Requirements: SSLA V2: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/sirensetting-limit-adjuster Gameconfig: https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/gta-5-gameconfig-300-cars Without these you may experience game crashes or glitched lights. Recommended/Optional: Dynamic Lighting System: https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/scripts/29261-dynamic-lighting-system/ This mod is a lore-friendly vehicle pack aimed to be an accurate representation of South Coast Public Safety in the Anaheim and Los Angeles County Area ------------------------------------------------------------- The spawn codes for the included vehicles are as follows: gcstanier - Bomb Detection K-9 Stanier gcstanier2 - Patrol Stanier gcscoutII - Supervisor Scout II ------------------------------------------------------------- Both staniers include spotlights in the up and down variant, unique stage lighting for all vehicles, along with working traffic advisor and scene lighting. (Requires DLS for working stage lighting, traffic advisor, and scene lighting. Configs along with instructions are included in download). Map of the sign placements in the YMAP are on the last screenshot of this mod-page. NOTE: SCOUT USES MORE THAN 20 SIRENS, SSLA V2 IS REQUIRED ------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: VEHICLES Stanier: Rockstar Games - Base Vapid Stanier models Jacobmaate - Model improvements, fixes, compilation, 09-11 steel rims actuallyTOXIC - Model improvements, paintable interior, mapping, customization option compilation, rim edits, Reverse lights edits OfficerUnderwood - 98-08 SAP style door trim Vx5 Voltage - Paintable interior textures 11john11 - old center caps, 09-11 hubcaps Crizby - Bug testing Doutis - Bug testing Scout II: Rockstar Games - Model parts and textures actuallyTOXIC - Size correction, front and rear end edits, LODs, post-Nacho model fixes, post-Maate improvements 11john11 - Door locks and rear window wiper AllenKennedy - Ford Interceptor-style rims Nacho - Increasing poly count, improving poly flow, normals fixes, bug fixes Jacobmaate - Dash remodel, exterior improvements, new template, post-Nacho model fixes ------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT/ETC ActuallyToxic: Center Console, Traffic advisor controller, Radio, Spotlights, Pushbar, Mirror LED modules, Dome light, Lorified Liberty I and II lightbars, Kabel Partition, Siren box, Trojan MDT w/ Stand, Scout II Dashcam, Meinmacht siren controller, Trafficmanager TA Doutis: Seatbelts in scout console 11john11: Antennas, MDT Jacobmaate: Dashcam, K-9 Equipment, Lorified Valor Argg: Liveries, 2D Assets, Signs, EUP, MDT screens, Mirror Park Dispatch Office Rockwl: Vehicle Assembly, DLS Configs, DLC Pack Assembly, Carcols, Custom Ymap, Screenshots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 免责声明 本人仅负责文件的转载于搬运,无法解决任何模型,贴图等问题 请在安装前备份好游戏源文件,以免造成不必要的损失 本人及网站不为任何本文件造成的损失负责
  3. 版本 1.0.0


    执法梅赛德斯 2023 S 级 特征: 非ELS 五米就绪 逼真的处理 拖放 油漆1:主体 油漆 2:不适用 油漆4:轮辋 油漆6:内饰 油漆 7:室内环境(必须打开霓虹灯套件) 仅限R&B(可以在不和谐中更改为B&B) 玻璃灯,在打开之前看不到
  4. 版本 1.0.0


    极品飞车热追2010重制版 - 交警包 ## 游戏内功能: - 仅高品质外观。 - 车灯正在工作 - 双手放在方向盘上。 - 车辆 [LODS]: L0, L1 - 车辆完全支撑损坏部件 - 易碎眼镜 - 定制处理 - ELS 灯 ## 在安装此模组之前,您需要先下载这些模组: - ## 脚本钩V: - http://www.dev-c.com/gtav/scripthookv/ - ## 教练V: - https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/simple-trainer-for-gtav - ## 堆限制调节器: - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/heap-limit-adjuster-600-mb-of-heap - ## 打包文件限制调整器: - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/packfile-limit-adjuster - https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/scripts/13865-emergency-lighting-system/ ## 要在故事模组中安装模组: 1. 打开“OpenIV” 2. 选择侠盗猎车手V 3. 然后转到“update.rpf”按“在”mods“文件夹中显示”在mods文件夹中复制。 4. 然后转到模组>更新x64>dlcpacks 5. 将文件粘贴到此路径 6. .然后转到更新>update.rpf >常见>数据>向下滚动并打开“DLClist.xml”并粘贴这些行 - <Item>dlcpacks:/06chgrpol/</Item> <Item>dlcpacks:/08crownscpd/</Item> - <Item>dlcpacks:/08evopol/</Item> <Item>dlcpacks:/08stipol/</Item> - <Item>dlcpacks:/09rx8scpd/</Item> <Item>dlcpacks:/10taurpol/</Item> - <Item>dlcpacks:/82turboscpd/</Item> <Item>dlcpacks:/09370zpol/</Item> ###### <项目>dlcpacks:/08cayenpol/</项目> 1. 保存并关闭。 2. 打开游戏并使用“TrainerV”生成它。 3. 转到“侠盗猎车手V\ELS\pack_default”并粘贴位于mod文件夹中的ELS配置。 4. 享受并玩得开心!???? # 使用的额外模组: ## NVE: - https://www.patreon.com/razedmods ## 游戏源代码重新着色: - https://www.patreon.com/gamesource999/ ## RTGI 重新着色: - https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg/
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